Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction in the Qing Dynasty

Wang Qingren, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, said: “The ancients who made the formula work must be the one who treats the disease by himself and has been tested repeatedly.”

He created the Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, which he and later generations of physicians have repeatedly tried and tested, and is a good remedy for many diseases.

About the saying about the “Blood House”, the “Nei Jing” has long recorded: “The husband’s pulse is the house of blood.” The blood house is the pulse. Vessels are the conduits through which blood runs, referred to as blood vessels. Blood circulates throughout the body in the pulse, so the pulse is called “the house of blood”. Blood stasis removal is to remove stagnation in the blood, so that the pulse runs smoothly.

However, the Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction created by Wang Qingren is aimed at the “blood house in the chest”. Chinese medicine believes that the heart and lungs are located in the chest, and the liver is located in the chest. The heart runs blood and the liver stores blood, and the lungs flow to the hundreds of veins. The dysfunction of the lung, heart and liver can easily lead to blood flow lesions, or symptoms of qi stagnation and blood stasis (such as: uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, breast Gynecological problems such as hyperplasia).

shows as:

Blood stasis in the chest, stagnation of qi and stagnation of Qingyang, resulting in chest pain and headache that persist for a long time. The pain is like acupuncture and has a fixed location.

The blood stasis in the chest affects the stomach, and the stomach qi goes up, so hiccups and retching, and even choking when water enters. If the stasis is prolonged and the heat is resolved, the internal heat will cause dizziness, fainting, and hot flashes at night. Blood stasis and heat disturb the heart, palpitations, insomnia and dreams. Depressed for a long time, the liver loses its regulation, so it is irritable and irritable.

In addition, dark lips or eyes, dark red tongue, or tongue with ecchymosis, petechiae, astringent or tight pulse, All are signs of blood stasis.

Ms. Zhang, 37 years old, but It has been 4 years since the ovarian cyst was discovered. Because I didn’t pay attention to it in the early stage, I used Guizhi Fuling Pills before, but the effect was not great. I felt obvious symptoms for a period of time. I went to check and found that the ovarian cyst was already 7cm, because I was afraid The surgery came to the outpatient clinic to find me for TCM conditioning.

After differentiating for her, she belongs to liver stagnation and qi stagnation, spleen and kidney yang deficiency type constitution, and found that the tongue is dark, White and greasy fur, tooth marks, red tongue, long-term emotional disturbance leads to liver stagnation and fire, restrains the function of the spleen, resulting in spleen deficiency and dampness, in addition to irritability, constipation, and stool sticking to the toilet.

I saw her prescription: Rhubarb, Tuyuan, Zhe Fritillaria, Scrophularia, Oyster, Sanleng, Curcuma, Saponin, Chuanxiong, Turtle, Angelica, Red Peony, Dan Bark, Cinnamon, Poria, Bupleurum, Turmeric

Re-examination after taking medicine for a period of time, the ovarian cyst has shrunk from 6cm to 2.8cm, and the swelling of the lower abdomen and irregular menstruation have also been relieved. At present, the syndrome has been adjusted for it, and the later adjustment effect will be better and better. !

Combined with the “Inner Canon”, the blood runs in the veins, through the internal organs, limbs and bones, including Spreading this point in the chest, Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, promote Qi and relieve pain, not only can cure blood stasis in the chest and blood flow is not smooth, but also can cure all the syndromes of Qi stagnation and blood stasis.

Then What is the cause of stagnation?

Qi is a flowing state, cold can cause qi stagnation, and injury can cause qi Qi stagnation and even surgery can lead to qi stagnation, but especially liver stagnation and qi stagnation. Liver is wood, and liver wood is like a tree, producing oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, which has the effect of regulating the qi machine. If the liver is stagnant, the mood is not good, and the qi machine cannot operate normally, which will easily affect the flow of blood flow. Form qi stagnation and blood stasis. So for these problems caused by blood stasis, the most important thing is to relieve stagnation and remove blood stasis, and the disease will be solved naturally.