Women are infected with HPV, or it is related to the use of paper towels that are not hygienic all the year round, it is recommended to understand

Not long ago, there was a news report that was quite surprising. A student with HPV has no boyfriend, let alone sex. On weekdays, she doesn’t go out very much, so she doesn’t have close contact with HPV patients. So, why get infected with HPV virus? The culprit turned out to be the paper towels that it used so often.

It is understood that the tissues used by the girl were purchased online. Generally, when purchasing paper towels, the quality of paper towels is not considered. Usually when I see the cheapest ones, I will put a lot of them in the bedroom. But I don’t know, because I don’t pay attention to whether the hygiene of toilet paper is up to standard, whether there are relevant quality inspections and other reasons that lead me to contract such viruses.

And these substandard and low-quality paper towels will cause great harm to women’s health, which also That’s why she got HPV. Therefore, female friends must pay attention to these small details, and do not cause yourself to be infected with HPV due to temporary negligence. So, how much do you know about the HPV virus?

I. What is HPV? What are its dangers?

Most people shudder at the mention of HPV. HPV, short for Human Papillomavirus, is spread primarily through sexual activity. This is a DNA virus, which contains more than 200 different viruses, which can cause the proliferation of mucous membranes and squamous epithelium in the human skin.

In life, many people think that this virus only occurs in women, but this is not the case. Both men and women can get HPV, although women are more likely to get it. According to big data, patients infected with HPV have an increased risk of cervical cancer. Cervical disease is one of the most common and deadly diseases for women, and it is very harmful.

Second, in life, which women are most susceptible to HPV infection?

1. Immunocompromised women

< strong>When women have sex, they need to pay attention to their own health problems at all times. Because most of the HPV virus is caused by sexual life, sexual life is very easy to cause the virus and other bacteria to infect women’s bodies. If women with better physical fitness, perhaps these viruses can be eliminated in a short period of time, so that serious diseases will not occur.

But if a woman’s own body’s immunity is relatively weak, the virus will remain in the body for a long time. Breed in large numbers. The HPV virus has a very strong viability, and the body’s immune system is weak, these viruses will always survive in the body and are not easy to be killed.

2. Women with premature sex

Especially at a young age, when the body is still immature in adolescence, people who have already had sex are most likely to be infected with HPV. Precocious puberty can result from premature sex. Premature sex can lead to varying degrees of damage to the cervical epithelium. Having sex multiple times during the period will lead to persistent HPV infection, which will increase the risk of cervical cancer.

Therefore, if women who have sexual life before their bodies are fully developed, go to the hospital as soon as possible for regular HPV testing. Once you find out that you are infected with this virus, you should get timely treatment to prevent the possibility of cervical cancer.

3, Women with more sexual partners

As society becomes more open, most people are less concerned about sex Avoid it.Many people even interact with multiple sexual partners, or often have one-night stands with others. If you have too many sexual partners, you will also be infected with these viruses. Especially in the process of sexual intercourse without taking protective measures, it is more likely to lead to the occurrence of the HPV virus, which will lead to serious diseases such as cervical cancer over time.

Therefore, women who have too many sexual partners in their lives must pay attention to it, and it is recommended to go to the hospital for a cervical cancer screening.After all, relatively frequent sexual intercourse will increase high risk of developing such diseases.

4. Sexual partners are too long foreskin

There are many causes of HPV infection, including an overly long foreskin in men.This is due to an overly long foreskin in men, It will cause secretions and smegma to be unable to be discharged, thereby reducing the defense ability of the foreskin mucosa epithelial cells, which is conducive to the direct invasion and growth and reproduction of HPV.

Over time, the number of local HPV latent will increase rapidly.< /span>HPV grows rapidly at the coronal sulcus of the glans penis in men, and does not suppress such symptoms for a long time. Men develop symptoms of inflammation, which are then transmitted to women through sex.

Third, if you have these symptoms, you need to pay attention!

1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding

when women are infected with HPV. If the patient fails to receive reasonable treatment and timely intervention, the HPV virus may progress to the risk of cervicitis and cervical cancer. Some women experience irregular vaginal bleeding when they are infected with HPV, accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Women infected with HPV will cause cervical erosion, especially in high-risk HPV-positive patients, and may also lead to cervical epithelial tumors change phenomenon. Uncontrolled for a long time, it will progress to malignant tumor. So, women can experience irregular bleeding when infected with HPV!

If HPV does not turn negative for a long time, it is very likely to cause cervical cancer. If you have any physical symptoms, you should pay attention. Getting to the hospital early for effective treatment can prevent the virus from turning into lung cancer.

2. Abnormal leucorrhea

< span> Abnormal leucorrhea mainly refers to abnormal increase in vaginal secretions, abnormal color of leucorrhea, and a foul odor. Among them, patients with high-risk HPV virus infection are very likely to have abnormal leucorrhea, which is also the most common cause.

If the leucorrhea looks like bean curd residue, the leucorrhea smells, the leucorrhea increases, and the leucorrhea color is abnormal, it may be a high-risk HPV infection. Caused by abnormal leucorrhea. When it is generally serious, through the naked eye observation, you can even directly see the phenomenon of bloodshot in the leucorrhea.

3, skin eczema

In the early stage of low-risk HPV infection, warts formed by HPV virus can be seen on the skin surface , and some even have warts in this part of the genitals. In gynecology, the two most common types of infection are HPV6 and HPV11.

However, female genital warts are often caused by these two viruses. The main feature of skin warts is the genital or cervical area, which can be seen with the naked eye as a gray-white cauliflower-like growth.

4. Urinary system abnormalities

But after the body is infected with HPV virus, once the virus becomes diseased. In addition to causing cervical cancer, it can also cause abnormalities in the body’s urinary system. Phenomena like this are medically known as invasive metastasis. To put it simply, HPV causes abnormalities in the female urinary system through the transfer of HPV. With the possibility of frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, and difficulty urinating, it will seriously affect the kidney health of women.

4. How to effectively prevent women from contracting HPV?

1. Supplement nutrition to improve immunity

HPV is a relatively harmful virus, especially persistent infection of high-risk HPV viruses, which can lead to cervical cancer to a large extent. In order to “deal with” the dreaded HPV virus, there is currently no drug that can directly remove it. The most useful and easiest way is to fight the virus by improving your own immunity.

Only when the body’s immunity and resistance are improved can it effectively resist the disturbance of various viruses. So, in order to improve their immunity, female friends can eat more nutritious foods at ordinary times, which is of great help to improve the body’s immunity.

To prevent HPV, female friends can choose some nutritious proteins, vitamins, etc. to supplement the body. If vitamins are the main ingredient, the Agaricus blazei malt and selenium tablet, which is common in daily life, is a better choice. Because this vitamin is rich in fungi polysaccharides, malt selenium, protein selenium, carotene and other nutrients, these nutrients directly act on the human immune system.

It can improve the activity of T cells, lymphocytes, phagocytes and other immune cells in the body, so as to achieve rapid improvement of self-immunity Effect. This vitamin is also recommended by doctors. It can often be used to assist in regulating HPV negative conversion, and can also play a role in preventing cervical disease.

2. Put your mind at ease

Whether it is a patient who has been infected with HPV or a friend who wants to prevent HPV, the first thing to do is to put your mind at ease. Mentality plays a vital role in our physical health, and having a good mentality is the premise of doing everything well.

Most women always panic when they are infected with HPV, and they are always in a state of worry and even lethargy. However, this is very bad, not only is it not good for the body, but also aggravates the development of the disease.

Everyone should know that there are many dangers after getting HPV. So, be sure to keep a good mood and actively cooperate with your doctor for treatment. The body will definitely get better through proper conditioning, which will help the complete removal and prevention of HPV.

3, Strengthening exercise

Most women infected with HPV are caused by their own poor immunity. The reasons for the poor immunity of the body are as follows: A lot of them, one of the reasons I believe most of them are female friends.That is, I don’t like to exercise, I often like to sit for a long time, and in short, I can’t move my legs.

However, this habit will cause the body’s immunity to decline, and the physical quality will be very poor. Therefore, in order to better prevent HPV, First of all, we have to improve our immunity. These kinds of sports will greatly help our body’s immunity.Exercise such as swimming, tai chi, jogging and other exercises are very suitable.< /span>

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4. Don’t sit for a long time

Long-term sedentary habits are very bad. This habit will not only accumulate fat in the body, but also lead to obesity.This will lead to immunity The low phenomenon increases the chance of contracting the HPV virus. Those female friends who like to sit for a long time must correct this habit. On weekdays, it is necessary to carry out some moderate exercise, which can speed up the body’s lipid metabolism and promote Hormone secretion to achieve the effect of improving immunity.

The most popular sport for women right now is yoga. Not only is the action simple, but it can also enhance your own immunity. The exercise of yoga can reduce the tearing of the abdomen and protect the cervix of women. This exercise is a good choice for women.

Concluding remarks:

There are many women The biggest culprit in cervical cancer is HPV infection. So, ladies, remember. To have a healthy body, you must start by preventing HPV patellar band infection. Most women seldom pay attention to this aspect in their lives. They only know that they are suffering from HPV when their body is abnormal, and finally they miss the best period.

In order to prevent such a phenomenon, female friends have to start paying attention. Learn more about HPV prevention and keep an eye on your physical condition. And preventing HPV is not difficult, starting with the little things in life.

If you develop good eating habits, good living habits, adequate nutrition, regular exercise, etc., you can effectively prevent HPV virus infection . For patients infected with HPV, it can also play a role in preventing the spread of the disease. I believe that everyone has a deep understanding of the HPV virus. Finally, I hope everyone can pay attention to their health. I wish you all a healthy body!