Will there be signs before the old man dies? If these 6 abnormalities appear, it may indicate that the period of the big death is not far away

Life is a one-way train, you can only go forward, there is no turning back. Everyone will come to the end of life, it’s just a different time. Some people may die early due to accidents or diseases, but most people will go through the whole process of life and die normally.

The normal death of people has a process of development and change. Generally, the characteristics of death are judged on the basis of cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest. In fact, at the moment of death, not all cells in our body stop functioning.

When the heart stops for a few seconds, the body will keep the blood circulation, and it will stop when the oxygen in the body is exhausted. Neurons in the brain also stop functioning due to lack of oxygen, hormones then stop secreting, muscles become slack, and urine and feces may flow out of control.

When a person stops breathing for 10 to 20 minutes, the blood stops flowing, the skin of the body begins to become pale, and the body gradually becomes stiff. After six hours, body cells do not officially die, and then various decaying bacteria slowly erode and decompose the remains.

This is mostly the manifestation of death in the microscopic world. Can we perceive the signs of death in advance with the naked eye, and cherish the last time we spend together?

If these 6 anomalies appear before the death of the old man, it may indicate that the era is not far away

1. Nonsense Whispering

When the elderly are dying, because the brain cells begin to wither, the consciousness will be confused, and some people may even experience hallucinations, cognitive decline, loss of language ability, and incoherent speech. , nonsense, there is no way to express a complete language, the language lacks logic.

2, lethargic

Some elderly people become very lethargic before dying, all day long They are all sleeping, seldom communicate with people, sleep groggy every day, and sometimes talk nonsense or stretch out their hands in their sleep. At this time, if you hold the old man’s hand, he will calm down.

This is caused by the failure of a large number of internal organs in the elderly and the lack of oxygen in the brain. If it is found that the elderly sleep for a long time and wake up for a short time, it means that the elderly may be leaving soon.

3. Cold hands and feet

When the elderly are about to leave, hands and feet usually become cold , especially the legs become cold and hard first. This is because when life is about to end, blood flow is slow, organ function declines, heartbeat becomes weaker, the body produces less heat, and hands and feet are at the end, without blood supply, and it becomes cold.

4. Don’t eat, only drink water

Many elderly people will lose their appetite when they are about to leave, and they will also lose their appetite when facing the food they used to eat. I can’t eat any more, even if it’s a liquid food like rice cereal, I can’t swallow it. I only drink water. This situation usually lasts for two to three days. If it is a fatter elderly person, it may last longer, but when the storage in the body When the energy of the old man is exhausted, the old man is about to leave.

5. Incontinence

Usually the elderly will defecate once before dying, press It used to be said that the old man would empty his stomach and leave cleanly when he knew he was going to leave. In fact, this was caused by the failure of the body’s organs, leading to hypoxia in the brain, and the slow stop of neuronal activity in the brain.

6. Back to Light

Some elderly people will suddenly improve their health before dying. Well, the complexion returned to rosy. Experienced people will know that this implies that the old man is about to leave, because the brain’s stress response stimulates the body to secrete a large amount of hormones, resulting in the phenomenon of returning to light.

When the elderly have the above-mentioned symptoms, usually the remaining time will not exceed 72 hours. The only thing we can do is to accompany and care for the elderly at the last moment, and help the elderly to fulfill some dying wishes. Talk to the old man more, use a warm towel to wipe the old man’s body, wet the cotton swab and wipe the old man’s mouth, wash the old man’s face, tidy up the instrument, and let the old man leave clean and free.