Why should my pupils be dilated when optometry for children? Will mydriasis hurt my eyes?

Take advantage of the summer vacation, many parents will take their children to check their eyesight to see if their children have myopia.

If you want to know if your child has myopia and how deep it is, it involves a very important check-mydriatic optometry.

However, after dilated pupils, children are prone to photophobia and blurred vision of near objects. Therefore, some parents are worried that dilated pupils will cause harm to their children’s eyes, so they resist giving their children dilated optometry.

So, what is mydriatic optometry? Is there any harm? What should I pay attention to when I’m done?

What is Mydriasis? What is the use?

Mydriatic optometry is a medical method that uses a specific drug to paralyze the ciliary muscle of the eye, so that the ciliary muscle temporarily loses its adjustment function before performing an optometry test.

If the human eye is regarded as a camera, then the adjustment function is like the focusing process when taking a picture.

The lens in the eyeball is like the zoom lens of a camera, adjusting its thickness under the traction of the ciliary muscle to achieve focus.

Generally speaking, when people look far away, their eyes are completely relaxed, and when looking at near objects, the eyes need to activate the adjustment effect. If a person looks at near objects for a long time, such as playing with mobile phones, watching TV, reading books, etc., the ciliary muscle of the eyes will be in a state of continuous traction, and there is no way to relax, the eyes will continue to focus, resulting in accommodative myopia, which is often heard “Pseudo-myopia”.

Adolescents are more likely to have “pseudo-myopia” because of their ability to accommodate their eyes.

Therefore, if the pupil is not dilated before optometry, it is likely that the adjustment of the ciliary muscle will make the lens bulge and the refraction will be enhanced, resulting in the measured degree being higher than the actual degree.

Wearing such glasses will quickly deepen the child’s myopia and miss a good opportunity to restore vision.

Fast & Slow

When doing mydriatic optometry, will the doctor mention fast or slow dispersion? What is the difference between the two?

The difference between the two is the type of drug used and the duration of action.

Slow dilation, requires the use of 1% atropine, a powerful paralyzing agent, to dilate the pupil. It is generally used for children under 8 to 10 years old, mainly for young children, which have a particularly strong adjustment effect on the eyes. , requires stronger potency to work. After the slow dispersal, it generally takes up to 20 days to recover. During this time, the child’s eyes need to rest completely, the near vision is blurred, and he can’t do homework, read books and play mobile phones. Parents need to plan the time in advance.

Fast dispersal, generally use short-acting paralytic compound topicamide eye drops or Saifeijie eye drops, suitable for children over 10 years old, 4~6 hours after mydriasis You can return to normal state, and you should also pay attention to rest your eyes as much as possible before returning to normal.

Is mydriasis harmful to my child’s eyes?

Many parents see their children’s pupils dilated to 6mm or even bigger, and they feel very frightened, but in fact, after we turn off the lights and sleep at night, the pupils will naturally dilate to 6mm or even larger. 5~6mm, this is a state of deep relaxation of the eyes.

There are many posts on the Internet such as “Mydriasis can cause visual impairment in children” and “Mydriasis is harmful to others”, but as long as you look carefully, you will find that it is the author’s intention. Induce parents to spend a lot of money to go to the so-called “authoritative organization” for optometry.

In general, mydriasis is not harmful, and the paralytic properties of the drug will disappear naturally over time.

However, if the child has a shallow anterior chamber and tends to have angle-closure glaucoma, there is a certain risk of mydriasis.

Therefore, the possibility of dilated optometry needs to be determined by an ophthalmologist in a specialized hospital.

It is worth noting that although dilation is not harmful to the eyes, it will cause greater damage to the eyes if you do not pay attention to protecting your eyes after dilation, use electronic products recklessly or do not pay attention to taking a break from light. damage.

Precautions after mydriasis

First of all, if the medicine drips on the outside of the eyes and on the skin, it needs to be wiped clean in time. The dosage of the medicine must be prescribed by the doctor, and do not increase or decrease on your own.

Secondly, during the recovery period of mydriasis, when the drug power has not disappeared, the child will have short-term blurred vision. Try not to let the child read books, watch TV, play with mobile phones, etc. Parents should also take precautions to avoid bumping into the activities.

At the same time, during mydriasis, children’s eyes are prone to photophobia. Pay attention to avoid strong light stimulation, wear sunglasses when going out, and wear sunglasses or sun hats to properly block the light during outdoor activities. Try not to take your children to places with strong light such as the beach.

Finally, if the child has headaches, nausea, thirst, etc., it is necessary to stop the medication and ask the doctor. Of course, this is a rare situation, and parents need not worry.

In short, mydriatic optometry is not harmful to the eyes, and parents really need not worry too much. The effects of mydriatic drugs are temporary, and dilated pupils can recover naturally.

Parents need to pay attention that mydriasis must be done in a professional hospital, and care must be taken after it is done to avoid damage caused by excessive use of the eyes.