Why do some people blush when they drink alcohol? The doctor reminds: If you have such friends, try to stay away from them

#Aile Health Guide#

Chinese wine culture It has a long history and has been passed down for thousands of years. As early as in the past, many scholars and writers also drank and wrote poems, using wine as a song, and promoting emotional exchanges.

With the passage of time, the wine culture is also developing. Today, drinking is still very popular. In life, whether it is a gathering of relatives and friends or an entertainment, the participation of wine is indispensable, and many cooperations are negotiated at the wine table, so wine has also become a part of communication.

As the so-called small drink, proper drinking can help to keep warm, speed up blood circulation, and to a certain extent, it is good for human health. However, excessive drinking will also have a certain impact on human health. Therefore, we often say that drinking too much will hurt the body. Excessive drinking will also increase the burden on the liver and stomach, and damage the central nervous system of the brain.

In addition, there are more and more types of wine nowadays. In addition to the common white wine, there are also red wine, beer, cocktails, etc. It is also common in life. Although people like to drink alcohol, everyone’s physical health and physique are different, and the state after drinking will also be different.

I don’t know if you have ever encountered such a person in your life, and your face will be particularly red after drinking. We often joke , like with monkey ass. There are also rumors of people who blush when they drink, and drink a lot of alcohol. Some people think that this kind of person is worthy of deep friendship, and they want to have a drink with him.

Is this true? The doctor advises everyone again that people who drink and blush are not as simple as everyone thinks. If you often encounter them in your life, please learn to stay away. Why?

Why do some people blush when they drink alcohol?

[Personal Fitness]

About the flushing after drinking alcohol, it may be due to personal constitution, because after alcohol enters the body, it will stimulate blood circulation.

After drinking a lot of alcohol, the blood circulation in the body is accelerated, the capillaries are congested, and flushing may appear. In some cases, it is also possible that the stimulation of facial nerves by alcohol, such as alcohol allergy, can also cause flushing of the face after drinking.

[lack of aldehyde dehydrogenase]

About drinking blush, it may also be related to the lack of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the body, if the body lacks this substance.

will cause a large increase in the content of acetaldehyde in alcohol, which cannot be catabolized and excreted in time, which will lead to The telangiectasias cause redness of the facial skin and can even cause alcohol to do more damage to the liver.

[Sensitive Skin]

Many people have sensitive skin in life. The external sensitivity of the surface layer of human skin is affected by the level of internal genetic genes and metabolic rate. Some people drink alcohol. After that, the phenomenon of blushing, commonly known as the upper face, has a 65.9% probability, which is related to the sensitivity of the capillaries on the surface of the skin.

After drinking a lot of alcohol, it is stimulated and influenced by alcohol substances, which causes the capillary tissue on the skin surface to expand, and it takes a short time. The speed of internal blood circulation is accelerated, which directly leads to the phenomenon of flushing.

Doctor reminds: If you have such friends, try to stay away

Why do you say Have such friends around you as far as possible away? Do you want to cut ties with them directly?

Not so. It is because these people who drink and blush are not suitable for drinking. Long-term heavy drinking will lead to the components in alcohol, which directly increase the burden and damage to the liver and stomach, and also induce alcohol poisoning.

So if you have such friends around you, please advise them as soon as possible to control the amount of alcohol they drink to avoid liver damage and even alcoholism. At risk of life-threatening.

In this case, if there is an accident, this group of people is facing the danger of life, then the person who drinks with him will also be jointly and severally liable. , so for friends who have such friends around you, please advise them to quit drinking in time and stay away from the harm of alcohol to the body.

Extended—How to drink properly to reduce the harm to the body?

1. Control the rate of drinking

Chinese people always pay attention to deep feelings and suffocation when drinking, and the speed of drinking can also be seen by people as a sign of sincerity and deep feelings for each other.

But in fact, such a drinking speed will cause great stimulation to the body, and it is often boring to drink quickly The way of drinking will cause alcohol to directly aggravate the stimulation of the liver and stomach, especially when drinking white wine, this spicy irritation will cause damage to the gastric mucosa and aggravate the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases, so remind everyone to pay attention to small mouths when drinking. Drink slowly.

2. Do not drink vinegar and tea after drinking alcohol p>

Many people think that drinking alcohol will lead to intoxication, and drinking tea and vinegar can relieve hangover. In fact, this is a wrong knowledge point.

You can drink some water, juice or yogurt properly after getting drunk, which can have a hangover effect. If you feel nauseated after drinking, you can also drink more mineral water to help decompose alcohol and accelerate the metabolism and excretion of alcohol, so as not to damage the stomach and liver.

3. Don’t drink on an empty stomach p>

Remind everyone to pay attention when drinking, do not drink on an empty stomach, as drinking on an empty stomach will directly aggravate the alcohol, and the damage to the gastrointestinal tract will make it easier to get drunk. And it can also lead to guilt.

Because there is no food in the stomach, alcohol will directly stimulate the stomach wall and cause damage to the gastric mucosa, resulting in gastritis , The situation of gastric bleeding occurs, and it will also lead to gastric ulcers in the long run.

So remind everyone to eat some vegetables or drink some yogurt before drinking to delay the effects of alcohol. For absorption, you can eat some animal liver appropriately, in which vitamin C, vitamin B, minerals and protein also have the effect of decomposing alcohol.

4. Don’t mix it

As there are more and more types of alcohol, many male friends also choose to mix a variety of alcohol when drinking in pursuit of excitement.

Although this method can satisfy your taste, it will make the stomach feel very uncomfortable , Mixing a variety of alcoholic beverages will cause the human body to drink too much unconsciously, which will cause damage to the human body, and will also increase the impact on the brain, liver, kidneys, and stomach.

5. Don’t sleep immediately after drinking

Many people feel drowsy after drinking alcohol. If they are drunk, they want to sleep immediately to promote alcohol metabolism. Alleviate drunkenness problems.

butWe all know that a large amount of alcohol needs to be digested and catabolized by the liver. If you go to bed immediately, it will slow down your metabolism. If the alcohol cannot be discharged in time, it will also aggravate the damage to the liver. It is recommended that you wash your face with cold water first. Sitting and resting for a while before falling asleep, and the damage to the body.

6. Don’t take antipyretics after drinking alcohol

I believe everyone has heard that drinking without taking medicine, taking medicine without drinking, alcohol will chemically react with peanuts in medicines and cause side effects to human health. There is even a risk of poisoning.

Especially the ingredients in antipyretics can also produce toxic substances with alcohol, which will increase the burden on the liver, even Inflammation of the liver can cause permanent damage.
