Why are blood vessels in the heart blocked? Mostly because it’s out of breath! This recipe for tonifying qi and removing blood stasis, please save it first

Today in this article, I want to talk to you about the heart.

The life span of the heart determines the length of life. This topic, no matter when it is said, has its necessity.

What do you say is the biggest impact on heart life? This of course depends on whether the blood vessels supplying the heart are unblocked.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it comes down to two words, one is qi and the other is blood.

The beating of the heart and the ejection of blood are inseparable from the sufficient backing of heart qi. With sufficient qi, the blood can flow freely and nourish the whole body.

Then, if the Qi is insufficient and the blood flow has no power, it is easy to remove blood stasis and block the blood vessels, resulting in coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and other cardiovascular diseases.

The most typical one is coronary heart disease of Qi deficiency and blood stasis type.

What are the characteristics of these patients? It was very obvious – chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, impatience, palpitations, low voice, pale complexion, varicose veins under the tongue. If we look at the people with coronary heart disease around us, there are really many such patients.

All in all, among the various factors that lead to the blockage of blood vessels in the heart, the problem of qi deficiency must be considered.

How to deal with coronary heart disease of Qi deficiency and blood stasis type? Here, I recommend a small recipe for everyone, which can have a good conditioning effect on such patients. Fang Jian——

American ginseng, Panax notoginseng, Ginseng, ground into fine powder, divided into 30 sachets, 1 sachet daily with boiled water .

This recipe is an experience recipe of Mr. Yu Changrong, a famous doctor in Fujian. And it comes from the medicinal method of Mr. Sheng Guorong, the predecessor of Fujian Xinglin.

Mr. Sheng Guorong used these three herbs in combination, named Jinshenqisan, which was specially used for invigorating qi and removing blood stasis. on the treatment.

The method of combining the three herbs was spread in Xinglin, and there were continuous learning and application in clinical practice, which proved its extraordinary effect. Before everyone uses it, it should be guided by a Chinese doctor dialectically, and the dosage should be adjusted according to the symptoms.

The combination of these three herbs is actually to invigorate Qi and activate blood. It is not complicated to analyze.

American ginseng, sweet, slightly bitter, cool in nature, enters the heart, lung, and kidney meridians, and works in tonifying qi and nourishing yin, clearing heat and producing body fluid. It is different from other Chinese herbal medicines of the ginseng generation.

This herb has a unique personality, that is, it can not only tonify qi, but also nourish yin, without any dryness. This is especially precious. For people with qi deficiency and blood stasis, the word “dry” should be most afraid of.

This American ginseng medicine can be said to be at the right time. Compared with ginseng, it has much broader requirements on human physique.

Just as the “Shen Xilu in the Heart of Medicine” says: “American ginseng is cool in nature and tonic, anyone who wants to use ginseng without ginseng’s warming tonic can do this. instead”. Here, we mainly take the function of invigorating Qi.

Look at Sanqi next. This herb is sweet, slightly bitter, warm, enters the liver and stomach meridians, and works to dissipate blood stasis and stop bleeding, reduce swelling and relieve pain. The characteristic of this herb is to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

“Yupu Yaojie” said it: “Heying stops bleeding, clears blood stasis, stasis blood and collects new blood”. Modern medical research has shown that this herb can significantly increase coronary blood flow, lower blood pressure and dissolve thrombus.

It can be seen that with Panax notoginseng, we use it to remove blood stasis and eliminate blood stasis caused by poor blood circulation in our hearts.

Last look at Ji Nei Jin. This herb is sweet, flat, and enters the spleen, stomach, small intestine, and bladder meridians. Since ancient times, it has been used as a medicine to aid digestion, with the properties of invigorating the stomach and digesting food, and astringent essence and stop stagnation.

Actually, Ji Nei Jin also has a good blood circulation function. On this point, modern and modern great sage Zhang Xichun said in “Shenxi Lu in the Heart of Medicine”: Chicken Inner Jin “can not only eliminate the accumulation of the spleen and stomach, no matter where there is accumulation in the internal organs, chicken Inner Jin can eliminate it.”

So when our internal organs are stagnant due to lack of qi, it can also be treated with chicken internal medicine.

Therefore, we use these three herbs to invigorate Qi, promote blood, and remove blood stasis. And because of the power of American ginseng to nourish yin, blood flow will not hurt yin here.

It is no wonder that many TCM clinicians apply it to various diseases. Coronary heart disease belongs to people with qi deficiency and blood stasis, and it must be applied under the dialectical guidance of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and good results should be obtained.

Ok, that’s all for today.