WHO: Chinese medicine is effective against the new crown

Hello everyone, today we will talk about the contribution of traditional Chinese medicine to the prevention and treatment of the new crown.

The epidemic situation in many parts of the country is still distributed at multiple points, and the fight against the epidemic has entered a tough battle. Compared with foreign countries, my country has more advantages in fighting the epidemic, and Chinese medicine plays a big role. The use of traditional Chinese medicine can greatly reduce the dosage and frequency of use of western medicine, which is of great help in improving symptoms.

Recently, the “World Health Organization Chinese Medicine Treatment of New Coronary Pneumonia Expert Evaluation Meeting Report” clearly affirmed the effectiveness and safety of Chinese medicine in the treatment of new coronary pneumonia.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not only symptomatic, but also of great significance for the majority of healthy groups to prevent the new crown. Chinese medicine pays attention to the treatment of diseases before they occur, and focuses on prevention. Under the guidance of Chinese medicine theory, some Chinese medicines have a positive effect on improving the body’s ability to resist diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of disease is a process of fighting between good and evil, and the righteous qi in the body plays a role in resisting the invasion of external evils. If the righteousness in the body is sufficient, the resistance to disease and evil will be stronger. In ancient times, there was a prescription, Yupingfeng San, which had a good effect of improving righteousness. The prescription was composed of three traditional Chinese medicines, namely Astragalus, Fangfeng, Baizhu.

Astragalus can replenish the Qi of the spleen and lungs, and externally can stop sweating. Atractylodes atractylodes nourishes qi and strengthens the spleen. With it, astragalus has a stronger effect of tonifying qi and solidifying the surface, because the spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, which can transform qi, blood and body fluids. Fangfeng is the death squad, rushing to the front to drive away the evil spirits. The combination of the three Chinese herbs can strengthen the defense qi and solidify the internal organs, just like a screen to cut off the invasion of wind and evil, and enhance the resistance. Clinically, the three herbs are made into preparations such as Yupingfeng Powder, Yupingfeng Granules, etc., which are used for the expression of deficiency and spontaneous perspiration, as well as the prevention of colds.

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