Which cooking methods have the least effect on blood sugar? How to make staple food and vegetables for diabetic patients to raise sugar slowly?

The same food, different preparation methods have different effects on blood sugar.

Which cooking methods raise blood sugar faster? How do staple foods, vegetables, and meat have little effect on blood sugar?

4 cooking methods to raise blood sugar faster

1. Cooking with starch

When making staple food, sugar friends like to make porridge with mixed grains, but some sugar friends add starch to make the porridge soup thicker. If you eat such starchy porridge, it is not easy to control your blood sugar.

2. Cooking pursues “softness”

many Sugar lovers like to pursue the “soft and glutinous” taste when eating and drinking porridge. They put the ingredients into the rice cooker and simmer for one night, so that the digestion speed is fast after eating, and the blood sugar rises quickly after the meal.

3. Cooking with too much fat

Add Excessive fat will greatly increase the calories in food, which is not conducive to blood sugar control, and increases the risk of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

4. Vegetables are too chopped

If If the vegetables are too chopped, the nutrients such as vitamin C and dietary fiber can be greatly reduced after cooking, which is not good for the human body.

It is very important to choose the correct cooking method. Different cooking methods for the same food will have different effects on sugar-raising.

The correct cooking method:Steaming, boiling, stewing, boiling, salad, Quick frying, etc., is a cooking method that has less impact on blood sugar and is nutritious.

This is a staple food, the blood sugar rises slowly

1. When cooking rice, add some ingredients and cook it into mixed grains or mixed bean rice with more comprehensive nutrition.

Because cereals lack lysine (an essential amino acid needed by the human body), beans have a higher content. The combination of the two can not only complement nutrition, but also make the Blood sugar will not rise too high, generally whole grains: rice ≈ 1:3.

Do not use pure grains to avoid bad taste and affect appetite. Long-term consumption of pure grains can also affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients, resulting in malnutrition.

2. Don’t add too much water to the rice, cook it too softly, and don’t keep it warm for too long.

3. Do not add alkali when cooking beans, porridge, and steamed bread to avoid loss of vitamin B1.

4. When cooking porridge, add some other grains, such as corn, brown rice, oats, etc., do not overcook it, just cook it well.

Vegetables do this, and blood sugar rises slowly

1. Cut vegetables, beans and potatoes into large pieces as much as possible.

2. Organic vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled, just wash them.

3. Do not soak the cut vegetables in water, otherwise vitamin C can lose up to 80% after cooking.

4. When cooking vegetables, it is best to boil the water before placing it in the pot, do not cover the pot.

5. It is advisable to fry vegetables quickly and quickly to reduce the degree of gelatinization of vegetables, thereby reducing their glycemic index.

6. Choose some vegetables that absorb less oil to reduce the use of cooking oil, such as fungus, green peppers, celery, mushrooms, etc. The cooking oil per person per day should not exceed 30 grams.

7. Less salt: The daily intake of sodium salt should not exceed 6 grams, which is about 1 beer bottle cap. It is recommended to add salt before cooking.

8. Try to choose raw food and cold salad, because vitamin C and folic acid in vegetables are not only afraid of heat, but also afraid of oxidation, and are easily lost in water. Raw food and cold salad can not only reduce the loss of nutrients, but also reduce the package of excessive oil.

This is meat, healthier

1. When choosing meat, choose parts with less fat to reduce calorie intake, such as chicken breast, beef tenderloin, etc.

2. For the content of unsaturated fatty acids, white meat is better than red meat, for example, chicken, duck, and fish are better than cattle, sheep, and pork.

3. When cooking meat, avoid the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and proteins, and use the cooking methods of steaming, stewing and boiling, which can reduce the amount of cooking oil and nutrition material loss.

Try to avoid high temperature baking, frying, braised, etc., so as to avoid excessive heating to damage protein and vitamins, excessive oxidation of fat in meat, produce carcinogens, increase fat and heat .

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Author: Guo Yupei, Deputy Chief Nurse of Jiyuan People’s Hospital