When diabetes worsens, there may be 4 kinds of abnormal changes in the body, adjust in time to avoid complications

Diabetes is a well-known disease. Its incidence is very high. There are about 500 million diabetic patients in the world. In my country, the number of diabetic patients is about 120 million.

Once suffering from diabetes, the patient needs to take corresponding measures to control the condition. If the condition is not well controlled and the condition worsens, various serious complications will occur, which will endanger the patient’s life and health.

So what are the abnormalities that occur when diabetes worsens? Let’s find out together.

1. The blood sugar level cannot be lowered p>

For diabetic patients, controlling blood sugar is a very important thing. In addition to controlling them with various drugs, patients also need to adjust their diet to help control their blood sugar.

Usually, doing these two things can keep blood sugar well under control, but if diabetes worsens, it can keep blood sugar in the very high range, and even with medication It cannot be lowered.

If this happens, you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment immediately, do not let it develop, and avoid serious complications.

II. The phenomenon of proteinuria

What is proteinuria? In fact, urine contains a lot of molecular proteins, which will make the urine foaming and appearing turbid.

If proteinuria occurs in diabetes, you should be vigilant. This is a precursor to the deterioration of diabetes. The reason for this phenomenon is that the patient’s kidneys have problems;

Causes Filtering and reabsorption are not functioning properly, causing more protein to enter the urine, resulting in proteinuria.

Third, my feet often feel numb

If diabetic patients often feel numbness in their feet, this is probably caused by abnormal lesions of nerves and tissues in the feet. If not treated in time, it will lead to diabetic foot, which is a dangerous disease. It is very large and even requires amputation in severe cases.

4. Itchy skin

Yes Some diabetic patients will experience abnormal itching when their condition worsens. The appearance of this phenomenon indicates that the patient’s sebaceous glands have atrophied, which will reduce the secretion of fat, and the skin will Dryness and scaling occur, accompanied by a strong itching sensation.

The symptoms can occur anywhere on the skin. When itching occurs, do not scratch with your hands. You can apply anti-itch lotion or cream to relieve symptoms.

If the above four symptoms appear, it means that the condition of diabetes is in a very dangerous stage. If not treated in time, it can have serious consequences. So how to treat diabetes?

The first thing a patient needs to do is learn more about diabetes and improve self-management skills. Secondly, to carry out dietary therapy, in addition to developing healthy eating habits, it is also necessary to ensure adequate nutrition and maintain a healthy weight.

Again, patients should follow the doctor’s orders to take medication, and medication is also the most important way to control diabetes. Finally, patients should do a good job of disease monitoring, regularly check blood sugar levels, and observe whether there are abnormal symptoms in the body.

Looking at the content of the text, everyone knows the treatment of diabetes. If you have symptoms such as high blood pressure, proteinuria, numbness in your feet, and itchy skin, you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time. Diabetes is a disease that requires life-long treatment. Therefore, patients should be patient and face the disease with an optimistic attitude. Only by actively treating them can the impact of diabetes be minimized.