When a girl comes on her period, a blood clot suddenly flows out. Is it flesh on her body? Early understanding, early benefit

From the beginning of puberty, every woman has to have a period, and most women love and hate about the period, and the love is that the period means the body Health and fertility are very strong, but what I hate is that when I come to menstruation, my body will have a strong sense of discomfort, lower abdomen pain, waist pain, and life has become extremely inconvenient.

In daily life, many women say that a blood clot will suddenly flow out during their period, which looks like a piece of meat. What is the situation? Did the flesh really fall out of the body? If you have had this problem, you might as well know it earlier.


When a girl comes on her period, a blood clot suddenly flows out. Is it flesh on her body? Early understanding and early benefit

1. Heavy bleeding strong>

If menstrual blood often soils clothes and sheets, uses large sanitary napkins, or experiences dizziness, etc. It is mainly caused by excessive bleeding. At this time, blood clots will appear in the menstrual blood. The blood clots in the menstrual blood are related to the amount of bleeding and the speed of bleeding.

2. Irregular menstruation p>

Blood clots during menstruation are a very common symptom of irregular menstruation. Most blood clots are caused by the shedding of the endometrium in women. Membrane thickening occurs spontaneously, vascular proliferation, glandular growth and secretion, and endometrial collapse and shedding accompanied by hemorrhage.

3. Anovulatory menstruation

If there is no ovulation, it will cause too little menstrual flow, or if the menstrual period is too long, the endometrium will become very thick and unstable because it is not completely shed. When it falls off, a large amount of menstrual blood will be formed, and there will be a large number of blood clots in the menstrual blood.

4. Liver Qi stagnation

Blood clots during menstruation may be caused by liver qi stagnation. The abdominal pain is unbearable when it comes to menstrual holidays, and you can massage the lower back or the soles of the feet more often, which can effectively improve the situation.

5. Menstrual cold

If you do not pay attention to keeping warm during your period, eat cold and cold food or wear less clothes, which will lead to cold waist and abdomen, not only will you have dysmenorrhea during your period , can also lead to a large number of blood clots in the menstrual blood.

6. Blood stasis constitution p>

There is a lot of menstrual blood and blood clots, which may be caused by blood stasis for a long time. It can lead to female physiological abnormalities and induce certain diseases.


What is a normal period like?

1. Menstrual cycle

Normal menstruation is cyclical, the first day of bleeding is the first day of the menstrual cycle, and the interval between the first day of two menstrual cycles is one menstrual cycle, usually 21 To 35 days, the average is about 28 days, and each menstrual period lasts about two to seven days.

2. Menstrual blood volume p>

The normal menstrual volume is around 30 to 80 ml, with an average of 50 ml. General monthly menstrual flow, if more than 80 ml is called menorrhagia; less than 30 ml, called oligomenorrhea.

3. Menstrual blood color

Mstrual blood is generally dark red and contains fragments of blood endometrial lining, cervical mucus, and sloughed vaginal epithelial cells. The main feature of menstrual blood is that it does not clot, but under normal circumstances, small clots are occasionally caught.


What foods can you eat during your period to help you get rid of menstrual blood?

1, brown sugar

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that brown sugar is warm in nature, sweet in taste, and enters the spleen meridian. Granulated sugar has the functions of harmonizing the spleen, soothing the liver, nourishing blood, promoting blood circulation, removing stasis and excreting lochia. Drinking brown sugar water during menstruation helps to eliminate toxins and blood congestion, which can warm the body, increase energy, activate Qi and blood, speed up blood circulation, and make menstruation smoother.

2, red beans

During menstrual cramps, blood plasma protein, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. are lost due to blood loss (especially for those with heavy menstrual flow). At this time, if you can Drinking a bowl of red bean paste, red bean soup or red bean porridge is both cosmetic and blood-enriching. It is indeed a must-have food for women to replenish blood during menstruation.

3, pig blood

After the protein in pig blood is decomposed by gastric acid, it can produce a substance that disinfects and moisturises the intestines. This substance can interact with dust and harmful metals entering the human body. The microparticles undergo a biochemical reaction and then carry these harmful substances out of the body through excretion. Women often eat pig blood, which can effectively supplement the iron consumed in the body and prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.

4, roses

Rose has the functions of invigorating blood circulation, removing blood stasis and reconciling internal organs, and rose contains a variety of vitamins and tannins, which help to improve blood circulation, regulate endocrine, anti-inflammatory senescence. Therefore, people who have blood clots and blood stasis during menstruation can drink rose tea to help eliminate congestion.


Things not to do when women are on their period

1. Don’t drink alcohol

period Drinking alcohol may cause accelerated blood circulation, resulting in abnormal menstrual flow such as excessive menstrual flow, irregular menstruation, and heavy menstrual flow. If you are socializing at work, you can drink a small amount of red or white wine, but be careful not to overdo it. Excessive drinking may cause serious physical discomfort, increased menstrual blood volume, heavy bleeding may cause iron deficiency anemia, and even hemorrhagic shock.

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2. No tooth extraction

During menstruation, the blood circulation of the whole body will be accelerated for women. If teeth are extracted during this period, it may lead to an increase in oral bleeding; may lead to infection.

3. Do not exercise vigorously< /strong>

Strong exercise, especially stretching the lower abdomen, will cause the backflow of menstrual blood to the pelvic cavity, and the menstrual blood contains intrauterine If the endometrium is implanted outside the uterine cavity, endometriosis may occur, leading to progressive dysmenorrhea, infertility, menstrual disorders and other symptoms. In severe cases, surgery or long-term oral drug treatment is required.

4. Can’t have the same room

Due to the decreased local resistance during menstruation, it is easy to get gynecological inflammation after intercourse. Endometrial capillaries are open during menstruation, and it is easy to squeeze small endometrial fragments into into the blood vessels, forming endometriotic lesions. It is easy to cause uterine contractions during sex, which may cause menstruation to stop, thereby affecting the menstrual cycle.

As a special period for women, menstruation must pay more attention to maintenance, keep warm, avoid strenuous exercise, and eat more Warm and soft food, avoid eating cold and irritating food, and pay attention to cleanliness, which are of great benefit to your health.