When a child has a fever, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible?

Fever Childhood Serious Illness Alert Rating System

Meaning of each partition

The “red zone” is high risk, and a child with fever who has any one of the symptoms or signs in this zone is at high risk;

The “yellow zone” is intermediate risk, with any symptoms or signs in the zone but no “red zone”;

The “green zone” is a low-risk person who has symptoms or signs of the zone, but does not have either the “yellow zone” or the “red zone”.

Separate processing

Fever children in the ‘green zone’ can be cared for at home, but need to know when further medical attention is needed;

If there are clinical manifestations of “yellow zone” in the second house of fever, seek medical attention as soon as possible;

Fever children with ‘red zone’ clinical features should seek immediate medical attention.