What will happen to the body after a few months of idle time on tiptoe? Doctor: The effect is obvious

Auntie Wang, 55 years old this year, is a fan of tiptoe exercise. Since she retired, she will walk on tiptoe subconsciously when she walks on weekdays or when she goes to the supermarket to buy food. Stand on tiptoes in bed to exercise even at night.

At first, people around her didn’t understand her actions, but Auntie Wang still insisted on tiptoeing every day. It was not until a year later that her body changed invisibly, and people around her noticed that her condition was getting better and better, and they joined the ranks of tiptoes.

So what are the benefits of tiptoeing?

One, every day on tiptoe for a year, your body will undergo these changes!

The legs support the entire weight of the human body and are called the second heart of the human body, and 70% of the blood flow in the human body is Driven by muscle contractions in the legs. Therefore, if the leg muscles are underdeveloped and the leg strength is not strong enough, the blood circulation of the human body will not be smooth, which will affect the health of the whole body.

In daily life, for the vast majority of ordinary people who do not exercise, what are the ways to increase the strength of the legs? The doctor points out that a very simple tiptoe will do it!

Standing on tiptoes is a simple movement, although the overall movement range is not large, but at least 8 pieces can be mobilized in the process Muscle! Experts point out that when the human body is doing tiptoe movements, it mainly mobilizes the calf muscles, including the gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneus brevis, tibialis posterior muscle and other muscles.

Research points out that Frequent tiptoe exercise can stimulate the above-mentioned muscles at high frequency, thereby improving the body’s leg strength and enhancing the body’s balance ability . Because of its simple and easy movements, it is especially suitable for children and middle-aged and elderly people to practice.

So what are the specific benefits of tiptoeing?

1. Improve constipation

Aunt Wang said that in the process of insisting on stepping her feet, she felt Her own constipation has eased. Constipation, is very common among middle-aged and elderly people. Patients with severe constipation can even last for two or three days, which is very painful.

Constipation is caused by the poor ability of the gastrointestinal tract to absorb ingested food. Standing on tiptoes can contract the sphincter muscles in the intestines and promote blood return in the rectal veins. Therefore, the blood flow in the intestines will be more frequent, which will accelerate the peristalsis of the intestines and improve the efficiency of the intestines. The absorption rate of food will improve the digestive ability of the digestive system, and the constipation will naturally be relieved.

2. Protect the heart

After Auntie Wang persisted on tiptoe for a year, people around her often praised her appearance Well, she herself felt that her complexion was getting more and more rosy.

This is because in the process of tiptoeing, the contraction of the calf muscles can squeeze the blood vessels between the muscles, providing power for the peripheral blood to flow back into the heart, promoting the blood flow of the human body. It also improves the pumping function of the heart to a certain extent.

And studies have shown that the calf muscle squeezes out the same amount of blood as a single ventricle ejects when the heart beats. When people do continuous tiptoe exercise, heart rate can be maintained at about 150 beats per minute, and the increase in heart rate can make blood flow faster, provide enough oxygen for myocardial cells, which is beneficial to protect the heart, >Prevent various cardiovascular diseases.

3. Pain relief

With the rapid development of society, the popularization of artificial intelligence not only brings convenience to people, but also makes people more and more lazy. Sedentary and lack of exercise have become the norm in the crowd. At the same time, low back pain and joint pain have also become diseases that plague most people.

However, sitting for a long time and lack of exercise can make the body’s blood flow poorly, and cause a certain degree of muscle atrophy in the waist muscles.

By tiptoeing, the blood around the sole and heel can be dredged, making the local blood flow and the meridian run more smoothly, which can relieve The effect of heel pain.

It is worth noting that tiptoe exercise must be adhered to every day to be effective, and tiptoe relieves foot pain in a short period of time. Effective, and mild low back pain will take a month to see results. Therefore, although the tiptoe action is simple, it requires persistence.

4. Prevention of hemorrhoids

As the saying goes, “ten people are nine hemorrhoids”, which fully explains the prevalence of hemorrhoids in the population medium high incidence. When a person is on tiptoe, the action of levator ani can promote the contraction of the anal sphincter and accelerate the blood circulation around the anus, which can reduce the occurrence of hemorrhoids to a certain extent.

The action of tiptoe has so many advantages, it is reasonable to tiptoe frequently in daily life, However, is there any drawback to frequent tiptoe?

Second, will tiptoe damage the knee? How to properly perform tiptoe training?

Many people want to stand on tiptoe anytime, anywhere when they learn that tiptoe is good for their health. However, many people feel sore muscles and uncomfortable knees during the process of tiptoeing, and they will wonder, Will tiptoe damage the knees?

In this regard, the doctor pointed out: The wrong way to tiptoe can also cause damage to the body!

In daily life, occasional tiptoeing has no effect on the body, but prolonged and frequent tiptoing may lead to knee Significant pain on the front side of the joint, especially when the leg is stretched.

This is because during the process of tiptoeing, the curve of the strength of the lower limbs of the human body gradually moves forward, this situation will lead to the front of the knee joint Excessive compression of the patellar joint and the cartilage and meniscus in front of the knee joint will cause damage to the patellar cartilage surface, ankle bone and other corresponding parts of the meniscus, and edema is more common.

In this regard, the doctor’s suggestion is, 20 to 30 times on tiptoe each time as a group, each time can do 4-5 groups, and there should be a gap between each group. Rest time to prevent injury to the knee.

So what is the correct tiptoe method?

Toe on heels

First, the body needs to maintain an upright position, two Feet together, hands in front of body, slowly stand on tiptoe, grip the ground with your toes, keep your balance, then drop your weight from the toes to the forefoot, relax Body, and finally do a free fall, let the heels hit the ground lightly, and it is advisable to feel a slight impact on the legs,

toed Tiptoe walking

Once you get used to tiptoe walking, you can try tiptoe walking in your daily life, but it should be noted that every time you walk At 30-50 steps, need a little rest.

Don’t stand on tiptoe for extended periods of time,to avoid damage to the knee joint. The time you keep on tiptoe can be adjusted according to your physical condition, so that your body feels comfortable. At the beginning of the practice, people who cannot keep their balance can walk against a wall, After being proficient, you can walk freely.

Sitting on tiptoe

But we can also do this while sitting in a chair Do tiptoe exercises to keep your knees and thighs on a level line. You can put a book on your thighs for weight-bearing toe training. To keep the book during this process, keep the book from falling to the ground. Practice 30~50 times and you can rest. Remember not to overtrain.

Lay flat on toes

When in bed at night, we can stretch our legs Close together and straighten, one foot lifts the toe down. This action can be done with both feet together, or you can exercise with one foot, and stop and rest when you feel your calf muscles are sore. Adjust the number of times you do each time according to your own situation, still can not overtrain, so as not to cause muscle strain.

It should be noted that during tiptoe training, you may experience muscle soreness for the first few days. It can be relieved by foot bath, massage, stretching, etc.. In addition, the benefits of tiptoeing require long-term persistence to be effective, and it cannot be interrupted during this process.

Third, can you walk? Here’s how to exercise while walking!

Walking is an unavoidable activity in daily life, and there are various walking postures. Scientific research has found that daily walking posture can also affect human health, so what is the correct walking posture? How can walking help your health?

Walk in a straight line

This move is similar to that of a model, making yourself Keep the front and back feet in a line as much as possible, and during the walking process, the swing of the waist can make the whole body feel relaxed. Moreover, this way of walking can enhance the strength of our waist, help the peristalsis of the digestive tract, promote digestion, and relieve constipation.

Walking in big strides

This style of walking is especially suitable for older people because with age, Bone strength will decrease and body balance will become weaker. When walking, you can open your upper arms and take big steps as much as possible, which can effectively exercise people’s backs and reduce the burden on the spine and waist muscles; In addition, it can also exercise the bones, which will help To maintain the balance of the body, it can reduce the deformation of the spine and relieve the effect of hunchback.

Alternating fast and slow walking

During daily walking, if you keep a Speed, the body will slowly adapt to this intensity. At this time, if we walk alternately, or walk for a while, jog for a while, this alternating movement can mobilize the muscles of our body, maintain the excited state of the muscles, exercise the muscles to a certain extent, and enhance the physique .

It should be noted that many elderly people feel that the faster they walk, the healthier they are in the process of exercising, and they force themselves to walk faster, then It is true that the faster you walk, the healthier you are ?

We need to know that everyone’s body is different, and exercising more than you can handle can injure yourself.

The various walking postures mentioned above are not applicable to the elderly with lumbar muscle strain, knee arthritis, lumbar disc herniation strong>. In the process of walking, they may not only fail to exercise the body, but also accelerate bone loss and even cause damage.

In addition, excessive physical exertion will burden the body, and will also wear down the waist and knee joints.

In addition, elderly friends with high blood pressure and heart disease will affect their blood pressure levels under high-intensity exercise, and cause blood pressure fluctuations , which in severe cases can lead to brain hemorrhage.

Therefore, exercise still needs to be done according to one’s own situation, formulate a suitable training plan, exercise, and enhance physical fitness.