What to do if you get stung by a wasp

She said her thigh was hurt by a hornet sting.

She said, if I say a wasp flew into my house, get into Can you believe it?

I asked her to send me the wound to look at.

In general, the wound looks okay, it’s red, a little swollen, and it really looks like it was bitten by something. There is a small hole in the middle. My friend said it was very It hurts, you can’t touch it, it feels hard inside.

I say this simple, whole point fresh mint leaves It can be mashed and applied to the wound.

She said, so simple? No need to use some sanitizer or something?

I said that the juice of mint is a disinfectant, it can clear heat, detoxify and reduce swelling, and it contains many All-in-one, just use it alone.

My friend did as I said, mashed the mint leaves and applied it to the affected area on the legs , probably fixed with gauze. It was like this for a long time, and when I asked her in the evening, the pain was no longer at all, but the affected area was still a little swollen.

I said nothing, just change some leaves and continue to apply.

The next morning, the picture she sent was like this~~~ ~~


My friend asked me, do I need to puncture this pustule? I said of course! This pustule is venom, just squeeze it out. After that, apply a little mint to the wound and it is almost healed.

But her friend had used up the mint. She saw that there was some cephalosporin powder at home, and then Sprinkled a little on his own accord.

Who knows. . . . . It was a tragedy, my legs were red and itchy, and I felt that the piece of flesh had hardened again.

I told her it was okay to have mint, go to the garden downstairs to find some Houttuynia cordata, Houttuynia cordata also has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying.

She immediately pulled out a large box, half for her husband to mix, and half for her legs.

As a result, my legs didn’t itch or hurt that night. Although the redness didn’t completely go away, the flesh underneath had begun to soften.

I applied this for two days in a row, and my legs were fine after that.

In fact, there are too many Chinese herbal medicines that can clear heat and detoxify, there are dozens of them, but some are not common in the deep mountains.

There are many things that we can easily get every day, such as mint, houttuynia cordata, dandelion, purslane , wild chrysanthemum can be seen everywhere. These plants have the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and can treat various carbuncles and boils, and can be used both internally and externally.

Especially for external application, it is safe and effective, and the effect is very fast. Just pick a few of these weeds, mash the flowers, leaves and rhizomes together, and apply Just apply it on the affected area.

Change the medicine every few hours, the usual mosquito bites , the pain and swelling can be relieved on the same day, and it can be cured in 1-2 days.

In addition to In addition, these herbs can be applied topically to treat mastitis, breast lumps, swollen lymph nodes, swollen and bleeding hemorrhoids, boils, red rashes, etc.

As long as the trauma is related to heat, pain and swelling, these herbs can be used, and the effect is very good.

Summer is coming soon, and there will be a lot of biting bugs outdoors, some of which are poisonous. We can save ourselves, but if the If you are bitten by an unknown insect and have serious sores, you must seek medical attention immediately, so as not to delay treatment due to poisoning.