What is the role of the preventive medicine you received? Come and listen to the introduction of Dr. Songjiang→

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In the newly released “New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Ninth Edition)”, it is further emphasized that the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine should be brought into play in the whole process of “prevention, treatment and health” of the new crown. , and actively use traditional Chinese medicine technology and methods to carry out rescue work. Recently, many residents in Songjiang District have also received Chinese medicine for epidemic prevention.

What is TCM’s understanding of epidemic prevention and control? How should residents take anti-epidemic precautions? The reporter interviewed Mao Jing, the first director of the Department of Internal Medicine of Fangta Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Songjiang District, and listened to the doctor’s introduction.

The picture comes from the Internet

New coronary pneumonia belongs to the category of “epidemic disease” in traditional Chinese medicine , which is highly contagious, which is in line with the saying in “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” that “when the five epidemics arrive, they are all contaminated easily, regardless of size, and the symptoms are similar.” It can be seen that Chinese medicine has accumulated rich experience in responding to the epidemic. According to Mao Jing, TCM relies on regulating the overall balance of yin and yang in the body to prevent and treat diseases, so it is not only aimed at the symptoms that have already appeared, but also prevents the disease before it occurs, that is, the so-called “shanggong treatment before the disease” in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

The new coronavirus is an external evil in the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, and it belongs to the “epidemic” Qi; and “righteousness” is everyone Known as “immunity”. “Righteousness” is very important in resisting diseases, and the occurrence of diseases is not only related to the invasion of evil qi, but also is inseparable from the lack of righteousness. Mao Jing said: “The body’s own immunity is good, it is like casting a barrier for the body, and it is difficult for external viruses to invade.” Therefore, taking traditional Chinese medicine in moderation can improve righteousness, enhance immunity, and make health more secure.

Recently, many residents have received the anti-epidemic prescription, which is an oral preventive plan formulated by experts organized by the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Epidemic Prevention and Control Base (Shanghai). To help everyone prevent and control the epidemic. The epidemic prevention formula contains 9 grams of astragalus, 9 grams of reed root, 5 grams of honeysuckle, 3 grams of perilla leaves, and 3 grams of patchouli. According to Mao Jing, this preventive method focuses on strengthening the surface, fragrant and avoiding contamination, and has the effect of strengthening the body and eliminating pathogens, which is in line with the pathogenesis of the new coronavirus Omicron variant infection. “The five medicinal materials are all listed in the Medicine and Food Homologous Catalog issued by the National Health and Health Commission, which can be used to prevent and treat diseases and have high safety.” Mao Jing said.

The method of taking the anti-epidemic prescription is: one sachet a day, soaked in boiling water, can replace tea, drink multiple times a day . For key groups, three packs a day for the first seven days and one pack a day thereafter.

Mao Jing reminds that you should also pay attention to the following three points when taking anti-epidemic precautions:

First, people with fever and sweating due to yin deficiency should take it with caution;

Second, it is best to have a light diet while taking the preventive medicine;< /p>

Third, after taking the preventive medicine, you still need to do personal protection, and keep in mind the “three-piece set” and “five-piece set”.

Text: Li Tianwei

Editor: Yang Lu Lu Jia Li Yuanyuan