What is the difference between Xinhui tangerine peel and ordinary tangerine peel? Why is it more valuable and more expensive?

When Xinhui tangerine peel is on the market again, what is the difference between Xinhui tangerine peel and foreign tangerine peel? Xinhui tangerine peel, also known as Guang tangerine peel, is a rare and well-known local specialty with the same origin of medicine and food and good food and nourishment. It is an authentic medicine material in Guangdong. The price is also high, so what’s the difference between Cantonese tangerine peel and foreign tangerine peel?

The dried tangerine peel is generally the dried and ripe peel of the tangerine and Wenzhou mandarin of the Rutaceae family

The dried tangerine peel is generally the dried and mature peel of the Rutaceae plants, Chazhigan and Xinggan, and Xinhui tangerine peel is the authentic medicinal material. Xin hui tangerine peel has various aliases in history, such as Xin hui tangerine peel, Xinhui orange peel, Gangzhou peel, etc.


Ordinary dried tangerine peel is mainly produced in Fujian , Sichuan, Zhejiang and other places.

Guangzhou dried tangerine peel, as a genuine medicine material in Guangdong Province, is mainly produced in Jiangmen, Guangdong NewYes.

During the same period, the leather of the new hui producing area is large in shape and soft in texture. The coloring is a little late, slightly yellow-green (the peel is bright red when the fruit is fully mature), and the epidermal oil cells are prominent and shiny. However, due to the frequent influence of typhoons, there are many mechanical hard scars, and the temperature is high, and it is common for the epidermal oil cells to have radial bursts. While other places produce orange-red, the surface oil cells are smooth and smooth, but some have hill-like uplift (related to land type, temperature, rootstock and technology, etc.).

3.Character comparison

The tangerine peel is often peeled into several petals, the bases are connected, and some are irregular flakes, 1-4mm thick. The outer surface is orange-red or reddish-brown, with fine wrinkles and concave punctate oil chambers; the inner surface is pale yellow-white, rough, with yellow-white or yellow-brown tendon-like vascular bundles. Slightly hard and brittle. Fragrant, spicy, bitter.

xinhui tangerine peel often has three petals connected, neat in shape and uniform in thickness, about 1mm thick. The point-shaped oil chamber is large, and it is transparent and clear according to the light. The quality is softer.

4.Chemical composition comparison

Xinhui the composition of tangerine peel and the volatile oil of tangerine peel is obviously different. Compared with ordinary tangerine peel, Xin hui tangerine peel has higher content of volatile oil and more chemical components, including medicines such as limonene, myrcene, pine oil β-α-ene, etc. span>The ingredients with strong physical activity have important functions such as antitussive, expectorant and antibacterial.

5. Efficacy

Tangerine peel is a commonly used qi medicine, Efficacy and application have continued to develop with the deepening of practice and understanding. From the qi-regulating effects of the Qin and Han Dynasties, it has gradually increased to anti-vomit, spleen and diuretic, deworming, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, lowering the qi, relieving alcohol and poisoning, and treating women’s milk. Efficacy and application of carbuncle, dampness and stagnation.

xinhui tangerine peel, as a special and excellent variety of tangerine peel, has its unique efficacy and medicine Management. It is pungent, bitter and warm in nature and taste, and belongs to the spleen and lung meridians. Medicine is pungent and warm in nature to regulate Qi, and bitter and warm can dry dampness and transport the spleen. It is an essential medicine for stagnation of spleen and stomach qi and dampness and phlegm-dampness. Xin hui tangerine peel also has the functions of soothing the liver and gallbladder, relieving knots and carbuncles, etc. It can be used with frankincense, no medicine, angelica tail and angelica to relieve sore and carbuncle pain, with Bupleurum , Citrus aurantium, white peony root, licorice root, turmeric, neem can cure hypochondral pain and bitterness in the mouth.

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