What is the difference between a few pieces and dozens of pieces of toothpaste? How to choose a toothpaste with efficacy?

The daily necessities in the supermarket are always dazzling, making it difficult to choose. Toothpaste is one of them. It is used by us every day. How to choose has always been controversial. And their “worth” can vary greatly. There are many toothpastes of three or four yuan, and there are many toothpastes that cost dozens of dollars. Some toothpastes can even be sold for hundreds of dollars.

Some people favor the “Price King” that costs tens of dollars or even hundreds of dollars, thinking that “you get what you get for every penny, the more expensive the better. ”; Some people think that toothpaste has no special effects except for daily cleaning, so they prefer to choose low-cost products at will.

Expensive VS cheap, what is the difference in the cost of toothpaste?

There are two aspects that determine the raw material cost of toothpaste. The first is the most important raw material in toothpaste—friction agent, and the second is each Differences in main features.

The friction ingredient in toothpaste is the biggest difference between different price toothpastes. The friction agents of toothpastes on the market are mainly calcium carbonate and hydrated silica, of which calcium carbonate has a lower cost price, while hydrated silica is mostly the choice of expensive toothpaste.

They are also abrasives, their main function is to achieve cleaning effect through the friction between toothbrush and teeth, so what is the difference between calcium carbonate and hydrated silica?

Calcium carbonateBecause the particles are relatively large and irregular in shape, great friction on the teeth, it will cause certain damage, but it Larger friction is suitable for people with dirty teeth, reduces plaque in the mouth, promotes the healing of gingivitis, and has a certain preventive effect on caries and periodontal disease , and as a “calcium supplement” toothpaste, it can prevent the loss of calcium ions to a certain extent and solve the problem of tooth enamel demineralization.

The particles of hydrated silica are smaller and have a good wear resistance coefficient, which greatly reduces the abrasion damage to the teeth, although the cleaning power is less than that of carbonic acid Calcium, but can meet the cleaning needs of the average person.

In addition to the difference in the cost of friction agents, the main effect is to open the price of various toothpastes, anti-caries, desensitization, anti-inflammatory, whitening Various effects are emerging in an endless stream. For this, we need to know more about the ingredients of toothpaste in order to make better choices, and at the same time, we need to avoid some harmful ingredients.

Be sure to read the toothpaste ingredient list and avoid these harmful ingredients!

When purchasing toothpaste, in addition to the conspicuous main ingredients marked on it, you should pay attention to whether it is suitable for you. Regardless of whether it is expensive or cheap, you must check the ingredient list and avoid some ingredients with potential safety hazards.

Some toothpastes contain an antibacterial agent: Trichlorine, according to a study published in Nature Communications TCS (TCS) may cause damage to the human intestinal tract and induce enteritis.

Trichloride is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent with relatively low toxicity, which can indiscriminately and rapidly destroy microorganisms, and can be found in many commercial products, such as toothpaste, mouthwash and disinfectant. Toothpaste containing triclosan and fluoride copolymer can effectively reduce plaque, gingival inflammation and bleeding gums.

But Triclosan can interfere with normal endocrine function, especially on female sex hormones. Prolonged exposure to triclosan will disrupt thyroid homeostasis, and may cause neurodevelopmental disorders, metabolic disorders, etc.

Therefore, triclosan-containing toothpaste is not recommended for pregnant, pregnant, lactating women and children!

In addition to triclosan, titanium dioxide is also an ingredient to avoid.

Sodium dioxide is one of the whitening agents and is often found in toothpaste, sunscreen, and chewing gum.

According to the Russian satellite news agency sputniknews, experts from the French National Agricultural Research Institute found that 40% of animals exposed to titanium dioxide for a long time developed precancerous lesions in the intestinal mucosa, so researchers believe that titanium dioxide has a carcinogenic risk.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is also a very common toothpaste ingredient. It is an anionic surfactant and is used as a foaming agent. It is widely used because of its low price and easy synthesis. But if you are prone to canker sores, be sure to avoid this ingredient, it may cause you to have recurring ulcers!

Of course, the ingredients containing dyes are not safe, not only may stain the teeth, but also easily irritate the respiratory tract if accidentally swallowed. So don’t pursue too much toothpaste with a conspicuous and good-looking color. White is still safer.

Aside from these harmful ingredients, we can choose toothpaste according to different efficacy requirements.

How to choose effective toothpaste for you?

1. Anti-caries toothpaste

Anti-caries toothpaste mainly contains fluoride , an ingredient that directly inhibits bacteria on plaque. Fluoride has a strong inhibitory effect on acid-producing bacteria, making it difficult to store intracellular polysaccharides of Streptococcus cariogenicum, thereby affecting the growth and reproduction of bacteria; Adhesion on the tooth surface.

However, the intake of fluoride also needs to be controlled. It should not be used in areas where the drinking water fluoride content is higher than 2PPM. Too high intake is not good for the body. After using fluoride toothpaste, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the residual toothpaste between the teeth, and do not swallow toothpaste and mouthwash. [1]

Although fluoride is the first choice for children’s toothpaste to prevent tooth decay, for children under 4 years old, because of poor swallowing reflex, it is easy to ingest some toothpaste by mistake, so they should Use low-fluoride toothpaste under parental supervision. [2]

2. Desensitizing toothpaste

When teeth are stimulated within the physiological range , such as mechanical (such as brushing teeth), chemical (acid, sweet), temperature (overheating, supercooling), osmotic pressure, etc. cause soreness, namely dentine hypersensitivity (Dentine Hypersensitivity DH), which is characterized by Appears and disappears rapidly as stimuli come and go. [3] About 29.7% of adults in my country have varying degrees of dentin hypersensitivity. [4]

Dentin sensitivity is a common feature of various dental diseases, so when the patient’s degree of sensitivity is low, conservative desensitization toothpaste is the best choice. Research shows that desensitizing toothpaste can relieve dentin hypersensitivity, and has a significant effect, which is safe, convenient, economical and feasible. [5]

Desensitizing toothpaste mainly uses some ions (strontium oxide, fluoride, etc.) and protein coagulants to block the exposure of dentinal tubules or make them thin to block external stimuli; or It reduces sensitivity by depolarizing sensory nerve endings through ion components such as potassium nitrate and potassium chloride.

The tooth sensitivity of the vast majority of people is a mild symptom, which can be relieved by insisting on using a stage of anti-sensitivity toothpaste; for patients with severe tooth sensitivity, they should go to Dental examination and treatment. Desensitizing toothpaste should not be used for a long time to avoid affecting the body’s own functions.

3. Whitening toothpaste

A mouthful of white teeth is what countless people want, so whitening Toothpaste has a huge audience, but don’t rely on it for long!

In the process of our daily diet, the teeth are easily contaminated, leaving stains on the teeth. Generally, there are more abrasives in whitening toothpaste, mica, silica, calcium carbonate, etc. can help to remove Tea stains, smoke spots, coffee stains, etc. in the mouth.

In addition to friction agents, phosphates, peroxides, etc. are all whitening ingredients. Taking peroxide as an example, it can not only oxidize the pigment on the surface of the teeth, but also change the surface structure of the teeth, changing the refractive index of the teeth, thus giving people a feeling of whiter teeth. However, it is corrosive to teeth, and long-term use can easily make teeth sensitive, so it is recommended to use it for a maximum of 1-2 weeks.

4. Anti-inflammatory toothpaste

The people who are prone to gum bleeding and oral ulcers are very large, except for drugs In addition to treatment, daily anti-inflammatory toothpaste can also play a certain soothing effect.

This kind of toothpaste should be done in a targeted manner. For example, those containing honeysuckle and chrysanthemum can clear away heat and reduce fire, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. However, some toothpastes containing tranexamic acid and other coagulation ingredients need to be used with caution! Although these ingredients have a strong hemostatic effect, they may delay the treatment of periodontal disease.

How to brush your teeth after choosing toothpaste to be healthier?

In addition to toothpaste, oral health is related to the choice of toothbrush and brushing techniques. Some people brush their teeth every morning and are not used to brushing their teeth at night. There is little oral activity during sleep at night, and no eating or drinking makes the amount of saliva secreted in the oral cavity very small, which makes the self-cleaning effect of the teeth relatively poor, and the food residue in the day makes the oral environment very prone to caries and periodontal diseases.

Some people just brush their teeth for a little while, maybe less than a minute. In this way, it is difficult to clean the surface of the teeth and the dirt in the gaps. It is recommended that you brush your teeth for about 3 minutes. At the same time, pay attention to gargle after meals to maintain oral hygiene.


Whether it is expensive toothpaste or cheap toothpaste, as long as it suits your oral needs, you can choose it. Look for products from professional oral care brands, and don’t be fooled. The harmful ingredients used by unscrupulous merchants break the balance of oral health. People without oral problems should not choose toothpastes with various special effects because of the promotion of big brands. Some ordinary cleaning toothpastes can meet their daily needs.

< p>References:

[1] Sun Yang, Wang Xiaoyu, Yang Yanmei. Study on the effect of fluorine on human body[J].Modern Medicine and Health.2010(16)

[2] Xu Qiongli, Zhou Juan. Effects of fluoride on dental health[J]. Medical Review. 2014, 20(17)

< p>[3]Fan Mingwen.Dental and Endodontics[M].Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2012

[4]Hu Deyu. Pay attention to the prevention and treatment of dentin sensitivity[J].Chinese Journal of Stomatology, 2009,44(3)

[5] Miao Yan. Desensitization toothpaste in the treatment of tooth caused by wedge-shaped defect Observation on the curative effect of essential hypersensitivity [J]. Zhongwai Medical, 2014, 1:62-63