What is Rheumatism?

Articular rheumatism refers to joint pain limited to a certain joint, often due to cold, fatigue, incorrect living or working posture, X-ray and laboratory examinations show no abnormal changes, except for A group of syndromes of joint pain caused by other rheumatic diseases, systemic diseases and infections.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that external evils such as wind, cold, and dampness take advantage of the weak, which can cause blockage of meridians, poor circulation of Qi and blood, resulting in muscle, bone, and joint pain, numbness, and unfavorable Flexion and extension, even joint swelling, burning pain, etc., are called anemofrigid-damp arthralgia.

Anemofrigid-damp arthralgia seriously affects patients’ daily life In daily life, medicines for dispersing wind and dampness and relaxing tendons and activating collaterals are often used for treatment. For those with wind-cold-dampness syndrome, Tongrentang Guogong wine can be used. The medicine is composed of 30 Chinese herbal medicines such as angelica, achyranthes bidentata, white peony root, comfrey, and tangerine peel, among which notopterygium, fangfeng, papaya, and angelica can dispel rheumatism and relieve arthralgia; Angelica, safflower, etc. can nourish blood and activate blood, dredge collaterals and expel wind; Achyranthes bidentata, psoralen, etc. can nourish liver and kidney, strengthen bones and muscles; plus Ophiopogon japonicus, etc. can nourish yin and clear heat, and white wine can unblock blood vessels, resist cold air, and act as medicine Potential, so that the overall effect on joint rheumatism is better.

In addition, the principle of daily health care for patients with joint rheumatism is to take a rest in time to prevent overwork, to bear less weight, to exercise regularly, and to avoid frequent up and down stairs for a long time, running, climbing, etc. Exercises with greater wear and tear on the joints; at the same time, the joints should be kept warm to avoid aggravating the condition due to cold and damp stimulation.