What are the precautions and taboos of moving graves?

The ancients believed that when the tombs of ancestors were buried in a place with good feng shui, the family would prosper and the descendants would last. If you encounter a situation where your family fortune is declining and your children are scarce, you can change your fortune by moving graves. So are there any particulars and taboos in moving graves?

First, the importance of moving the grave

If it is to be placed in a funeral home, it only needs to be based on the birth of the deceased. You can choose a day to put it in the year and month. If you want to be buried, it is important to add the sitting of the tomb hill as a basis to choose a day for burial. Also, you must pay homage to the ashes before you move them, and you must pay homage to them after they are placed (burial). Since you’re going to be buried in a cemetery, choose a place.

1. When moving graves, put incense on the table, burn money for ancestors, pray for the reason and address of the ancestor’s move, and pray for the blessing and protection of ancestors to future generations.

2. In terms of the time to move the grave, it is best to choose to move the grave before the Qingming Festival. people.

3. The best time to move the grave is at noon, so as not to burn the bones by the yang energy of noon.

4. The bones of the ancestors must be placed neatly after the acupoint is opened, and the joints of the bones should be placed in their original positions. The offspring bring physical harm.

Second, the taboo of moving graves

1. If you see turtles and snakes nearby, you cannot move the grave. Turtles and snakes are recognized as spiritual beasts by the people. In the places where turtles and snakes are located, they often have better feng shui, indicating that the original tomb is a good place, and it is not recommended to relocate such tombs.

2. When opening the tomb, if you see wisteria intertwined, it is not recommended to move the tomb. In the folk, wisteria means that the purple energy is coming from the east. Folks believe that wisteria wrapping the coffin means that future generations can inherit the blessings of their ancestors and get promoted and rich. Therefore, when the tomb is opened and the wisteria entanglement is found, the tomb cannot be moved.

3. If there is warm air or white milky air in the tomb, the tomb cannot be moved. Folks believe that the location where the warm and humid air is located is usually very good in feng shui, and heating is also auspicious, which can improve the family’s fortune. Auspicious tombs are not suitable for moving graves, otherwise it will have a bad influence on the fortune of children and grandchildren.