Well-known beauty blogger suffering from advanced gastric cancer: why is he “targeted” by gastric cancer at a young age?

Recently, a hot search has made people feel very sorry.

The well-known beauty blogger with millions of fans posted a Weibo. This is also the first time she has updated her Weibo since April 21 last year, explaining why she has been in the past year. Stop changing.

At the same time, I also bring you some worrying news—-she has advanced gastric cancer, which is currently the terminal stage, and it is the most dangerous type of gastric cancer, Inron + Poor differentiation + diffuse type + stage 4, there was no obvious discomfort before the discovery, it should be family inheritance + gene mutation.

Why do I have advanced gastric cancer at such a young age?

In most people’s opinion, the majority of people suffering from stomach cancer are middle-aged and elderly people, and now the number of young people suffering from stomach cancer is gradually increasing, and the age of onset is also younger trend.

Stomach cancer is divided into two main types:

One ​​is “intestinal-type” gastric cancer, which often requires ten or even decades of chronic stimulation, and develops from inflammation to cancer, with a large number of patients. ;

The other is “diffuse-type” gastric cancer, which can spread to any part of the stomach, and is also prone to systemic metastases, with a high degree of malignancy.

Actually, most of these young gastric cancer patients are this type of cancer, most of them are poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma or even signet ring cell carcinoma, Often there are no typical symptoms, and it is difficult to detect early.

The most important thing is that this type of gastric cancer is especially female, and female patients occupy a larger proportion.

What should I do if I am diagnosed with stomach cancer?

Stomach cancer is related to the long-term interaction of many factors, such as Helicobacter pylori infection, heredity, genetics, chronic gastric disease, smoking, diet, etc.

In different stages, the symptoms of patients are also different. In the early stage, there are generally no specific symptoms. In the advanced stage, there will be epigastric discomfort, loss of appetite, belching, weight loss, dysphagia< /strong>And other symptoms, and the symptoms of the corresponding metastatic site will appear in the late stage.

Once diagnosed, it is recommended that patients receive timely treatment to relieve symptoms and prolong survival. How should the disease be treated?

1. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is the latest method for the treatment of this disease. It can inhibit the immune evasion function of tumor cells, activate the body’s own immune system to monitor tumor cells, and through The body’s own immune cells destroy the tumor.

The commonly used drugs for this treatment include nivolumab, pembrolizumab, etc., which have fewer side effects than radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

2. Interventional therapy

Interventional therapy can be used as a local minimally invasive treatment other than surgical resection for liver metastases in this disease. This treatment mainly includes ablation, TAE, TAI Wait.

For the intervention of bleeding related to the disease, such as tumor rupture bleeding, metastatic bleeding, postoperative bleeding, this treatment has unique advantages and can quickly Effectively accomplishes hemostasis while alleviating associated symptoms.

For patients with outlet obstruction, it can help patients relieve obstruction-related symptoms and improve their quality of life.

3. Radiotherapy

Radiation therapy is mainly aimed at locally advanced patients, which can improve the therapeutic effect of patients.

Patients with locally advanced disease should receive preoperative or postoperative concurrent radiotherapy, the treatment mode combined with perioperative radiotherapy, to prevent local recurrence and further prolong the survival time of patients .

4. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy uses cytotoxic drugs to kill cancer cells in a patient’s body.

This treatment can be divided into postoperative adjuvant and preoperative neoadjuvant, among which the former can reduce the risk of recurrence,< strong>Improve the 5-year overall survival rate, and is generally suitable for patients with postoperative pathological stage II and III..

The latter can lower the stage of gastric cancer and increase the possibility of radical resection.

5. Surgery

Surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment for the disease and the only cure currently available.

Compared with traditional laparotomy, laparoscopic resection does not require laparotomy, less intraoperative blood loss, less trauma, less impact on gastrointestinal function, Postoperative recovery is quicker and other advantages.

When the technique is proficient, the same therapeutic effect as open radical surgery can be achieved.

Patients with a family history of gastric cancer need regular checkups

Early gastric cancer is mostly asymptomatic, or the symptoms are not obvious, so it is difficult to diagnose early gastric cancer.

And finding gastric cancer, there is a unique trick, that is gastroscope.

Gastroscopic screening can improve the chances of early detection of gastric cancer.

For those with high risk factors for gastric cancer, such as atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, precancerous dysplasia, family history of gastric cancer, Check regularly.

An important reason why cancer is difficult to treat is that we neglect to check it.

Waiting for symptoms to appear often doesn’t help.

Therefore, the old adage—prevention before it happens is still the best cure.


【1】Duan Fujiao. Quantitative assessment of risk factors for gastric cancer and construction of risk prediction model [D]. Zhengzhou University, 2020.

【2】Xu Hengmin, Li Zhexuan, Zhang Yang, Zhang Jingying, Zhou Tong, You Weicheng, Li Wenqing, Pan Kaifeng. Research progress of biomarkers related to early diagnosis of gastric cancer[J]. Chinese clinicians Magazine, 2021, 49(11):1266-1270.