Watch out for chest pain! Special reminder after emergency experts of Weifang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine treat patients with myocardial infarction

When the epidemic hit, people stopped going out, but the treatment of myocardial infarction should not be delayed for a moment. The emergency department team of Weifang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine guards the green channel of life emergency 24 hours a day.

The emergency department of Weifang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has the same early shift, the same emergency consultation, and the same patient inspection as usual. What is different from the past is the latex gloves on the hands of the medical staff and the protective caps on the heads. , goggles on the face, protective face screen, electronic thermometer beeping and repeated questions before consultation: “Do you have a fever? Have you been out of town recently, have you been in contact with…” < /p>

The patient, Mr. Sun, suffered from persistent chest pain for 4 hours, and his symptoms did not improve after taking Suxiao Jiuxin Pills. He considered acute myocardial infarction when he went to the local health center, and immediately dialed 120 and sent him to the emergency department of Weifang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. A diagnosis of acute extensive anterior myocardial infarction was made.

Mr. Sun suddenly suffered from ventricular fibrillation during the rescue. The emergency department team immediately gave electrical defibrillation, and quickly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and gradually recovered his spontaneous heart rhythm . After the intense rescue, Mr. Sun collected nucleic acid according to the epidemic prevention and control procedures, and at the same time strictly implemented epidemic prevention and control measures for the patients and their companions, and opened the first-aid green channel to transfer to the interventional catheterization room. In view of the critical condition of the patient, Zhu Qinwei, director of the emergency department, led the team members to perform emergency coronary angiography for Mr. Sun after quickly preparing for secondary protection to clarify the coronary artery condition. Acute occlusion of the proximal segment of the anterior descending artery, called the “lifeline”, requires prompt intervention to open the blocked vessel. Although the operation site was extremely tense, Zhu Qinwei still led the team calmly and successfully completed the stent implantation for the patient, opened up the originally completely occluded blood vessel, and successfully completed the revascularization. After the operation, the patient’s symptoms were significantly relieved, and the patient’s condition is currently stable, and he is receiving intensive drug treatment in the intensive care unit of the emergency department.

At the moment of the epidemic, Weifang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has rationally designed the medical treatment process for patients, unblocked the “green channel” for acute and critical illness, and adhered to the principle of life first, and made every effort to deal with emergency situations. Critical care.

Keep these “myocardial infarction” signals in mind

1. Pain: radiating pain in the precordial area and angina pectoris. Sometimes even the shoulders, back, abdomen or even the soles of the feet pain can not be careless.

2. Chest tightness: I feel that there is a heavy object on my chest, making it difficult to breathe.

3. Profuse sweating: usually manifested as dry mouth accompanied by profuse sweating, mainly cold sweat.

4. Dizziness: Insufficient blood supply to the cardiovascular system often also causes insufficient blood supply to the brain.

The golden treatment time for acute myocardial infarction is 120 minutes after the occurrence. If the above situation cannot be relieved, please call 120 immediately, lie down in a safe place and wait for rescue.

How the front-line epidemic prevention and control personnel can prevent myocardial infarction

1. Pay attention to timely replenishment of water, mainly boiled water, coffee, red bull and other beverages cannot replace boiled water .

2. Avoid sitting for a long time, usually you must change your position every 1 hour or get up and do some exercise.

3. Control smoking, especially smoking at night is more likely to increase the occurrence of cardiovascular accidents.

4. Pay attention to keep warm, after the beginning of spring, be careful of “falling spring cold”, pay attention to the warmth of the head, neck, chest and abdomen. Avoid accidents caused by vasoconstriction caused by temperature differences.

5. Combining work and rest, long-term high-load continuous work is a great test for the body, we must pay attention to proper rest. By taking care of your own health, you can protect more people.

How to prevent myocardial infarction for people in home isolation

In addition to the above 5 points, citizens who are isolated at home should pay attention to the following points:

1. Maintain 8 hours of sleep, and it is not advisable to sleep too much, and to work and rest regularly. You can do some indoor exercise to keep your body active.

2. Keep a good attitude and don’t panic too much. There is not a winter insurmountable, and there is not a spring that will not come.

3. Three meals a day, eat less fried and high-salt foods, and have a balanced meat and vegetable diet.

4. Patients with existing hypertension and hyperglycemia should be regularly monitored and controlled. If you feel unwell, you can go to the hospital for consultation or consult the online service of Weifang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Internet Hospital.