Using Zhun Zhongjing’s “Fever Reduction First Party” Tips


Speaking of the many classic antipyretic prescriptions in “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”, fans of Chinese medicine must be very familiar, and there is a classic prescription known as “the first antipyretic prescription”, However, it was gradually discouraged by everyone because of the use of ephedra. It is Maxing Shigan Decoction. In fact, ephedra is not a tiger or wolf. As long as you grasp the appropriate evidence for the appropriate medication, you can use Maxing Shigan Decoction well, and the pulse is the secret.

Treatise on Febrile Diseases: “After sweating, do not change Guizhi Decoction. For those who suffer from sweating and panting, but do not have severe fever, you can mix Ephedra almonds with Ephedra almonds. Licorice Gypsum Decoction.” “Don’t change Guizhi Decoction after taking it. If you are sweating and panting, and there is no severe fever, you can add Mahuang Xingzi Licorice Gypsum Decoction.”

The general meaning of this clause is that the Guizhi Decoction is evidenced. As a result, excessive sweating damages the body fluid, and the dryness is completed. At this time, the next injury Yang, water is born, resulting in the appearance of the syndrome is not removed, but also the syndrome type of drinking hot.

Clinically, it is more common in children. Usually, the body is deficient and sweats a lot. At this time, if the body fluid is lost, and then suddenly eat a frozen and cold diet, or blow it directly to the air conditioner, it will cause body pain, headache, fever, and symptoms such as cough, sore throat, and yellow phlegm. At this time, use Maxingganshi Soup works just fine.

What are the pulse characteristics of Maxing Ganshi Decoction?

We illustrate with examples.

The patient, female, 5 years old, came to see the doctor because of “running nose for several days”. The patient had no fever, no headache, no dryness and bitterness in the mouth, no nasal congestion, occasional yellowish runny nose, satisfied stomach, loose stools, white and slippery tongue coating. Diagnosing pulse: Shuangcun floats up and tightens, presses smoothly and firmly, Guanchi pulse sinks and tightens, and the pulse is as shown in the picture below.

~~: Slip **: Sine

Maxing Shigan Decoction Pulse Diagram Source: “Illustrated Pulse Diagnosis”

< span>ThisThe cun pulse is floated and tightened, and it is smooth and powerful, which is the pulse characteristics of Maxing Ganshi Decoction.

The Guanchi pulse is deep and tight, how to analyze it?

This tightness should be caused by exogenous wind-cold. This Shen Xian is known to have water and is Zhenwu Decoction pulse. Therefore, Maxing Ganshi Decoction and Zhenwu Decoction are prescribed as follows:

Ephedra 10g, almond 15g, Zhigancao 10g , gypsum 20g, Atractylodes 12g, cooked aconite 10g, Poria 15g, ginger 12g, white peony 12g. 2 doses.

The patient experienced mild nosebleeds the next day after taking the drug, and then made a full recovery.

This case shows no fever, no dry mouth, no yellow phlegm, and even tongue coating. White slippery, this situation, if only based on symptoms and tongue, it is easy to judge as Mahuang Tang syndrome.

However, the patient’s pulse is cunning and tight, and pressing it firmly, it indicates that there is fever, which may be Because the fever is just beginning, the symptoms are not typical.

This also reminds us of the importance of pulse diagnosis in clinical practice.

Classic Book of Pulse Diagnosis and Learning

Pulse diagnosis is a unique diagnosis and treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine. For the general public, pulse diagnosis is full of mystery. People are more deeply aware of the importance of learning pulse diagnosis. A major difficulty in learning pulse diagnosis is that it is difficult to accurately describe the feeling of the lower part of the finger. Even if the ancients used analogy methods such as rolling beads and pressing the strings, they are not intuitive and clear enough.

What if pictures were used to show the characteristics of different pulse conditions?

In this book, the author combines pictures and texts, from the basic techniques of pulse diagnosis to clinical The combination of prescription and pulse will lead you to learn pulse diagnosis layer by layer. Whether you are a zero-based TCM enthusiast or a professional with a certain practical foundation, you can learn something from it.

Graphic Pulse Diagnosis : From Beginner to Master of TCM Pulse Diagnosis”

This book uses a large number of intuitive diagrams to help readers quickly learn and masterGrip pulse diagnosis. The book is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. The first and second chapters explain the basic knowledge of pulse diagnosis, and discuss common pulse symptoms in the form of pictures and texts. The second part relies on clinical medical records and the classics of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, further analyzes the pulse conditions of various clinical cases, and presents those pulse conditions with high stability that have been repeatedly verified by clinical practice in the form of images. This book not only illustrates the diagnosis of pulse, but also can be understood as a prescription for treating stagnation and cold, which provides a new way of thinking for the study of classical prescriptions.

Copyright Notice

< p data-track="34">Part of the content of this article is selected from “Illustrated Pulse Diagnosis: From Introduction to Mastery of TCM Pulse Diagnosis” (published by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press, written by Dong Xuefeng), and the final explanation The rights belong to the original author, published by Yue Du TCM, the cover and The pictures in this article are from the photo website, and the copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. Please do not reprint without authorization!