[Twenty-four solar terms] How to keep healthy during the Grain Rain solar term

Grain rain is the last solar term in spring, which means that the cold wave weather is basically over, the temperature rises faster, and the precipitation increases significantly, which is conducive to the growth of cereal crops and is the best time for sowing. So, what should Guyu Health Care pay attention to?

As the rainfall increases after the Grain Rain solar term, the humidity in the air gradually increases, so it is necessary to prevent “dampness” from invading and hurting the body. Pay attention to opening the windows for ventilation, strengthening the warmth in the morning and evening so as not to catch a cold, basking in the sun more, and exercising appropriately. At this time, the air in the wild is fresh, and it is a good time to adopt the natural qi to nourish the sun. People should choose appropriate exercise programs according to their physical fitness, such as jogging, Tai Chi, etc., or they can go on a spring outing in the wild, which can not only unblock their minds, nourish their emotions, enhance metabolism, make qi and blood smooth, evacuate stagnation, remove dampness and detoxify, Improve cardiopulmonary function, enhance physical fitness, reduce the occurrence of diseases, and achieve balance between the body and the outside world.

In the Grain Rain solar term, we should also pay attention to mental health care, avoid violent anger, and avoid depression. We should maintain a quiet state of mind, listen to music, fishing, spring outings, and Taijiquan. , walking, etc. can cultivate temperament, avoid worry and anxiety in case of trouble, to prevent anger from hyperactivity.

After the Grain Rain, it means that spring is almost over, summer is coming, and summer is dominated by hot and humid weather. , You can eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and stomach, and dispel dampness, such as toon, barley, Gorgon, yam, crucian carp, corn, Poria, wax gourd, lotus leaf, Chixiaodou, etc., to lay the foundation for summer.

The arrival of Grain Rain, a cup of seasonal Biluochun, rich in amino acids and vitamins, can prevent aging, increase resistance and enhance antioxidant activity , improve physical fitness. In addition, honeysuckle clears heat and detoxifies, soothes the throat, relieves summer heat and eliminates vexation, and chrysanthemum can disperse wind and clear heat, clear liver and eyesight, detoxify and reduce inflammation, all of which are good choices for Grain Rain.

Guyu solar term health care should pay attention to “invigorating blood and qi, improving physical fitness”, acupuncture and moxibustion can be selected: Zusanli, Gongsun, Yinlingquan, Fenglong, blood Sea and other holes.

Zusanli is located on the outer side of the calf, three cun below Dubi point, on the connecting line between Dubi point and Jiexi point, outside the front ridge of the tibia A horizontal finger. It can nourish qi and blood, improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract, and play a very good role in the circulatory system. It is a very important health point for the human body.

Gongsun is located in the metatarsal region, at the border of the red and white flesh on the front and lower border of the base of the first metatarsal. The effect of conditioning Chongren.

Yinling Spring is located on the inner side of the calf, in the depression between the medial border of the tibia and the medial lower border of the tibia. It has the effects of dampness, invigorating the spleen and activating collaterals and relieving pain.

Fenglong point, located on the anterolateral side of the calf, eight cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, one cun outside the Tiaokou point, two transverse fingers from the anterior border of the tibia ( The middle finger), the turbid qi of the stomach meridian settles here. For those who have accumulated phlegm and dampness, Fenglong acupoint can be selected, which has a good effect of dissolving phlegm-dampness in the middle Jiao.

The sea of ​​blood is located on the inner edge of the thigh, two inches above the bottom of the patella of the knee joint. important for promoting blood circulationAcupuncture points, and can treat various skin diseases.

In addition, when there is no sunlight for a long time in the rainy season, combustible moxa sticks are used to smoke the room to sterilize and disinfect, close the doors and windows before smoking, and burn for 2 weeks a week. -3 times, about 20-30 minutes each time.

[Experts in this issue]

Ji Yi, Director and Chief Physician of the Treatment Center of Shenyang Red Cross Hospital. He has been engaged in acupuncture, massage and TCM rehabilitation for a long time. He is good at using acupuncture and TCM comprehensive therapy to treat various clinical diseases, such as nervous system stroke, Parkinson’s, migraine, etc., orthopedic system cervical spondylosis, osteoarthropathy, lumbar disc herniation Symptoms, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, dermatology such as herpes zoster, eczema, etc., has accumulated rich clinical experience. He is currently a member of the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the Chinese Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, a member of the Health Rehabilitation Branch of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the Encephalopathy Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the Standing Committee of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics and Clinical Professional Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a member of the Standing Committee of the China Acupuncture Association.