Twenty-four solar terms health preservation – Grain rain health preservation

Grain rain, the meaning of the valley is born from the rain. It is the sixth solar term in the twenty-four solar terms. As the saying goes: “Qingming breaks snow, Grain rain breaks frost”, which means that Grain Rain begins, the cold wave ends, the temperature rises faster, the rainfall increases, and crops are lush due to the rain. “The Collection of the Seventy-Two Hours of the Moon Order” says, “First, Ping begins to grow; second, the dove and its feathers; third, Dai Sheng descends on the mulberry.” It begins to grow; the second stage of the hoopoe and the flicking of its feathers describe the scene of increased rain and precipitation, and the turtledove’s feathers are removed from the water; the third stage of the hoopoe descends on the mulberry, which means that the hoopoe likes to land on the lush mulberry trees, and is used for farming. Society, this is an omen of good harvest.

The Grain Rain is the last solar term in spring, followed by summer, so the Grain Rain is a solar term that connects the past and the future. In spring, the liver is in charge, and in summer, the heart is in charge. Therefore, for Gu Yu health preservation, it is necessary to adjust the liver and prepare for the adjustment of the heart.

1. Diet and health care

In the rainy season, the temperature Uncertainty, coupled with the increase in air humidity, provides favorable conditions for the reproduction of various bacteria and viruses. It is easy to get wet and cold and cause various diseases. At this time, attention should be paid to preventing damp evil from invading the body, because damp evil is the most vulnerable to damage. The spleen and stomach cause spleen deficiency and dampness, so some people have symptoms such as lack of energy, dizziness, drowsiness, and easy fatigue in late spring and early summer. In the diet, we should pay attention to strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. You can eat more red bean and barley porridge. Barley is a good product for removing dampness and clearing away heat. Red beans also have the effects of relieving fatigue, beauty, and lipid-lowering. Pregnant women and some allergic patients are not suitable for eating barley. , yam, jujube, Poria, Codonopsis, wax gourd, dried tangerine peel, white radish, lotus root, etc., these are the best products to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. You can also eat more seasonal fresh wild vegetables, such as shepherd’s purse, spinach, toon, dandelion, etc., which have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, refreshing the spleen and appetizing. At the same time, pay attention to eating less spicy, fishy mutton and other hair products, such as wine, pepper, eggplant, coffee, buckwheat, broad beans, beef, lamb, carp, shrimp, crab, etc. Let me talk about eating toon and drinking Guyu tea:

Eating toon: “The Book of Sketches” records: “The wood is solid, and the leaves are fragrant. Eat.” Toona sinensis has a unique fragrance, which is fragrant and avoids foulness, promotes qi and soothes the liver, nourishes blood and soothes the mind. Eating toona sinensis helps to nourish liver blood and smooth liver qi. “Rihuazi Materia Medica” also pointed out that Toona sinensis can “stop the ejaculation of essence and urine, warm the waist and knees, remove the astringent coldness in the heart, paralyze the cold in the chest, addicted to gas and abdominal pain, etc., and eat fat white people”, which shows the spicy and warm nature of toona sinensis It can also dispel cold and remove cold, so as to help Xinyang, so toona sinensis is also a delicious food that connects the past and the future, especially suitable for consumption in late spring and early summer.

Drinking Grain Rain Tea: A folk saying goes: “Gu Yu Grain Rain, picking tea is good for the rain.” spring tea. In the Ming Dynasty, Xu Cishu also recorded in the tea picking section of “Tea Shu”: “Qingming Grain Rain is the time to pick tea. Qingming is too early, Lixia is too late, before and after Grain Rain, the time is right”. Tea: sweet and bitter in taste, slightly cold in nature, it is the yin in the yin, and has the property of sinking. It can not only clear the liver fire, but also reduce the heart fire. The tea before and after Grain Rain has the best effect. Mingqian tea has only one bud, which looks like a lotus heart, so it is called “lotus heart”. The Guyu tea family is divided into two types, one bud and one leaf, which is very similar to the flag gun for commanding the ground in ancient times, so it is called “flag gun”; the two leaves and one bud are like the tongue of a bird, so it is called “bird tongue”. It is necessary to pay attention to the appropriate amount of tea when drinking, and do not be greedy for too much.

Second, daily life and health care

In the Grain Rain season, the yang and the yin disappear, and the Go to bed early and get up early to nourish liver qi. To avoid staying up late, friends who often work overtime can properly eat Tremella, mulberry, honey and other moisturizing ingredients to nourish body fluid, nourish yin and soften the liver, and prevent excessive hyperactivity of liver yang. At the turn of spring and summer, the “spring cover” should be moderate, and the clothes should not be “covered” too much, and should not be too exposed, so that moisture can invade the body. Generally, 16 degrees Celsius is the critical point. If the temperature is above 16 degrees Celsius, appropriate clothing should be reduced to avoid “spring fire” such as anger and heart fire. Don’t put on summer clothes directly, because there is more rain and humidity at this time, and the humidity can easily penetrate the human body from the exposed parts, causing shoulder and neck pain, knee joint pain, abdominal fullness, unwillingness to eat and other symptoms. Therefore, in daily life, avoid living in humid places for a long time, get less rain, dry clothes and quilts more, and dry your hair and body in time when bathing. Friends in the north should also pay attention to the weather, prevent cold in the morning and evening, change clothes in time, especially pay attention to keeping the joints warm. In the morning, you can wash your face with tea, which can reduce the occurrence of skin diseases, and can also beautify your face and eliminate dark circles, which is comparable to various high-end masks.

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Three, exercise health care

After the Grain Rain, the rainfall increases , the humidity increases. At this time, it is necessary to adapt to the changes in the natural environment and adhere to the principle of “nourishing Yang in spring and summer and nourishing Yin in autumn and winter”. At this time, everything in nature is growing, prosperous, and the air is fresh. It is a good time to absorb Yangyang. According to your own conditions, choose appropriate sports, such as jogging, playing ball, Tai Chi, etc., you can also go out for a spring outing, which can not only cultivate your body, but also promote metabolism, open your body, increase perspiration, and prepare for the coming summer.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver stores blood and can see objects. Now many friends use their eyes for a long time and use mobile phones excessively, which will not only affect their eyesight , it is also easy to damage liver blood. Here I will teach you a small coup for eye protection: when facing a large number of green plants, we can achieve the effect of eye care and health care by “moving the eyes”. Specifically, facing the green plants in the distance, start Doing movements such as eye movement, distant viewing, looking forward, blinking, and glaring at a tiger can achieve the effect of nourishing the liver, protecting the eyes, and enhancing vision.

Fourth, love Aim for Health

Although Grain Rain is late spring, it is still spring, so it is necessary to soothe the liver and nourish the liver. The weather is getting hotter, and during the epidemic, the pressure at home and work Concentration of pressure is the most likely to cause negative emotions such as tension and anxiety, resulting in poor liver qi stagnation, irritability and irritability. At this time, pay attention to maintaining a happy, optimistic and peaceful attitude , Appropriate go out activities, so that the liver qi is smooth, the mood is comfortable. During the Grain Rain season, the peony flowers are in full bloom, and their fragrance is strong. , to nourish the mind. But at this time, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, and willow catkins are flying all over the sky, which can easily lead to rhinitis, asthma and other problems. People with allergies should pay attention to protection. For precautions for people with allergies, please refer to this article – How to spend the “spring” safely for people with allergies? .

Let’s teach you a little knowledge about clearing away heat and soothing the liver: kneading ten acupuncture points, combing your hair with your fingers, ten acupuncture points in the middle of the tips of your hands and ten fingers, ten fingers slightly The acupoints were selected during Qu Shi, 0.1 cun from the free edge of the nail. When rubbing Shi Xuan, use the fingernail of your thumb to rub and pinch repeatedly, to the extent of slight soreness. The total time of Shi Xuan stimulation is between 3 and 5 minutes, and the skin should not be rubbed. After stimulation, use five fingers as a comb, and dry comb the hair repeatedly from front to back for 20 to 30 times. Shixuan acupoint is a special point outside the meridian. It has the functions of clearing heat and activating blood, opening the orifices and refreshing the mind. It has a very good therapeutic effect on diseases such as numbness of fingers, numbness of fingers, rubbing Shi Xuan and combing hair with fingers can relieve emotions, refresh the mind, and relieve neurasthenia, headache, insomnia, depression, insomnia and other diseases. effect.

Spring returns to the Grain Rain, sowing a hundred grains, giving birth to hope, all difficulties will eventually turn into new opportunities, like spring and summer come, wishing everything Good luck, Cathay Pacific.