[Tumor Prevention Week] Cancer Prevention and Control Early Action · “Healthy China Bayu Tour” – Beware of breast cancer, experts recommend that women over 40 have an annual breast ultrasound examination

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of economic level, the incidence of breast cancer in my country has also been increasing year by year. According to the latest global cancer data released by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2020, breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer and has become the cancer with the most new cases, seriously threatening the lives and health of female patients.

What are the risk factors for breast cancer? How to prevent breast cancer in daily life? Today, Professor Zhou Xin, deputy director of the Breast Cancer Center of Chongqing University Affiliated Cancer Hospital, will give you a comprehensive interpretation.


Zhou Xin, Chief Physician, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Deputy Director of Breast Cancer Center of Chongqing University Affiliated Cancer Hospital. Visiting Scholar of European Breast Center in Düsseldorf, Germany, Member of Breast Cancer Youth Group of Chinese Medical Association Oncology Branch, Member of Oncology Cardiology Professional Committee of Chongqing Anti-Cancer Association, Member of Oncology Management Professional Committee of Chongqing Hospital Association, China Member of the Clinical Oncology Collaboration Professional Committee of the Anti-Cancer Association, member and secretary of the Breast Cancer Group of the Oncology Branch of the Chongqing Medical Association, and standing member of the Breast Cancer Prevention and Control Committee of the Chongqing Medical Biotechnology Association.

The pathogenesis of breast cancer is still unclear

Breast cancer refers to malignant tumors that occur in the epithelial tissue of the breast glands, and women account for 99% , men accounted for 1%. Breast cancer cells can spread and metastasize throughout the body through lymph or blood, and most commonly metastasize to important organs such as bone, lung, liver, and brain. Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor that threatens women’s life and health.

The occurrence of breast cancer is the result of a comprehensive and multi-factorial influence. So far, no single single influencing factor has been found, so it is difficult to prevent it at the etiological stage.

Although we cannot prevent the mechanism of breast cancer, we can effectively prevent the high-risk factors of breast cancer to a certain extent.

These risk factors increase breast cancer risk

0 Free consultation for patients. Photo courtesy of the hospital

Breast cancer is caused by a variety of internal and external factors. The following factors will increase the risk of breast cancer:


  • Menstruation, Pregnancy, Fertility, Breastfeeding span>

Early menarche (less than 12 years old), late menopause (over 55 years old), nulliparous, late primiparous age, non-breastfeeding, Repeated abortion history, sexual discord, etc., will increase the risk of breast cancer.

  • History of benign breast disease

Such as complex cysts, complex fibroadenomas, intraductal papilloma, sclerosing breast disease, etc., especially those with atypical breast ductal epithelium Women with hyperplasia have a 4-5 times increased risk of breast cancer.

  • family history of breast cancer span>

Women with a family history of breast cancer (a first-degree relative with breast cancer) have a risk of developing breast cancer that is 2-3 times that of the general population times.

  • BRCA mutation

Gene mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated with familial breast cancer and early-onset breast cancer.

  • exogenous hormones

Long-term oral contraceptives and long-term postmenopausal estrogen use will increase the risk of breast cancer risk.

  • Social and Occupational Factors

Ionizing radiation, sedentary, prolonged exposure to stress Stress (work stress, mood swings, depression, tension, etc.), mental trauma, irregular work and rest, etc., will increase the risk of breast cancer.

  • Bad Lifestyle

High-fat and high-calorie diet, smoking, drinking, obesity, lack of exercise, etc. are also risk factors for breast cancer.

What can we do about risk factors?

  • Know your genetic background span>

The vast majority of breast cancers are sporadic breast cancers, and 5%-10% of breast cancers are hereditary breast cancers.

BRCA1/2 is a susceptibility gene for breast cancer. If the BRAC1/2 gene itself contains a pathogenic mutation, the risk of breast cancer will be significantly increased (70 The cumulative risk at age is 85%-90%).

Many large hospitals now have the ability and equipment to detect BRAC1/2 gene mutations in blood, which can detect the presence or absence of pathogenic mutations in time, and accept specialist breast surgeons at the same time. Consultation and, if necessary, preventive treatment.

  • Be aware of your lifestyle

Breast cancer is an estrogen-related disease. Factors such as high-fat diet, excess nutrition, obesity, and alcohol consumption can enhance or prolong the effect of estrogen on breast epithelial cells. irritant and increase the risk of cancer.

So strengthening physical exercise, controlling weight, eating low-fat diet, eating more green vegetables and fruits, not smoking, and not drinking will reduce the risk of breast cancer.

In addition, women are now under greater mental pressure at home and at work, which leads to an imbalance in the internal environment, hormone disorders in the body, a decline in the body’s immunity, and an increased risk of breast cancer. The hypothalamus secretes melatonin during nighttime sleep, which can enhance the immune system and balance the estrogen level in the body. In modern society, the pace of life is fast and the work pressure is high. Long-term staying up late will lead to a decrease in the secretion of melatonin in the hypothalamus and increase the risk of breast cancer. .

So keeping your spirits up, being positive and optimistic, having a reasonable schedule, and avoiding overwork will also reduce the risk of breast cancer.

  • Early Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

According to statistical analysis, the earlier a woman becomes pregnant, the lower the risk of breast cancer. It is recommended that the age of first pregnancy be no more than 30 years old. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer by 20%-30%.

  • Reduce ionizing radiation

Long-term exposure to ionizing radiation, such as a history of chest radiotherapy, excessive chest X-rays, increases the risk of breast cancer, especially in women The risk of exposure to radiation is highest at developmental age, during the growth phase of the mammary gland, so exposure to ionizing radiation should be minimized.

Yearly recommended for women over 40

Breast ultrasound

A lecture on breast cancer science. Photo courtesy of the hospital

Aging is one of the risk factors for breast cancer. Early data show that the peak age of female breast cancer in my country is 40-55 years old. However, the latest statistics show that the peak age of incidence of breast cancer in urban women in my country is 55-60 years old, and the peak age of incidence of breast cancer in rural women is 45-50 and 55-60 years old; big trend.

Therefore, experts remind: women over 40 years old should have breast ultrasound examination once a year to achieve early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.

In addition to breast ultrasound, we can perform daily self-examination in order to detect breast abnormalities in time.

Breast self-examination keeps you away from breast disease early

Self-examination includes inspection and Palpation in two parts:

  • Inspection

Take off your shirt, face the mirror, with your hands hanging down naturally, compare the shape and size of the breasts, whether the skin is abnormal, and the nipples No depression, erosion, etc.

  • palpation< /p>

Take a standing or supine position, put your left hand behind your head, put your right fingers together, and then use your right finger pulp to gradually move clockwise from the 12 o’clock position Check, then palpate the axilla, be careful not to pinch, check for lumps, and then gently squeeze the nipple, pay attention to whether there is discharge from the nipple, the same is true when checking the right breast, and the direction of inspection is counterclockwise.

Therefore, some people summarize the method of breast self-examination as “one look, two touches, three squeezes”.

  • Self-Test Time

For premenopausal women, the 9th to 11th days after the menstrual cramps are appropriate.

Be aware of breast danger signs during self-exams

  • Lump

Early breast cancer is a painless lump that The size of the mass is variable, the shape of the mass is irregular, irregular, and the texture is firm.

  • pain p>

Patients with early breast cancer generally do not experience obvious pain, but a small number of patients experience intermittent pain and vague pain, or mild discomfort in one breast. Shoulder pain and discomfort.

  • Nipple discharge color

The color of nipple discharge in patients with early breast cancer is milky white and light yellow, and the color of nipple discharge in some patients may be watery or bloody.

  • Breast Skin Changes

There is a certain relationship between the skin changes of breast cancer and the depth and degree of invasion of the tumor. Edema, discoloration, eczema-like changes; it is also possible that the skin does not change significantly.

  • Nipple changes

Normal women have a symmetrical distribution of breasts on both sides, but if there is a tumor around the nipple, the nipple will be pulled upward, and the height of the nipple on both sides will change .

Expert Reminder

When the breasts are found to be in danger of When there is a danger signal, the most effective way is to go to the hospital for early diagnosis and early treatment, that is, secondary prevention (pre-clinical prevention), especially for people with high risk factors, the earlier the treatment, the better the prognosis.

ComeSource: Chongqing Health Education Institute, Hualong Net-New Chongqing Client

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