[Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class] There are many benefits to eating fish in spring. Don’t miss these 4 kinds of fish who love health care~

As the saying goes, no fish is a meal. Besides having a good connotation, fish is also a healthy meat.

Different from the red meat we usually eat, fish is rich in protein, which is more easily absorbed by the human body, while the fat content of fish is only half of the same amount of pork, which is a good food for tonic.

Spring fish is fresh

Grass carp: calming the liver and expelling wind, warming the stomach and warming the middle

Grass carp, warm in nature and sweet in taste, Enter the liver and stomach meridians.

The meat is tender but not greasy, nourishing and appetizing.

Carp: invigorating the spleen and stomach, diuresis and swelling

Carp is healthy Sweet, enter the lung and kidney meridians.

Carp has high protein content and good quality, especially rich in glutamic acid, glycine and histidine.

Carp has high medicinal value, and winter melon soup can cure nephritis and edema.

Mandarin fish: nourishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach

Mandarin fish is also called mandarin fish.

The flesh of mandarin fish in spring is tender and easy to digest. It contains protein, fat, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other nutrients. It is suitable for children, the elderly and those with weak spleen and stomach. .

Loach: invigorating the middle and benefiting qi, removing dampness and dredging collaterals, relieving jaundice

Loach is flat and sweet in nature, and enters the liver and spleen meridians.

The meat of loach is delicious and nutritious, and it is a high-protein and low-fat food. A special protein contained in it, can promote sperm formation, and adult men can keep fit after eating.

Three misunderstandings about eating fish

Myth 1: The more the better

Although fish is good for health, But not more is better.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommends that you consume 40-75 grams of aquatic products per day and 280-525 grams of fish per week.

Converted, a palm-sized amount of fish can be consumed every day, and the birth weight is about 2 taels.

Misunderstanding 2: kill now and eat now

Many people think that eating fish is enough It must be slaughtered and eaten now to be fresh, but it is not.

When eating fish, it is best to soak the fish for 1 hour after killing it, or let it sit for 2 to 3 hours.

During this process, the parasites and bacteria in the freshly killed fish are not dead, and there will be risks if handled improperly.

However, after a certain period of time, the bacteria and parasites on the surface will die, which is relatively safer. The connective tissue of the fish will also loosen a little, and the fish will taste better.

Misunderstanding 3: Heavy ingredients to remove the fishy smell

Many people don’t like the fishy smell, so they will cook with heavy ingredients.

But in fact, steaming is the best way to cook fish. Steaming can maximize the retention of nutrients in the fish, and at the same time, it can minimize the intake of oil and produce the umami of the fish.

Frying and frying are not recommended for fish cooking. After the oil for frying fish is heated at high temperature, a large amount of trans fatty acids will be produced, which is harmful to the heart.

Don’t eat four kinds of fish

Uncooked fish

Eating undercooked fish may cause parasites Insect infection.

In addition to cooking, remember not to place uncooked fish with other foods to avoid cross-contamination.

Over-fried fish

Frying at high temperature will oxidize the fat of fish, produce free radicals, benzopyrene and other harmful substances, and also affect the nutrient content. absorb.

Pickled salted fish

During the pickling process, nitrite can interact with the pickled fish. The amines of protein decomposition products in the product react to form nitrosamines, and nitrosamines are a strong carcinogen, which is not good for health.

Fish with high mercury content

In general, large and long-lived fish have higher mercury content, such as longevity fish, Sailfish, bigeye tuna, marlin, king mackerel, horsehead, etc. are not recommended for regular consumption.

Tips: Can gout sufferers eat fish?

Studies have found that not all fish are high-purine foods. For example, freshwater fish mandarin fish are low-purine foods, and gout patients can eat them with confidence.

For sardines, hairtail, white pomfret and other fish with high purine content, try not to eat them.

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This article is integrated from the Internet, recommended and published by Feicheng Health and Health Bureau, City Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Editor’s review: Feicheng Health Education Center