Toothache only needs one needle (detailed picture and text)

Toothache is a common clinical symptom of pain. It is mostly caused by tooth and periodontal local tissues. Generally, it can be divided into two categories: fiery toothache and worm toothache. There are three types of toothache due to wind fire, toothache due to stomach fire, and toothache due to virtual fire. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the teeth are the bones, and the silver is the collateral of the stomach”, so the pain and swelling of the gums are mostly due to the stomach fire, which should clear the stomach.

From the point of view of meridians,The large intestine meridian of hand Yangming enters the lower teeth, and the stomach meridian of foot Yangming enters the upper teeth, so The large intestine meridian is used for lower toothache, and the stomach meridian is used for upper toothache.

So how does acupuncture select acupoints for treatment? Professor Gao Shuzhong’s clinical experience of acupuncture therapy is as follows:

< span>1.Yifeng

Healing wind and fire toothache.

Wind-fire toothache is characterized by the attack or aggravation of the toothache when exposed to wind, reduced by cold, and aggravated by heat. Or accompanied by aversion to cold, fever and other symptoms, more common in acute pulpitis and early periodontitis. The use of Yifeng to treat wind-fire toothache is what the author saw from the book “Secret Experience of Acupuncture and Moxibustion” by Professor Peng Dianshan, a famous acupuncture expert. It can purify the fire of the three burners, and it is also a key point for expelling wind.

Yifeng is the acupuncture point of the Sanjiao meridian. Behind the ear, in the depression behind the earlobe. See the image below:

2. Inner Court

Treat stomach pain and toothache.

Toothache with stomach fire is characterized by severe pain, red and swollen gums, and may be accompanied by thirst, bad breath, urine Stomach heat symptoms such as yellowing, constipation, and yellow and greasy tongue coating. More common in pericoronitis, amine periapical periodontitis, the inner court is the Ying point of the stomach meridian of Foot Yangming, which is good at clearing heat. When acupuncture, use the purgative method. This acupoint is effective for most stomach fire and toothache. If the stomach fire is more severe, you can add Xiaguan, Jiache and other acupoints, such as adding Qingxu San and other traditional Chinese medicines for clearing heat, purging fire and detoxification. it is good. At the same time, it is instructed not to eat spicy food, beef and mutton, etc.

The inner court is the acupuncture point of the stomach meridian of Foot Yangming , located on the dorsum of the foot between the red and white flesh of the suture between the second and second toes.

3 .Taixi

Treatment of virtual fire toothache.

Virtual fire toothache is characterized by a dull pain in the teeth, the degree of which is relatively mild, and is characterized by intercourse or sexual intercourse in the afternoon and at night. It may worsen afterward, and the gums are often not red and swollen, and there are often loose teeth, weak bites, or bleeding gums. May be accompanied by backache, dry mouth and throat, red tongue with little coating, rapid pulse and other symptoms of yin deficiency and fire. More common in the elderly with chronic periodontal disease, but young people suffering from virtual fire toothache are also seen from time to time.

The teeth are the bones, and the kidneys dominate the bones, so Tooth pain is mostly due to deficiency of kidney yin, deficiency of fire and inflammation. The disease can be caused by old age and physical weakness, insufficient body votes, or excessive housework and indulgence. Taixi acupoint is located in the depression between the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon. It is the original acupoint of the kidney. It has the functions of tonifying kidney yin and reducing deficiency fire, so it is the most suitable for toothache due to deficiency fire. When acupuncture is used, the supplementation method is generally used on both sides. The author found that the appearance of Taixi acupoint in patients with kidney deficiency is mostly sunken and soft when pressed. The pinholes are also sunken after acupuncture. The more severe the kidney deficiency, the more obvious the degree of the pinhole sunken, and the longer the time; with the recovery of the kidney qi, the degree and time of the pinhole sunken will also reduce and shrink, or even disappear. .

In addition, many false toothaches are permanent. (5-7 p.m.) If the attack or exacerbation occurs, acupuncture in Taixi can be performed before the attack. Usually, the toothache will no longer occur after the acupuncture. After acupuncture several times, it may not recur.

too Xi is the acupoint of the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, in the depression between the medial malleolus and the tendon, see picture:

4. Dachu

Treatment of caries or toothache. span>

Big Pill It is the acupoint of the bladder meridian of Foot Taiyang. It is opened 1.5 cun below the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra, see picture:

5. Partial calendar

To treat various toothaches, especially caries toothaches, when other acupoints are ineffective, This hole is often effective.