Today’s Health Recipe | This cup of scented tea is cool and relieves depression, and it can also beautify the face

Spring flowers are blooming and colorful, adding a touch of color to Guangzhou, which has been panicked by the epidemic. It seems to imply that the epidemic is about to end, and the good will come as scheduled.

Isn’t it beautiful to have a cup of scented tea at this time?

Zheng Zhimin, Department of Pharmacy, Guangzhou First People’s Hospital, recommends Cooling Depression Tea, Qi resolves stagnation and dampness, and can also beautify the face.


[Material]5g rose flower, 3g magnolia flower, 5g honeysuckle flower, 3g wolfberry fruit, licorice tablet 3g. [How to do]Add water to boil or brew for a while as a substitute for tea. [Efficacy]Smooth the liver and relieve depression, fragrant and dampness, clear and clear. title Pharmacist’s Medicinal Diet

In spring, heaven and earth are born, and all things are glorious. Tonic should be in line with the nature of yang qi, and it should be clear and clear. And the spring energy should be in the liver, the liver is the viscera of wind and wood, its nature is rising, and it is dredging.

So you should pay attention to adjusting your diet and choose some herbs and foods that soothe the liver and nourish the liver, soothe the liver and regulate qi .

“Herbal Justice” records: Rose flower has a strong aroma, clear but not cloudy , Harmonious but not violent, softens the liver and refreshes the stomach, activates qi and activates blood, clears suffocation without the disadvantages of pungent, warm, rigid and dry, and has good color and taste, and can also beautify the face with qi and blood.

Magnolia aromatization Dampness, regulating qi, wide and middle, used for dampness stagnation of qi, chest and epigastric fullness and fullness, and poor appetite.

Honeysuckle It can lightly disperse and disperse, and can clear heat and detoxify. It is used for the treatment of exogenous wind-heat early onset, fever and mild aversion to wind-cold.

licorice Invigorating the spleen, nourishing the qi and tonifying the middle, together with the wolfberry fruit, which nourishes the liver and kidney, and nourishes the essence and blood, together form this spring health tea, which is refreshing and relieving depression.It is especially suitable for people with liver qi on weekdays Breast pain, chest pain caused by stagnation, and people who have no appetite due to dampness and spleen.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Hua Correspondent Huang Yuexing Photo/Visual ChinaEditor/Nie Suqin

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