Tianfu Famous Doctor | Scientific and Technological Innovation Helps Prevention and Control of Birth Defects and Leads the Rapid Development of Eugenics

Children fall to the ground and cry loudly is the happiest moment for every family. For families with children with birth defects, however, this moment can turn into the beginning of a nightmare. Birth defects are a global public health problem and have gradually become a concern of the whole society.

Under the high incidence of birth defects in various parts of my country, Fu Tianming, a doctor at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Longquanyi District, Chengdu, uses technology to help prevent and control birth defects and build a “pre-pregnancy-prenatal-postpartum” concept. “The whole chain of birth defect prevention and control network, carry out popular science lectures on the theme of birth defect prevention and control, so that birth defect prevention and control knowledge is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and covers the whole area, and successfully drives the rapid development of local birth defect prevention and control related disciplines and even maternal and child health. Help improve residents’ prenatal and postnatal care level and health and happiness index.

Fortress Technology Leads Eugenics The discipline is developing rapidly

When I joined the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Longquanyi District, Chengdu, the prevention and control of birth defects in Longquanyi District was still in the Just in its infancy. Fu Tianming rose to the challenge, actively carried out clinical research, and wrote a feasibility report on the construction of the prenatal screening center in Longquanyi District, Chengdu in the shortest time, and actively prepared for the construction of the center. In October 2010, the prenatal screening center in Longquanyi District, Chengdu was established, which officially entered the era of secondary prevention of birth defects.

As a clinical medical worker, Huaxi’s rigorous and down-to-earth style of study has been well inherited by Fu Tianming. Along the way, he has never given up his persistent exploration and enthusiastic pursuit of science. Fu Tianming has been aiming at the field of birth defect prevention and control, carrying out in-depth and continuous research work, and has achieved many major breakthroughs in birth defect scientific research projects in Longquanyi District of Chengdu and even in the province. He presided over more than 10 scientific research projects of Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Commission, Sichuan Provincial Maternal and Child Medical Science and Technology Innovation Project, Chengdu Municipal Health and Health Commission Youth Fund Project, and Longquanyi District Project, and participated in the national key research and development plan “Reproductive Health and Major Birth Defects”. “Prevention and Control Research” and other subject projects, published more than 20 related academic papers, making Longquanyi District Maternal and Child Health Hospital become the first national pilot unit of serological prenatal screening and monitoring of China Birth Defect Monitoring Center and Chengdu Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine Key specialized construction units. The research and exploration of the construction of the whole chain birth defect prevention and control system has also made Longquanyi District Maternal and Child Health Hospital’s eugenics discipline at the forefront of similar prenatal screening institutions in the province.

Do not forget the original intention of 10 years of continuing education and cultivate the global consulting team

span>Fu Tianming understands that the development of disciplines is inseparable from team building. For decades, he continues to invite many well-known experts in the field of birth defect prevention and control inside and outside the province every year, and insists on holding “Birth Defect Prevention and Control Forum” in the province and city. More than 10 times of continuing medical education project training at the district level, more than 100 times of training on the district-level continuing medical education project, and more than 5,000 birth defect professionals inside and outside the homogeneous training area. The excellent education medical and nursing team guarantees the homogeneity and high level of health education and clinical consultation.

Affection for the people and the people’s livelihood to improve the public’s eugenics

Fu Tianming was deeply impressed when he first arrived in Longquanyi I deeply feel that the birth of many children stems from the people’s ignorance and fearlessness about birth defects. To change the status quo, we must first change people’s solidified cognition. For this reason, Fu Tianming started the implementation of health science popularization projects for more than 10 years. Actively use new media technology to carry out full-time and space-time popular science intervention and prospective effect evaluation for the general public, improve the health literacy of prenatal and postnatal care in the whole district, and provide intellectual support for the continuous optimization of the district’s birth defect prevention and welfare policies.< /span>

Sharing Longquan’s innovation experience on the national platform of chasing the waves

Fu Tian The regional integrated birth defect prevention and control network built by the grassroots birth defect prevention and control scientific research and clinical practice has been widely affirmed and recognized by domestic experts. In 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China released a new occupation of “Birth Defect Prevention and Control Consultant” , Fu Tianming, as the first typical figure of the new occupation, his typical deeds and experience in the prevention and control of birth defects in Longquanyi District have been widely disseminated throughout the country, and have been published by the Chinese government website. He serves as the vice chairman of many national and provincial, municipal and district societies. , Fu Tianming, member of the Standing Committee, has been invited many times to communicate on domestic academic platforms, sharing the experience of birth defect prevention and control in Longquanyi District with everyone.

Fu Tianming is rooted in the grassroots birth defect prevention and control. The regional integrated birth defect prevention and control network created by controlling scientific research and clinical practice has been widely affirmed and recognized by domestic experts. In 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China released a new occupation of “Birth Defect Prevention and Control Consultant”. The first typical figure of the new occupation, his typical deeds and experience in the prevention and control of birth defects in Longquanyi District have been widely disseminated throughout the country, and were published on the Chinese government website. Fu Tianming, who serves as the vice-chairman and standing committee member of several national, provincial, municipal and district societies, has been invited many times to communicate on domestic academic platforms, sharing the experience of birth defect prevention and control in Longquanyi District with everyone.

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