Thought it was chronic pharyngitis, but esophageal cancer was found? Doctor: There is a big gap between the two, so don’t confuse them anymore

The esophagus is the transportation site of the digestive system. The esophagus is an organ of the upper digestive tract. It connects the throat and oral cavity, and connects the stomach below. Relatively long and narrow muscular duct.

It seems normal that everyone’s esophagus is in a state of contraction for a long time. Food enters the mouth and passes through the throat, and the esophagus gradually shrinks. expansion.

I thought it was chronic pharyngitis, but esophageal cancer was found? Doctor: There is a big difference between the two, so don’t confuse them again

╚different symptoms╗

After the onset of chronic pharyngitis, the main symptom of the patient is a foreign body in the throat, accompanied by Pain, hot throat, itchy throat, dry throat.

The patient’s sputum secretion increases, especially when he wakes up in the morning, the throat is stimulated by sputum, and paroxysmal sputum occurs. Coughing, coughing badly, vomiting, and nausea.

Esophageal cancer manifests as difficulty swallowing, even saliva and water can not be swallowed, the patient gradually dehydrates, loses weight, Fatigue, advanced esophageal cancer, the lesion invades the tissues outside the esophagus, back pain occurs, and the recurrent laryngeal nerve is violated to make the voice hoarse. If the lesion invades the trachea and bronchi, it will also cause difficulty in swallowing food.

╚Different nature of lesions╗

Laryngitis is a benign disease because local inflammation is formed by viruses and bacteria, but esophageal cancer is different. Influence, the cancer cells continue to spread, so that the cells are affected.

╚Different treatments╗ p>

Chronic pharyngitis can not only be diagnosed by drug treatment, but also relieved by surgery and traditional Chinese medicine. Esophageal cancer can be treated by endoscopy and surgery. In addition, it can also be improved by the method of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

╚Different clinical symptoms╗

Chronic pharyngitis is mainly manifested by dryness, foreign body, and itching in the throat, while esophageal cancer usually has symptoms of dysphagia, such as a sense of obstruction when swallowing, and starting to eat stiff food There will be breathing difficulties, followed by difficulty swallowing soft foods, and retrosternal pain from esophageal cancer.


How to prevent esophageal cancer?

  • Changes in eating habits< /span>

The rhythm of today is getting faster, and many people are too anxious to eat. Food that is too hot or rough is easy to eat. The esophagus is damaged, the esophageal mucosa is scratched or bleeding, ulcers are prone to lesions.

And eating too fast will also cause accidental swallowing, which will damage the esophagus. In addition, Some foods that are too spicy can also damage the esophageal mucosa, such as tobacco and alcohol.


How to prevent esophageal cancer?

1. Protect the esophagus span>

No matter what food you eat, it must pass through the esophagus. The food you eat will form a mass in the esophagus and enter the stomach for digestion in order, so When eating, you must chew slowly, promote food digestion through saliva, have a lubricating effect, facilitate the swallowing of food, and toxic ingredients. In addition, it also has a bactericidal effect.

2. Don’t drink too hot water

Esophageal cancer is the third largest cancer in our country, and the most important factor is drinking hot water regularly.

Drinking more hot water is not a good way to maintain health. On the contrary, it is prone to esophageal cancer. The study found that, Regularly drinking water above 65°C increases the risk of esophageal cancer by 8 times.

3. Work and rest on time

In addition to the above, everyone has good work and rest habits, which can reduce the chance of esophageal cancer and other cancers. If you stay up late for a long time, the body’s biological clock will be disrupted, and normal cell division will appear. Abnormal, increasing the chance of cell mutation.