This kind of food looks ordinary, but it has many benefits, and it is known as the “longevity fruit”!

Peanut is a treasure. Although it looks ordinary, it has many benefits. It is also known as the “longevity fruit” and “the meat in the plain”.

The benefits of eating peanuts

The protein content of peanuts is as high as about 30%, and its nutritional value is comparable to that of eggs, milk and other foods;

Contains 8 kinds of amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids needed by the human body, as well as choline and lecithin, which are rare in general grains, which help to promote the body’s metabolism and enhance memory;

Contains natural polyphenols, such as resveratrol, plant isoflavones, etc., and also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects…

#peanut’s Chinese medicine business card#

【Nature and flavor】Natural and sweet.

【Function】moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, invigorate the spleen and stomach, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, and promote qi and milk.

【Indications】Dry cough and less phlegm, spleen deficiency, constipation, postpartum lactation, etc.

【Usage】raw food, boiled, fried, stewed soup, etc.

【Caution】Damp and moldy peanuts should not be eaten, and diabetics should be careful.


“Southern Yunnan Materia Medica”: “Boiled with salt water to treat tuberculosis, stir-fry with dry fire to promote blood flow, and treat all abdominal cold accumulation and abdominal pain.”

Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica: “eat more to treat nausea.”

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious?

01 Raw Peanut Suppresses Acid Reflux

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that peanuts are sweet in taste and flat in nature.

If we get up every morning and chew 10 raw peanuts on an empty stomach until very thin, and then rely on the instinctive swallowing action to swallow the finely crushed peanut pulp, it can help people with high gastric acid secretion to temporarily relieve acid reflux and belching.

However, this method cannot fundamentally cure stomach problems, it can only help improve symptoms.

In addition, because the nutrients of raw peanuts are more difficult to digest, it is not recommended to use raw peanuts to suppress stomach acid for people with indigestion problems, nor is it recommended to eat raw peanuts.

02 Peanut cooked, delicious and nutritious

Nutrition experts said that after the peanuts are cooked, in addition to less water, the changes in nutrient content are not very large.

However, when making cooked peanuts, some people like to boil them in salt water, some people like to fry them, and some like salt and pepper, and these eating rules are not good for health.

So when you eat cooked peanuts, you should try to keep the original flavor as much as possible. Boiled directly in water, roasted in microwave oven, etc. are all good choices.

Usually, we can add a handful of peanuts to the porridge. In addition to promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, it can also soften stool. Eating peanut porridge for a long time is beneficial to improve symptoms such as constipation and dry stool.

For example, Professor Chen Tongyun, a well-known Chinese medicine doctor, once shared a bowl of healthy multi-grain porridge that he often eats on a TV program, including peanuts.

Materials: red dates, yam, wolfberry, lily, peanut kernels, walnut kernels each 5~10 grams, together with rice, add water to make porridge and eat.

Efficacy: nourishing yin and moistening dryness, nourishing blood and nourishing blood.

Peanut Buying Guide

01 Look at the exterior

New peanuts are full of moisture, so weigh them down with your hands. Due to the loss of water, the surface of the old peanut shell is dry, and it is lighter when weighed by hand.

02 pinch texture

New peanuts will feel difficult to pinch if you want to break them, and the shells are tender. It is easier for Chen Peanut to crush, and there will be a sound when crushed.

03 Shake

Put the peanuts to your ear and shake them, the new peanuts can hardly hear the shaking of the peanuts inside, but the old peanuts will make a sound when shaken.

Reducing fat and reducing fat – peanut sprouts

If you don’t like peanuts, you can eat peanut sprouts.

Shu Lanting, a national second-level public nutritionist, introduced in a 2016 article that many people may not know much about peanut sprouts.

In fact, it is a bud that grows from peanuts after cultivation. It looks like a soybean sprout. It is white as jade, fresh and crisp, light and palatable. It is a vegetable with good nutrition and taste.

After germination of peanuts, the vitamin content increases in an all-round way, various nutrients are more easily digested and absorbed by the human body, and the fat in peanuts is consumed and utilized by the new buds during the germination process. The feeling will also be enhanced, which is very suitable for people with high blood fat and weight loss.

However, it should be reminded that peanuts are nut foods with high fat content, especially fried peanuts, and the daily intake should not exceed 10 grams.

Source: Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture