Thirty-sixth day of anti-tuberculosis treatment

Get up at 7:30 in the morning, take medicine after washing, and take 2 hormone pills on the fourth day. After taking the medicine, it was about 8 o’clock, and I asked my wife to get up and go to the market. Buy some meat and send Dabao to the hospital for a checkup. Cough several times a day. Arrived in town around 9:30. After buying the goods, Dabao went to check the slight hand, foot and mouth disease. Then we went home. Got home about 11 o’clock. Mom and the others are fencing off the vegetable garden. We are making noodles. Wait until the afternoon for dinner. We went fishing. Fished for about 2 hours. Just go home. Caught 7.8 lines. Fish is not so good. It was past 9pm when we got back. Every day at home is fulfilling. It’s gone again today.