These areas are the “high-incidence areas” of AIDS in the country. See if your hometown is also “on the list”?

Author: Zhang Wei (Beijing Ditan Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University)

In 1985, an Argentine-American young man entered China as a tourist, and was soon admitted to Peking Union Medical College Hospital due to fever and lung infection. The first case of AIDS, and since then, the number of AIDS patients has continued to grow.

At present, all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in my country, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, have confirmed AIDS patients.

Data from the China CDC shows that by the end of September 2018, my country had reported 850,000 surviving infections and 262,000 deaths.

One-third of infected people in China are still undetected. According to a joint assessment by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, UNAIDS and the World Health Organization, by the end of 2018, my country estimated that there were about 1.25 million infected people and patients, and the infection rate of the entire population was 9/10,000, which is a shocking figure.

Please note that after HIV infects the human body, it does not immediately develop AIDS, which is a process in which the virus replicates in the human body until it causes the disease, so they are classified as “HIV infection” AIDS patients” and “AIDS patients”.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

I. Distribution of the number of cases

There are 15 provinces with more than 10,000 surviving cases, including 3 provinces with more than 50,000 cases.

The provinces with the largest number of HIV infections in the country are: Guangxi, Yunnan and Sichuan.

The provinces with the most low incidence areas are mainly located in Northeast China, North China, Northwest China and Tibet in Southwest China, occupying nearly half of the country’s land area.

The incidence of AIDS generally presents a spatial distribution pattern of “high in the south, low in the north, high in the west, and low in the east”.

II. Distribution of annual growth rates

Guizhou, Anhui, Sichuan, Xinjiang, and Chongqing have the highest annual growth rates in terms of changes in the number of AIDS cases in China.

Fujian, Shanxi, Beijing, Hubei, and Henan ranked last in terms of annual growth rates.

Generally speaking, the changes in the population of AIDS patients in China are not only different in different provinces and regions, but also at the regional level, showing “the fastest in the west, the second in the east, and the slowest in the middle. “The Geographical Disparity Pattern.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

III. Regional gatherings

As for the regional clustering of AIDS, due to the restriction of population movement in adjacent areas, it is easy to form an AIDS cluster around the high-incidence area of ​​AIDS – in the southwest, Guangxi, Guangxi, Yunnan and Sichuan are the high-incidence areas;

In the northwest, northeast and other places, there are many low-incidence areas of AIDS.

IV. Distribution Trend

Due to the flow of population between provinces and regions, it has played a significant role in correcting the imbalance in the number of AIDS cases in various provinces and regions. Therefore, the number of AIDS cases in China’s provinces and regions will tend to be consistent in the future.

Migrants contribute to the spread of HIV among the population.

Most of the floating population are separated from their families, places of residence, and normal and formal social restraint mechanisms, which relatively increase their exposure to dangerous or unprotected sexual behaviors. is a high risk factor for HIV transmission.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

A 2010-2015 surveillance data of my country’s prostitution sentinels showed that the proportion of HIV-infected prostitutes in my country has remained at a low level of 0.20% to 0.30% in recent years, which may be related to prostitution. High-risk behavioral interventions (eg, increased government regulatory crackdowns and increased public protections for sexual activity) are strongly associated with increased HIV treatment rates.

But despite this, due to the uncontrollable population movement, the spread of AIDS among prostitutes still requires vigilance.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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