These 8 kinds of people are most likely to have garbage in their blood vessels. Doing 4 things can prevent cardiovascular disease

Once the blood vessels are blocked, it will induce acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, limb necrosis, and stroke. According to folklore, blockage of blood vessels means that there is garbage in the blood vessels. Diligently cleaning the garbage in the blood vessels can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Is this really the case? Maybe the answer refreshes people’s cognition.

Is there really garbage in the blood vessels?

To be clear, there are no garbage and toxins in the blood vessels at all, just metabolites. The body is metabolizing and producing metabolic wastes all the time. The most common ones are useless water and inorganic salts, as well as carbon dioxide and urea. Metabolic wastes can be transported to the kidneys or intestines along with the blood circulation, and excreted through urination or defecation, and some are also excreted through the skin.

Lipids are the main culprit in clogging blood vessels, especially those with disordered fat metabolism, those who prefer high cholesterol and fatty and greasy foods, they are easy to deposit in blood vessels As time goes on, lipid deposition gradually increases, and plaques form over time.

What people fear most is the rupture of the plaque, which will fall off and become a thrombus. With strong fluidity, it is easy to get stuck in the stenosis of blood vessels, and eventually face various diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and pulmonary embolism.

Who is prone to blockage of blood vessels?

  • First, obese people, especially those with a body mass index greater than 28;
  • Third, older adults over 80 years of age;
  • Fourth, older than 40-year-old men and postmenopausal women;
  • Fifth, patients with coronary heart disease, peripheral atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular disease;
  • Sixth, people with high blood pressure, hyperuricemia and diabetes;
  • Seventh, people who prefer high-calorie and high-fat foods, sedentary Or stand for a long time and exercise less;
  • Eighth, the family has coronary heart disease and atherosclerotic lesions.

How often is it good to measure blood lipids?

20~40 years old with normal blood lipids, usually see a doctor for blood lipid check every 5 years, no need to be too frequent; dyslipidemia, postmenopausal women check once a year; high-risk groups of cardiovascular disease Measure once every 3-6 months; measure blood lipids once a day in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

How to maintain blood vessels?

1. Adjusting the diet

A diet rich in oil, polysaccharide and salt can easily cause blood viscosity and increase blood pressure. flow burden. Therefore, you should pay attention to a light and diverse diet, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains; stay away from fatty, sweet, high-sugar and high-salt foods; use low-temperature cooking methods to avoid frying or frying. Whether smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke, or drinking alcohol will increase blood viscosity, so you should refuse smoking and drinking.

2. Get enough sleep< /p>

Staying up all night or lack of sleep not only breaks the regular biological clock, but also stimulates the secretion of norepinephrine, and also stimulates the secretion of too much adrenaline, and the blood flow rate is greatly reduced and increased Blood viscosity, so you should do your daily routine, and you need to enter your dreams before 11 o’clock in the evening.

3. Multi-sport

biking, skipping or jogging, climbing, swimming, etc. All are good aerobic exercise, can improve cardiopulmonary function, improve systemic blood circulation, dilute the blood, and help eliminate excess cholesterol in the body.

4. Adjust your mood

Keeping a good mood will not only release stress, but also It can also stabilize blood pressure and maintain the integrity of the vascular endothelium.

Message from the doctor

Timely correct bad habits , to cultivate an optimistic and open-minded mood. Adjust the diet and increase the amount of exercise to reduce the weight and waist circumference; stabilize various indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids. Any abnormality in the indicators must be properly prescribed under the guidance of a doctor to minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease. Usually, pay more attention to your own symptoms. If you have chest pain, weakness on one side, unclear speech or blurred vision, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

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