These 6 kinds of food are the “hardest hit areas” for parasites, pay attention when feeding them to children

A 6-year-old child in Foshan, Guangdong, was diagnosed with liver fluke disease. After investigation, it was found that the parasite came from a chopping board at home. Most of the parasites on the cutting board come from the food.

So, which foods are prone to parasites? What problems should be paid attention to when feeding children?

Pig beef

Pork and beef play an important role in our daily diet.

Pork may contain Taenia solium cysticercosis, Trichinella larvae, Sarcocystis, and Toxoplasma gondii. Similarly, beef is also susceptible to some parasites, such as Taenia saginata, Sarcocystis, and Toxoplasma gondii. If a child eats infected meat, and the meat happens to be undercooked, it is likely to be infected by parasites.

People infected with pork tapeworm are prone to symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion, weight loss, and in severe cases, intestinal perforation or intestinal obstruction.

Shrimp and Crab

In daily life, crayfish is a favorite food of many people, especially adults, who always like to drink beer and eat crayfish.

But adults can eat it, and give it to children as little as possible, because crayfish contains paragonimiasis. If it is not fully cooked at high temperature, this parasite can easily survive and enter the human body.

Also in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, many people like to eat drunken shrimp and crabs. Although they are delicious, children should eat less, especially wild shrimps and crabs, because of the number of parasites on their bodies. Especially many.

The paragonimiasis in shrimp and crabs mainly reside in the lungs. After infection, children will have symptoms such as coughing and chest pain. In more serious cases, it will cause tracheal blockage or lung bleeding. And this parasite is not easy to find, which increases the risk.


Many children like snails because they find it fun and interesting, and of course it tastes good, but this kind of food should be given to children as little as possible. The most common in snails is a parasite called Angiostrongylus cantonii. Because the shell of the snail is very hard, the Angiostrongylus cantonii parasitic in it is more difficult to kill.

Angiostrongylus cantonis mainly invades the central nervous system of the human body, which may induce brain lesions and cause serious lesions such as meningitis and myelitis.

In addition to parasitic worms in field snails, the larvae of Angiostrongylia can also survive in fish, shrimp, crabs, and frogs, so these foods should not be eaten raw, let alone given to children.


Parents often think that eels are very nutritious and that feeding their children will help their bodies develop, but they also have parasites in their bodies. The parasite that lives on the eel is called the jaw-mouth nematode.

This kind of parasite is quite scary and will survive in the human body for a long time, from parasitic on the esophagus wall at first, to walking around the whole body at will, and eventually causing damage to multiple organs , there is even the possibility of entering the brain, thereby causing life-threatening.

Some freshwater fish such as grass carp, bighead carp, rainbow trout

Grass carp, bighead carp, rainbow trout and other freshwater fish may contain liver flukes, and if eaten raw, they are also susceptible to parasite infection, which can cause abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc., and even liver damage. Therefore, parents should pay attention when feeding fish to their children, cooking is the key.

Water chestnut, water chestnut, etc.

If fertilization is done with animal manure that has not undergone harmless treatment, or if animal manure is discharged into the pond, it may contaminate plants such as water chestnuts and water chestnuts.

Many people like to eat raw water chestnuts, water chestnuts, etc., which are very easy to infect the ginger worm. Fasciola chinensis is generally parasitic in the human small intestine, which can seriously cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, facial and body edema, malabsorption, malnutrition and other problems. If children are infected, it may lead to stunting.

In life, How should children prevent infection with parasites?

1. Wash hands frequently and pay attention to hygiene

Children are very curious and come into contact with different objects every day. Some invisible eggs will parasitize these objects. If they are not cleaned in time, these parasites will eaten into the stomach. Then it will absorb the nutrients in the child’s body, which will ultimately affect the child’s growth and development.

2. Cook food thoroughly

Parasites are mostly intolerant of high temperature. Washing and cooking food at high temperature can prevent parasitic infection well.

3. Separate processing of raw and cooked ingredients

Do not put raw food and cooked food together. Knives and cutting boards that have processed raw food must be cleaned and disinfected before reuse.

4. Children should be careful when touching pets

Nowadays, many families like to keep pets, because both adults and children like it, but there are parasites on pets. Parents must be careful and disinfect the surrounding environment regularly. , Keep the pet’s environment quiet and tidy, and regularly deworm the pet in vitro.

Children’s body defense mechanism is not perfect, parents should be aware of these problems, otherwise a little omission may cause irreversible damage. Of course, it does not mean that these foods cannot be eaten, but it is necessary to ensure that the food is well-cooked and the hygiene and safety are guaranteed, so that the baby can rest assured to eat.