The Writer in the Talking Machine: Putting the Speaker’s Position Right

Since you are “playing” a leader in words, think and speak like a leader. The issues that leaders should consider when speaking, we as speech writers should all consider. So, what is the first thing a leader should consider when speaking? The first thing to consider, I think, is to position yourself.

The leader of our service is a leader to the subordinates; to the superiors, he is a subordinate; to the peers, he is a colleague. In the team, he may be the “squad leader” or a deputy in charge of a certain aspect. In many cases, the roles of our service objects are combined. Then, when we prepare various written materials for the leader, we must first understand for the leader what kind of identity he is when he speaks. , what is your position in attending this meeting?

I have come across quite a few speeches in my actual work, and quite a few of them have problems in this regard. I’ve had this kind of trouble myself.

I remember that one year, I made such a mistake when I drafted a speech for an event for the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee. It was a coincidence that the event was attended by a deputy from the city and gave a speech. Because the drafters of the two speeches did not communicate in advance, both sides made the same mistake, resulting in a very strange effect of the event. When I was drafting a speech for the secretary that time, I felt that there were a lot of things to say, and as a result, I elaborated on it in great detail, and piled the requirements of each specific job into the speech without any waste. Coincidentally, the speech draft of the deputy who attended the meeting was written in outline, only talking about big ideas, and basically did not involve specific work. In this way, the effect of the meeting is that the identities of the secretary and the deputy are completely lost when they speak. It should have been the leader who talked about the big ideas and principles, and the deputy deployed the specific work. As a result, the deputy talked about the macro and the secretary. Specifically, if you don’t read the signature, people will think that the deputy is the first-in-command, and the first-in-command becomes the deputy. After the meeting, a colleague who had also worked in drafting in the past said to me: How did you do this? Did you not ventilate beforehand? This meeting was too funny. The secretary did the work of the deputy, and the deputy robbed the secretary.

Once again, I made a bigger mistake than this. It was in 2004. At that time, I prepared a speech for the main leaders of the municipal party committee at the central meeting. I still don’t know how I wrote some of the suggestions to the central government at that time. It turned out that the central government should pay attention to building a national mainstream consciousness. form and core values. At the time, I didn’t realize that this completely misplaced the leadership position, and I didn’t think so. Until later, the old secretary-general of another province woke me up with a word while chatting with me. I remember he said to me at the time, “You are so bold! This is the category of central decision-making. Can this issue be raised by a local cadre? You are lucky that the leader didn’t dismiss you!” Although several years later The central government also proposed the proposition of socialist core values, but to this day, I still have lingering fears when I think of it.

Through these lessons, I gradually realized a truth, that is, no matter what speech or speech materials are prepared for the leader, we must first find out who the leader is. Speak, and who else speaks and speaks at the same time. If possible, try to find the speeches of other leaders who speak or speak at the same time as the leader. On the one hand, it avoids the content of the speech from crashing, and more importantly, prevents the leader from speaking out of his own identity and role, saying “less”. Or say “over”.