The vice president of Beijing Hospital gave the old man 4 words: Many “diseases” are not diseases, they are just old people

The 67-year-old Uncle Chen has been feeling unwell recently, feeling low back pain and dizziness. He was afraid that he would be seriously ill, so he was arguing with his son to take him for a physical examination.

But after going to the hospital for examination, the medical report showed that there was nothing wrong with Uncle Chen, but the blood pressure was a little high, and there was some cervical spondylosis, which the doctor thought was not serious. However, Uncle Chen was clamoring for treatment, and the doctor could not persuade him.

After returning home, Uncle Chen thought that the reason why he could not find the disease was because the hospital was not big enough and the doctors were not professional enough, so he asked his son to take him to other big hospitals to see a doctor. In the eyes of Uncle Chen’s son, this is because Uncle Chen thought too much. What really happened?

1. You may be old, not sick

Many old people also feel that they are “sick all over” like Uncle Chen, and there is something wrong with their bodies here and there. In this regard, Professor Wang Jianye, Chief Physician of Beijing Hospital of the Ministry of Health once said 4 sentences to express his views, which made people enlightened and suddenly realized cheerful.

“Aging starts at the age of 25, don’t compare data with young people”

Aging is a physiological phenomenon that conforms to the laws of nature. With the increase of age, various organs and tissues of the human body will gradually age.

Professor Wang believes that old people do not need to pursue the same medical data as young people, even if the test results are not within the normal range, it is still possible to maintain the indicators at normal levels through rational drug use and standardized treatment, and it is also possible to live a healthy life.

“People are old, some indicators exceed the standard, maybe it’s good”< /span>

Professor Wang believes that some indicators of the elderly exceed the standard, which may be a good thing.

Organ function deteriorates with age, and various health parameters also change. Taking hypertension as an example, the general standard is that blood pressure above 120/80 mmHg is considered high blood pressure, but for the elderly, this standard is no longer applicable.

The blood pressure of the elderly is normal if it does not exceed 150/90 mmHg. For the elderly around 80 years old, the reasonable range of blood pressure can be relaxed to no more than 160/100 mmHg. Compared with high blood pressure, the elderly with low blood pressure will bring a series of health risks.

“Many diseases of the elderly are not diseases, but old people”< /span>

Professor Wang pointed out that many “diseases” of the elderly are not actually diseases, but normal aging phenomena.

Some elderly people have a loss of appetite, which may be due to the deterioration of oral function, resulting in poor teeth, or the deterioration of gastrointestinal function, resulting in weakened digestive ability; some elderly people often have shortness of breath. The feeling of qi, this may be due to the decline of respiratory function or poor heart function…

“It doesn’t matter if you are ill, as long as it doesn’t affect your life after treatment”

Professor Wang believes that it does not matter if the elderly are ill, as long as the treatment can reduce the pain and improve the quality of life.

He suggested that healthy elderly people should have a physical examination every year, and elderly people with health risks or underlying diseases should have a physical examination every 3 months or half a year as ordered by the doctor. should be treated early. The elderly should face aging correctly and refuse excessive treatment.

Second, these diseases are very common in the elderly and have to be prevented

< p>Although some discomforts in the elderly are caused by natural aging and many do not require treatment, some discomforts are indeed caused by diseases and require timely and standardized treatment.

1. Depression

Wuhan Mental Health Center Chief Physician Zeng Zeng Lin said that 30% of the elderly patients in the hospital were depressed.

While Bai Han, deputy director of the Mental Health Center of Wuhan University People’s Hospital pointed out, The incidence of depression in the elderly over 65 years old is as high as 12%-25%, which has become the second most common disease of geriatrics.

Dr. Bai further explained that depression in the elderly has the characteristics of low consultation rate and low recognition rate, and patients often have depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms, sleep disorders and cognitive function. Obstacles, etc.

2. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common disease in the elderly, more common in postmenopausal female. Once the elderly suffer from osteoporosis, they are prone to fractures, bone pain and other symptoms.

In order to prevent osteoporosis in the elderly, it is necessary to exercise more outdoors, get more sun exposure, and at the same time strengthen nutrition in diet. You can appropriately increase the intake of calcium-rich foods such as milk and eggs to supplement enough calcium.

3, coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is also one of the high-incidence diseases of the elderly. When patients with coronary heart disease have an attack, will have symptoms such as dyspnea and rapid heartbeat strong>. Once coronary heart disease progresses to a more serious time, it may lead to hypoxia, myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction, and even sudden death. Therefore, if similar symptoms appear suddenly without warning, be on high alert for heart problems.

4, shingles< /p>

Herpes zoster is an infectious skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The virus can latentat the heel ganglia of the spinal cord. Once the immunity declines, the latent virus will be reactivated and replicated in large numbers, thereby causing a herpes zoster.

Middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old have a higher risk of herpes zoster due to their chronic diseases such as diabetes and the decline of immunity due to aging.

If you want to prevent shingles, in addition to paying attention to the regularity of work and rest, and enhancing physical fitness and immunity through diet and exercise, vaccination can also effectively prevent shingles. Generally, two doses of the vaccine can greatly reduce the risk of shingles.

Third, once you get older, remember to supplement nutrients reasonably

most The elderly have the problem of nutritional deficiencies, and reasonable nutritional supplementation is very important for the elderly.


Lecithin is the main component of nerve cells in the brain. Promoting the synthesis of neurotransmitters has certain benefits for preventing lipid accumulation in blood vessels and improving cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis. Foods rich in lecithin include soybeans, egg yolks, and chicken livers.

·Folic acid

Folic acid can lower blood homocysteine The concentration of acid, once the body lacks folic acid, may lead to hyperhomocysteinemia, which in turn increases the risk of diseases such as arteriosclerosis, stroke and myocardial infarction.

Generally,you can get enough folic acid by eating more vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains span>. For people who cannot meet their needs through diet and patients with high blood pressure caused by hyperhomocysteinemia, additional supplementation can be obtained by taking folic acid tablets.


With age, the rate of calcium loss will also accelerate, once calcium deficiency can easily lead to problems such as osteoporosis.

It is recommended that the elderly can increase their daily intakedairy, soy, seafood and nuts< span> and other calcium-rich foods. In addition, vitamin D and vitamin K2 should be supplemented at the same time to promote the absorption and utilization of calcium. Foods rich in vitamin D include egg yolks, animal liver and bones, etc., while foods rich in vitamin K2 include green leafy vegetables, dairy products and natto.

The elderly should use a positive attitude to face aging, manage chronic diseases and In the prevention of common diseases, we should also pay attention to a balanced diet, provide reasonable nutrition, and exercise more to ensure physical and mental health and improve the quality of life in old age.


[1]Don’t treat aging as a disease, many “diseases” are not diseases, but just old age! .Health Report, 2018-04-14

[2] Long-term insomnia in the elderly, beware of depression. Wuhan Evening News, 2018-08-12

[3] Diet News: the elderly Eight kinds of nutrition should be supplemented. Life Times, 2014-03-28

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