The panties are always wet, do you know why?

After a day, I didn’t do strenuous exercise, but I always felt my underwear was wet and sticky, which was embarrassing and awkward. uncomfortable.

combined with the high temperature in summer, It will be more obvious, and even affect the normal life and work of female friends. There may be many women who are still worried: this is not caused by some kind of gynecological disease, right? Don’t panic, this may be normal! The culprit of wet panties may be leucorrhea. Leucorrhea is a female vaginal discharge, which is a mixture of vaginal mucosal exudate, cervical canal and endometrial gland secretions. When a woman is in the ovulation period, because the hormones will fluctuate up and down, the vagina is easy to discharge leucorrhea, and it is transparent and sticky, but if the leucorrhea has no odor and no itching, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. Generally, leucorrhea may also increase 1-2 days before menstruation, or it may be a signal before menstruation.

Gynecological inflammation is usually excluded in women. Abnormal leucorrhea, manifested as increased secretion of leucorrhea and yellow, with peculiar smell, etc., resulting in the underwear has been kept wet. The usual unhygienic living habits of women will also lead to more secretions on the panties, such as infrequently changing and washing panties, unclean sex life , mental stress is the main cause of vaginitis. The common gynecological inflammations are mainly the following two:

1. Vaginitis

Vaginitis is a common gynecological inflammation that occurs at all ages. According to the different causes, vaginitis is divided into trichomonas vaginitis, fungal vaginitis, bacterial vaginitis three.

It may cause a significant increase in leucorrhea, wet panties, and women with vaginitis may also have vaginal discharge on their panties. It will be stained with yellow-green or bean curd-like leucorrhea, and emit an odor.

2, cervicitis

Inflammation refers to the inflammation of the cervix, which is divided into acute cervicitis and chronic cervicitis. Increased leucorrhea is a typical symptom of cervicitis, and the leucorrhea is mostly gray or light yellow, or accompanied by a peculiar smell. Some patients may also experience abnormal vaginal bleeding, genital itching, burning and other uncomfortable symptoms. Finally, for the situation of wet underwear, the editor believes that whether it is a normal phenomenon or a pathological reason, we should keep our private parts clean, change and wash our underwear frequently, wash our private parts with warm water every day, etc. , in order to maintain physical and mental health and have a comfortable life! Note: This article is a health science popularization article. The articles related to drugs, technologies, products, etc. are only for expressing needs, and do not have any treatment suggestions. For specific treatment methods, please go to a regular hospital for professional treatment. examination and treatment.

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