The old man in the countryside said, “Three kinds of strange noises appearing in the house are a bad omen.” What is the sound?

In daily life, people often encounter some very abnormal things. These unexplainable things are regarded as omens. The old people in the countryside said: “There are three kinds of strange noises in the home, which is a bad omen.” Let’s take a look at these three kinds of sounds. What is the sound, does it make sense.

First, the hen learns the sound of the rooster

The chicken is a kind of Poultry was raised in every rural household in the past. On the one hand, it can increase family income and on the other hand, it can improve family life. Therefore, in the previous era of underdeveloped economy, every household had breeding.

But with the development of the economy and the progress of the times, for the sake of family hygiene and tidy, standardized chicken farms have been replaced, but now few families are fed.

Under normal circumstances, hens lay eggs and roosters croak, which is normal. However, some hens imitate the rooster’s cry, which is obviously a bit abnormal. The old people think that it is a bad omen for a hen to learn how to call a rooster, and something bad will happen. Therefore, he immediately killed the hen that learned how to call the rooster as a way to decipher the bad omen.

The reason why people think this is mainly because in the early days, people could not give a scientific explanation for this relatively rare strange phenomenon, and coupled with the influence of feudal superstition, this strange phenomenon was often associated with gods and ghosts. Link it up and see it as a ghost at work.

In some people’s homes, it happened that a hen learned to call a rooster, and it happened that some unfortunate things happened, such as fire, death, etc. The more you say it, the more true it is, the more it spreads, and as a result, there is a saying that “the hen crowing is not auspicious”.

Actually, the hen’s crowing is the result of an obstacle to the normal secretion of the hen, the decrease of estrogen and the increase of male hormone. The reason why people are afraid is that they are influenced by their superstitious thoughts and put on a layer of disguise on this phenomenon!

Second, the sound of the dog crying

People have always regarded dogs as animals A loyal friend of human beings, it has strong intelligence and olfactory ability, can understand people’s language and various gestures, and can even distinguish the owner’s voice and footsteps. It is a housekeeper. a good hand. If trained again, they will do amazing things.

Under normal circumstances, dogs will not bark easily, unless they are met with a stranger or when they are disturbed, they will bark non-stop. However, there are also special cases, that is, the dog is barking wildly with tears in one direction, and the normal “barking” sound has turned into a “wheezing” whine.

Old people think this is a bad phenomenon, and something bad must happen in the direction the dog whines. The old people said that dogs can see the existence of ghosts, and there must be unfortunate disasters in the direction they are heading, so they cry.

Actually, it is impossible for dogs to be so godly, and such a statement is also a bit superstitious. According to veterinary experts, this is caused by the dog either having been injured in the direction it was facing and trying to relieve pressure, or it was caused by an illness, pain or discomfort in a certain area. The old people say that bad things will happen when a dog cries in one direction. already.

Three, the call of the owl

The owl is a kind of bird because it looks like a cat, people Call it “Owl”. The owl is a nocturnal animal. It likes to hide and sleep among the leaves during the day. When night falls, it comes out to hunt for food. It is a good mouse catcher.

Owls usually make two calls, one is normal’ The ‘gugu’ sound, the other is the “clucking” sound it makes when it is excited or frightened. This “clucking” sound is very similar to a bleak laughter when it reaches people’s ears.

For this kind of “giggle” sound, there is a folk saying that “the owl laughs and the family wears filial piety”. Some people think that hearing this sound means that someone is about to die, indicating that something bad is about to happen. It is an ominous omen.

Actually, saying “The owl laughs, the family wears filial piety” is the nonsense of those who promote superstition. The owl is a kind of beneficial bird, it is nocturnal Nocturnal, mostly nocturnal, it is a good mouse catcher, and it can also be said to be a friend of human beings.

Actually, the death of human beings is not brought by owls. Someone is about to die, and there is a certain smell on the body that attracts the owl, and the owl starts to call after the smell.

For these three kinds of strange sounds, the elderly in the countryside have been It is considered an ominous omen. The editor believes that animals are animals, and it is impossible to predict anything, but they themselves are different due to different expressions. The special sound must be caused by special reasons. If it is an omen, it is obviously a little bit Superstition. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message!