The high incidence of cancer in China is caused by MSG? Reminder: These 6 kinds of food are really carcinogenic

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There are many people who have doubts about MSG, many people Said that the high incidence of cancer in my country is because of too much monosodium glutamate.

MSG is just an umami seasoning, Does it really have such a large “carcinogenic” power? Today, Xiaojiu tells you the truth.

my country has a high incidence of cancer, both Is it because you eat too much MSG?

The theory of delicate cancer has to start with a Chinese-American doctor named Zhao Haomin.

In 1968, he sent a letter to New England, roughly saying that every time he was in the United States After eating in a restaurant, there will be a numbness in the back of the neck, accompanied by rapid heartbeat and lack of physical strength, which is suspected to be related to the use of monosodium glutamate in Chinese restaurants.

span>As soon as this statement came out, it spread. Passing on, there is a saying of delicate and delicate cancer. So, is it true? First of all, let’s understand what MSG is.

The chemical composition of monosodium glutamate issodium glutamate, which contains sodium, is a condiment made from pure grains. It is usually refined from rice and corn starch as raw materials.

In fact, it is not only purified monosodium glutamate, but also contains sodium glutamate in grapes, mushrooms, kelp and other foods. These natural foods and grains are all non-toxic and harmless, so the sodium glutamate that meets the national standard is naturally non-toxic and harmless .

In fact, authoritative organizations have long confirmed that MSG does not cause cancer :

1973, United Nations Food Regulations The Committee (CAC), classifies sodium glutamate in category A(I) (safety category) of recommended food additives. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also classifies sodium glutamate as “generally recognized as safe.”

These 6 foods you love to eat that really cause cancer

MSG is not carcinogenic, but the causes of high cancer incidence in my country are complex, and food carcinogenicity is also the key point. What are the common carcinogenic foods in daily life?

1, pickled food

salted fish, Pickled vegetables, ham and other pickled foods contain a lot of nitrite. Nitrite itself is not carcinogenic, but after eating, it can combine with human gastric protein to form a new product – nitrosamine, and nitrosamine Carcinogenic.

It is recommended to reduce the consumption of pickled foods on weekdays. In addition, the nitrates are highest in the first week or two of pickles, and it is best to leave them for 20 days before eating them.

2, moldy food

Aflatoxin is a class 1 carcinogen, which is extremely damaging to liver tissue. Regular intake may increase the risk of liver cancer. Aflatoxin is likely to be hidden in moldy food.

It is recommended that moldy grains and rice must be thrown away and not eaten again; when storing grains and legumes, try to choose a cool, dry and ventilated food place; wooden chopsticks are best replaced once every six months; grain and oil products are best to choose regular manufacturers.

3. Grilled Foods

Barbecue and Level 1 Carcinogens benzopyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are all associated.

The charcoal used for barbecue contains benzopyrene, which will contaminate the food with the smoke; Produce benzopyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can enter the human digestive tract through ingestion of barbecued food, and can also enter the respiratory tract through barbecue smoke, increasing the possibility of cancer risk.

It is recommended to eat less barbecue food, especially the burnt part, it is best not to eat it; When eating barbecue, you should eat more fruits and vegetables at the same time to adjust; homemade barbecue can be wrapped in tin foil to minimize the contact between food and charcoal fire.

4. Alcoholic beverages

Alcohol and alcoholic beverages are related to acetaldehyde. The main component of wine is alcohol, but acetaldehyde is metabolized in the human body, and acetaldehyde is classified as a class 1 carcinogen. The British “Addiction” magazine pointed out that alcohol can cause cancer and is associated with at least seven types of cancer.

Suggestion: Do not persuade alcohol, do not drink; no matter what kind of alcohol, it is really irresistible, but also drink less, pay attention to moderation; do not drink alcohol Mixed drinking, more damage to the liver.

5, processed meat

About half of previous studies concluded that the consumption of processed meat was associated with colorectal cancer. The analysis found that this may be related to the presence of fuming nitrates in processed meat.

It is recommended to avoid processed meats such as hot dogs, enemas, canned meat, bacon, and corned beef. If you really want to eat it, it is also recommended to buy it from a regular manufacturer.

6. Sugar-sweetened beverages

British Medicine A study in the Journal found that consuming 100ml of sugar-sweetened beverages a day may increase the risk of cancer by 18%. The researchers analyzed that this may be related to the impact of sugar in beverages on visceral fat, blood sugar levels, etc., increasing the risk of cancer.

It is recommended to drink as little juice, milk tea, carbonated drinks as possible, and water is the healthiest drink.

How to stay away from cancer? Need to “Start” with Life

Nearly 50% of cancers are preventable, and 80% of them are related to lifestyle. If you want to stay away from cancer, start by avoiding the risk factors in your life.

So, what risk factors in life can increase the risk of cancer? According to the current scientific analysis, smoking, drinking, nutrition and exercise are closely related to cancer. By improving these behaviors, the risk of cancer can be reduced.

  • Quit Smoking

From the moment you quit smoking, your body benefits. With prolonged smoking cessation, the risk was nearly equal to that of non-smokers.

  • abstinence

  • There is no safe drinking value, and studies have shown that both light drinking and occasional heavy drinking can increase the risk of breast cancer in women.

    • sports

    An analysis of a study in Europe and the United States that tracked for 11 years found that regular physical exercise and physical work can reduce the risk of 13 types of cancer.

    • Nutrition

    World Cancer Research Fund estimates that healthy food and diet can prevent 30% to 40% of cancers. Healthy foods include fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains with crude fiber.

    The pathogenesis of cancer has not yet been found in humans, so it is impossible and impossible to rely on MSG alone. carcinogenic. Cancer prevention is a science. Blind prevention of cancer is a must. Eating and drinking in moderation is the truth.