The Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot will be open for free before the end of the year! Four scenic spots to build water loop

Four parks along the Grand Canal

by water , land and land as one

Both boat rides and walks span>

Existing Lighthouse and surrounding ancient buildings

There are also natural wild interests such as canal wetlands

It is a collection of leisure, vacation and experience , shopping, and more

all-in-one travel destination—

Highly concerned

< p>Beijing (Tongzhou) Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot

Before the end of the year

Free for tourists

After official approval

will be the first 5A-level scenic spot in the sub-center of the city

Lighthouse and its surroundings Ancient buildings

Renovation completed

Beijing (Tongzhou) Grand Canal The cultural tourism scenic spot connects four areas, from north to south: Xihaizi Park Hulu Lake Scenic Area, Burning Lighthouse and surrounding ancient buildings, Canal Park, Grand Canal Forest Park.

Among them, Xihaizi Park, Ran Deng Tower and surrounding ancient buildings are the northern area of ​​the scenic spot, It is also a concentrated carrier of cultural relics, ancient buildings and historical culture.

Lighthouse< /strong>

and surrounding ancient buildings

The Lighthouse is a landmark building in Tongzhou , is also a national protected cultural relic.The movable cultural relics in other surrounding ancient buildings and scenic spots are city and district protected cultural relics, which have high historical and cultural research value and tour value.

Since 2019, Tongzhou District implemented the rectification and upgrading project of the Burning Lighthouse and the surrounding ancient buildings.< /strong>The cultural relics of the scenic spot have been repaired, and the scenic environment, public service facilities and intelligent management have been improved.

At present, the Ran Deng Tower and the surrounding ancient buildings have basically completed the transformation from cultural relics to tourist attractions, and have the conditions for opening to tourists.

▲data map

Entering the scenic spot of Ran Deng Tower and the surrounding ancient buildings, the newly renovated Confucian Temple Pan Bridge first comes into view, and the white marble railings are shining in the sun.

Introduced by the instructor of the scenic spot, The biggest change in this renovation is the Pan Bridge. Because it is a cultural relic, the bridge was covered with a glass cover in the past, and tourists can only observe the base of the Pan Bridge through the glass.

This renovation specially restored the Pan Bridge on the pedestal, rebuilt the Pan Pond, restored the water storage function, and realized the passage on the bridge.

Continue to walk to the pavilion in front of the Zunjing Pavilion. The worker is making a multi-layered gallery to place the past< strong>Royal official wood salvaged from the bottom of the canal.

Relevant person in charge of the Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot, this repairrestored the historical pattern of the Confucian Temple in accordance with the historical system, and comprehensively repaired the walls, steps, tiles and doors and windows of the cultural relics in the scenic area. The paint and color paintings were dusted and refurbished, the gate of Youshengjiao Temple was reorganized, and the walls of the Ziqing Palace were rebuilt.

Being in it, the burning lighthouse dating back 1400 years is in front of you, and the modern office buildings in the Canal Business District such as Ueda Yagi are in the distance As far as the eye can see, ancient and modern cultures collide and blend here, which is shocking.


From the lighthouse and Enter the scenic spot of surrounding ancient buildings and enterHulu Lake scenic spot, walk along the trail and pass through the square in front of the Daguang Building, and you will come to Canal Park in the central area of ​​the scenic area, The walking trail can further connect to the Grand Canal Forest in the southern area garden.

This large land loop line is 25 kilometers long, and the breakpoint will be opened up.

Among themThe ship repair yard under the Luyang Bridge will set up the opening and closing bridge, and the Gantang Gate in the southernmost section It is to borrow the municipal road Wuxing Road and widen the additional trails, so as to connect the circular trails in series.

Upgrading 5 docks

The four parks in the scenic area are not only connected by land, but also by water through the North Canal. The river section is 12.1 kilometers long and the water area is 2.56 square kilometers. Walk through 10 bridges, including Beiguan Gate Bridge and Qianhe Xielu Bridge, forming the scenic water loop.

The waterway reconstruction of the scenic spot mainly improves the wharf environment. A temporary docking point was added in the Daguanglou area. The wharf and Liuyin Wharf have undergone landscape enhancement.

Introduction by the relevant person in charge of the Urban and Rural Planning Branch of China Construction Design and Research Institute,

The Daguanglou area has been upgraded and renovatedBinhe North Road Pedestrian Bridge, Repair the damaged part of the building façade to improve the night view of the buildinglighting.

Second floor plazaPlatform floor refurbished and implanted The theme of hydraulic culture is carved on the ground, and the surrounding vegetation is improved simultaneously.supplements with special cultural seats, landscape sketches, etc. and other facilities to meet the needs of tourists. diverse needs.

Pier 1 The existing container was dismantled, opened the enclosed space, and formed an axis-to-scene relationship with the eastern sculpture on the east side and the entrance gate. Greening the upper trailsAdd characteristic ecological flower border landscapes,and implant canal cultural elements in the design of tree ponds, grate, seats and other sketches .

Pier 2By extracting the mast tailwind flag elements unique to the Grand Canal< span>Build a waterfront station, adopt the new Chinese architectural form to create a sense of space that combines virtual and real, integrate sales, cultural creation, service and other diverse function to enhance the vitality of the waterfront dock space.

Caoyun Pier and Liuyin Pier pass through the Grand Canal Forest Park on both sides of the canal. Among them, , Caoyun Wharf will restore its former prosperity, renovate lacquered columns and painted facades of antique buildings, and introduce new formats to activate commercial blocks.

The Guandou image seats and Cultural scenic stones, adding waterfront viewing cultural seats, adding tree pond cultural grates, Setting up water transportation cultural themed ground sculptures, etc. The lighting fixture adopts the image of the flagpole of the Grand Canal, creates the night view of the Caoyun Pier.

Liuyin Pier span>Positioning with ancient charm and new scenery and ecological leisure, improves the current boat-shaped tree pond to show the scene of thousands of sails competing for mooring,< /strong>Extract mast elements to create landscape columns, reproduce one of the eight scenic spots in Tongzhou, the “Dragon Boat in the Shadow of the Willow”, and combine modern elements to shape the ecological waterfront.< /strong>

In addition, the space under the bridge is also the focus of scenic area improvement. The area to the north of the bridge) belongs to the core business district of the city.Dongguan Bridge and Shangying Bridge will combine with the space under the bridge to set up an activity space suitable for people to stay.< /p>

The Yuntong Bridge, Railway Bridge, Luyang Bridge, Luyang West Bridge and North Canal Bridge to the south of Shangying Bridge will be renovated with light decorationto protect the bridge Go down through the space.

Canal tour adds cultural flavor

The old saying goes: The Forbidden City was floated on the Grand Canal. The Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot will, based on the improvement of physical space, deeply sort out the canal culture, establish a cultural map, and develop cultural and creative IP as a whole. Visitors here are not just to see the flowers, but also to experience the splendid culture left by the canal.

For example, in Ran Deng Tower and the surrounding ancient building complex scenic spots, the planning plan has been completed, and will be opened“Cultural Exhibition” “Africa Exhibition” Special projects such as “Genetic Learning Institute” and “Health Exhibition”, and layout of Ran Deng Tower and surrounding ancient building complex scenic spots Middle Road (Confucian Temple), West Road (Department of Education, Minglun Hall, Emperor Wen Temple) , Ziqing Palace and other courtyards, use AI (artificial intelligence), holographic projection and other technologies to create an immersive experience combining virtual reality for tourists, protect And inherit the folk customs and intangible cultural heritage along the Grand Canal.

The comprehensive tourist service center in the southern area of ​​the scenic spot is currently under construction. AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality) and other technologies, create an immersive experience space.

A circular screen on the first floor is projected as the theme of “Canal Charm”, reproducing the Beijing section of the Grand Canal The ancient and modern style, compared the Ming and Qing Dynasties with the modern scenes, allowing tourists to walk into the canal scroll and travel through the bustling scenes.

On the second floor, the theme of “Revisiting the Eight Views of Tongzhou”, in a surround projection, The long scroll of the Eight Views of Tongzhou unfolds from left to right, and visitors can follow the guidance of the Great Bustard in the sky and revisit the Eight Views of Tongzhou.

At the same time, all the data of air, soil, water quality, pests and diseases, and the number of tourists in the scenic spot can also be displayed in the form of visual water waves on the stairs on the first and second floors. The space shows the ancient and modern changes of the Grand Canal through the form of flowing water particles.

Introduction by the person in charge of the Park Management Section of the Landscaping Bureau of Tongzhou District——

Lighthouse The scenic spots and the surrounding ancient buildings, Canal Park and Grand Canal Forest Park were originally operated independently. After the scenic spots have been transformed and upgraded by integrating resources, they will be unified by the Beijing (Tongzhou) Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot Management Center. Management, through the construction of intelligent scenic spots and the upgrading of human-oriented services, provide tourists with more high-quality and convenient services.

Source: Published by Tongzhou, Beijing