The Ferry of Life under the Snowy Night

This article is reprinted from: People’s Daily Online

At 7:45 on April 16, after more than 600 kilometers of more than 7 hours overnight in the wind and snow, the Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital supported Dr. Seda Yang. Jing successfully transported the Seda cerebral hemorrhage patient from Seda County People’s Hospital to Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital for treatment, which won precious time for saving lives.

On-site treatment. Photo courtesy of Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital

Seda, on April 15, there was heavy snow. At about 21:00 that day, Seda County People’s Hospital admitted a patient with headache and vomiting for 3 hours. The patient was diagnosed with a left occipital intracerebral hemorrhage. Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital Aid-Seda Medical Team is actively conducting antihypertensive treatment while remotely connecting to the neurosurgery of Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital. “The bleeding site of the patient does not rule out vascular malformation rupture and bleeding, and it must be transferred for surgery as soon as possible!” Shuai Yongxiao, the doctor on duty in neurosurgery, said to Yang Jing after seeing the examination results. Time is life. President Huang Chunjun and the medical team of Seda County People’s Hospital actively coordinated with the Foreign Cooperation Office, Medical Department, Emergency Department and Neurosurgery of Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital. After communicating the risks with the family members and pre-treatment to reduce blood pressure and hemostasis, the People’s Hospital of Seda County arranged for Yang Jing to escort the patient at 0:5 on April 16th. The race between life and time.

Due to the emergency of the patient’s condition, in order to gain time and ensure safety, the ambulance overcame factors such as wind and snow, and the road was slippery. Nurses observed the patient’s vital signs and mental state in real time, and performed treatments such as fluid infusion, blood pressure reduction, and hemostasis to ensure that the patient’s condition was stable during transit.

At 7:45 on April 16, the ambulance arrived safely at the emergency department of Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital. Luo Shuang, director of neurosurgery, Zhao Qiang, head of the functional neurosurgery professional group, Gong Min, chief inpatient department, and Dr. Shuai Yongxiao, who were already waiting in the emergency department, immediately performed emergency CTA examination for the patient. Clear surgical plan, emergency surgery.

Luo Shuang, director of neurosurgery, said: “The patient’s condition is relatively serious, and he was already in a light coma when he arrived. Fortunately, the delivery was timely. When we carry out the hematoma removal surgery with stereotaxic assistance, we also fully consider the accurate positioning and short time. The patient’s current condition is stable, and the department will closely monitor the change of the condition.”

“The successful treatment of critically ill patients in this efficient transfer is due to the support of the Fifth People’s Hospital of Chengdu. In-depth trusteeship results. With the help of teams of experts from Luo Shuang, Wang Xue, Liu Jia, Zhao Qiang, and Wang Wanli five hospitals, we have established a long-term assistance mechanism and smoothed the green channel for emergency and serious illness in pastoral areas. It has strengthened the construction of our hospital’s emergency first aid capacity, and strengthened the doctors’ ability to identify and treat acute and critical illnesses. We have gained the experience of sharing high-quality medical services in the metropolis with the plateau masses, the advancement of Seda’s medical technology, and the joint construction of a “Tibetan and Han family”. Fruitful results. We firmly believe that under the in-depth trusteeship of Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital, new results will be achieved.” President Huang Chunjun of Seda County People’s Hospital said gratefully.