The employee fainted and was rushed to the hospital? Inspur’s latest response: hospital diagnosed as “respiratory alkalosis”

[Source: Daily Life]

For the photos and information about our employees who were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, our company explains the relevant situation as follows: p>

On the morning of August 1, an employee of our company suddenly became numb after going to work in the morning. The colleague immediately dialed 120 and sent him to Shandong Provincial Hospital (Eastern Hospital), where he was diagnosed as “respiratory alkalosis”, and he was observed and rested according to the doctor’s request. At present, the employee’s health has returned to normal and will go home to rest after a short observation.

According to understanding, the employee will have regular weekends on July 30 and 31, and is usually in good health.

Our company will adhere to the people-oriented concept and continue to do a good job of caring and caring for employees.

Inspur Software Technology Co., Ltd.

August 1, 2022

Source: Dazhong Daily, Tianxia Spring City, Inspur Software Technology Co., Ltd.

Editor: Du Honghao
Reviewer: Shi Hongkai
Producer: Yin Meiling < /section>

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