The days are getting longer, the beginning of summer is coming, and the key to health care is to nourish the heart

As the saying goes: Spring nourishes the liver, summer nourishes the heart, autumn nourishes the lungs, and winter nourishes the kidneys. The beginning of summer is the first solar term in summer. The yang qi is getting longer, the days are getting longer, and the weather is getting warmer. At this time, health care should focus on nourishing the heart.

Pure Heart Fire

The heart is the yang viscera, it controls the yang qi, and the summer is when the yang qi is strong Season, so many people are easy to get angry in summer.

You need to pay attention to a light diet, and you can eat some bitter foods in moderation. Because bitter vegetables are rich in alkaloids and bitter substances, they have the functions of relieving summer heat, reducing fever, eliminating trouble, refreshing and strengthening stomach.

Nursing the mind

The mind is in control of the gods. Hot, people are easy to feel sleepy, irritable, hot and restless, and it is easy to insomnia, so we must pay attention to adjusting sleep.

“The secret of health, sleep first”, it is recommended to take a nap every day, but the nap time should not exceed one hour, half an hour is the best.

Protect the heart and blood

The heart in TCM theory has two main functions: one controls the blood vessels. , the second mind.

The normal movement of blood in the whole body depends on the function of the heart and main blood vessels. In summer, some people will experience shortness of breath, fatigue, fatigue, sleeplessness, and poor physical strength. .