The courier boy fell in the rainy night and caused hemorrhagic shock, and the emergency treatment in Xinhua Hospital turned the corner

In the early morning of April 15, the emergency room of Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine admitted a patient who was in hemorrhagic shock. Courier boy. The general surgeon on duty in the emergency department suspected a ruptured spleen and needed surgery urgently!

At that time, although the nucleic acid report had not been released, Gong Wei, director of general surgery, and Wang Xuefeng, secretary of the party branch, decided to immediately activate the emergency plan. After reporting to the medical department, intravenous anti-shock therapy will start immediately, blood type identification will be prepared, the green channel for rescue will be opened, and the patient will be transported to the negative pressure operating room.

Under the guidance of Director Gong Wei and Director Wang Xuefeng, on the same day, the hospital chief Weng Mingzhe and Li Huaifeng performed laparotomy to find the location of the spleen rupture, remove the spleen, completely stop the bleeding, place drainage… a series of treatment measures in an orderly manner.

This is a routine operation by general surgeons, but the operation still needs to be done more carefully when wearing N95 masks, goggles, and protective equipment such as airtight protective clothing.

After an operation, everyone sweated all over their bodies. After intraoperative treatment, the courier brother’s blood pressure stabilized.

After the operation, the little brother was transferred to the surgical intensive care buffer ward for observation. Four hours later, the nucleic acid test result came back negative.

As the little brother woke up, everyone realized how his accident happened. It turned out that the courier was delivering daily necessities to the sealed-off community that day, and he had been working hard for more than 12 hours at that time.

On the evening of the 14th, it was raining, and my little brother was in a state of fatigue again. He slipped and fell on the roadside steps while riding a moped, which caused abdominal trauma, and caused spleen rupture, He suffered massive intra-abdominal bleeding and was sent to the emergency department of Xinhua Hospital.

“People who are still working on the front line during the special period must pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and put safety first to avoid unnecessary accidents.” Gong Wei, director of general surgery at Xinhua Hospital, also reminded that those with underlying diseases Patients must pay more attention to the law of life and minimize the occurrence of unexpected factors.

Author: Tang Wenjia< /p>

Editor: Tang Wenjia

Responsible editor: Fan Liping

* Wenhui’s exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.