The cold winter is coming, it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 5 kinds of food often, the body will be strong, and the winter will not be disturbed

Winter is a romantic season. After officially entering the winter, many people also start to look forward to the snow. However, although the winter scenery is beautiful, it will also be accompanied by cold weather. Most middle-aged and elderly people are weak and cold, and their legs and feet are not flexible. Such weather is undoubtedly a test for them.

When winter comes, middle-aged and elderly people should reduce the number of times they go out to avoid getting sick from the cold, so it is very important to stock up on supplies at home Needed. As the saying goes, “There is food at home, don’t panic in your heart”, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people can stock up on the following 5 kinds of food in advance, which are not only rich in nutrition, but also very cold-resistant and storage-resistant, helping everyone survive the winter smoothly.

1. Red beans

In cold weather, once people are free at home, they tend to be greedy, but middle-aged and elderly people have insufficient digestion ability. Snacks, sometimes indigestion is unavoidable, you might as well try the Qidu Fangyiyan Cake made from red beans, which is highly nutritious and easy to digest, and will not get angry.

It selects high-quality red beans and peanuts as the main ingredients, supplemented by red dates, wolfberry and other ingredients to sweeten and enhance the flavor of the pastry . It grinds all the ingredients into powder and bakes it at low temperature, making it more delicate in the mouth, and the romantic rose and dragon fruit powder make it taste richer and richer.

During the whole production process, Qidu Fangyiyan Cake does not add a drop of oil or sucrose, Only rely on the original taste of the ingredients to restore the natural fragrance. It is double-packed in a transparent airtight jar. After opening, if you can’t finish eating, you can continue to put it in the box and seal it well. The pastry is not easy to be affected by moisture and deteriorates. It is still fresh and delicious every time you open it.

2. Sweet potatoes

The older generation has a soft spot for foods like sweet potatoes, especially when winter comes and sweet potatoes are on the market in large quantities. Many people will buy more and put them at home. Whether it is steamed, cooked porridge, or baked, the taste is very fragrant and sweet, and it has a strong sense of fullness after eating it, which can provide energy for the body and resist the cold .

It should be noted that when buying sweet potatoes, it is best to choose a sweet potato with a little dirt on the surface. Fresher. You don’t need to wash it after you buy it home. The soil on the surface can protect the water in the sweet potato from evaporating so quickly. It is very convenient to store the sweet potato in a cool and dry place and eat it anytime you want.

3. Mung beans

The weather in winter is not only cold, but also very dry, which can easily cause heartburn. If middle-aged and elderly people can’t stand the cold and turn on the heating at home, the phenomenon of getting angry may become more serious. It’s better to stock up some mung beans at home and make them into refreshing and moist pastries to unblock the body and improve the condition of dryness and heat.

Ordinary mung bean cake may be a bit sweet, you can try the sweeter Sanchuan Guifang Green Cake, it is made with ingenuity, choosing ingredients such as dandelion and frosted mulberry leaves to match with mung beans. The rich mung bean fragrance is mixed with fresh plant fragrance, which has a better taste and better moisturizing effect.

Sanchuan Guifang Green CakeThe whole cake is dark green, which is the original color of natural ingredients. The low-temperature curing makes the nature of mung beans change from cold to warm, which is more suitable for eating in winter. And each small piece of it The pastries are all packaged in individual transparent packages, which are convenient and hygienic to eat, and are also easy to store.

4. Potatoes

There are many root vegetables in autumn and winter, and potatoes in winter The output of sweet potatoes is even better than that of sweet potatoes, and it is good in quality and cheap. Many people love to eat it. It is also a common side dish of many delicacies. You will never get tired of eating it. If stored properly, potatoes can be stored at home for ten days and a half months Not a problem.

Middle-aged and elderly people still need to eat some nutritious food in winter. Cook a cup of warm potato stewed beef brisket, the soup is fresh and thick, the beef brisket is soft and tasty, and the potatoes are fragrant and soft. It is very suitable for eating with your family or entertaining guests.

5. Black beans

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “when it is dark in winter, it must be replenished”. The experience passed down for thousands of years naturally has its own unique features. When it comes to black food, black beans, known as the “king of beans”, have to be mentioned. It contains extremely high calcium content. Middle-aged and elderly people can often drink soy milk in winter to supplement nutrients and absorb them easily.

If the middle-aged and elderly people are not energetic, they can also choose Sanchuangui black soybean milk powder, compared with the current Grinding soy milk is easier to drink, and it uses black beans and black rice, two kinds of black food, “double strength combination”, with higher nutritional value.

Of course, Sanchuangui Black Soybean Milk Powder is also designed in a separate small package, which is not only convenient for storage, but also convenient Middle-aged and elderly people control the amount when brewing, one bag at a time, just enough to make a glass of water. It is warm and luscious to drink. It does not contain sucrose so it will not be sweet and greasy. It is more of a thick and mellow aroma.

Tips:Winter is a “hurdle” for middle-aged and elderly people. Middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention to keeping warm from the cold, and don’t forget to stock up on more supplies at home. In this way, there is no need to go out to buy vegetables and cook in the cold wind every day. The above 5 kinds of food are cold-resistant and easy to store. Always keep some at home, so you can spend the winter without worry.