The cold wave hits, and the dangerous moment for elderly patients with cardiovascular disease arrives

Winter, for our parents, grandparents, not only means cold,It is a test of life< span class="data-color--tt-darkmode-a8a8a8">. All regions are now experiencing a precipitous drop in temperature. The minimum temperature in most parts of Hebei will drop by 10 to 14°C, and the local low temperature will even drop to minus 30°C. The lowest temperature in Shenyang today also reached minus 15℃℃. I can feel the cold through the screen… (Ha~haha~fog~)

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Image source: Tuworm Creativity

Many people don’t know that cold can increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Many elderly people, already have cardiovascular problems, and the cold winter is even worse . Statistical investigation found that,The possibility of angina pectoris in winter is 30% higher than that in other seasons span>. For every 1°C decrease in temperature, the incidence of myocardial infarction will increase by 2%. In addition, fatal diseases such as stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, and bone fractures are more common in winter. Therefore, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in winter is also higher than that in other seasons. From the perspective of health, we have to remind:

Four factors affecting the condition

WinterIn addition to the direct adverse effects of temperature reduction on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,It may also be due to the patient’s change of diet, living style, etc., which may indirectly cause the disease to change and progress. ① Improper diet: The cold will stimulate people’s appetite, and excess nutrients and calorie intake will further destroy the metabolic balance in the patient’s body, affecting blood lipids, blood sugar, uric acid and other indicators.

Image source: Tuchong Creative

Especially those fatty foods rich in fat, will promote blood lipid deposition and plaque formation on the inner wall of blood vesselsinto, and accelerate the progression of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injuries. ② Smoking and drinking: There are many festivals and parties in winter, and many people , especially male friends are often immersed in the joyful atmosphere of swallowing clouds or drinking. But the reality is cruel. Long-term heavy drinking and smoking will cause serious damage to the vital organs of the whole body, including cardiovascular, brain, and liver. It can be said that the wine you drink and the smoke you spit out consume precious lives. ③ Lack of exercise: The cold weather often makes people involuntarily stay at home to read books and watch dramas ,play cell phone. On the one hand, you eat too much and have excess nutrition; on the other hand, you fail to consume the calories in time, and most of them are turned into fat and stored up in the end, resulting in weight gain and bringing more damage to the cardiovascular system. Big burden. ④ Poor sleep: Middle-aged and elderly Sleep is not very good. When the cold wind is howling and the temperature has dropped sharply, it is even more difficult to fall asleep if the room temperature is too low. Insufficient sleep is also a risk factor for elevated blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

4 ways to strengthen self-monitoring

① Follow up on timeSome patients The weather is too cold and it is inconvenient to go out. In winter, I don’t bother to go to the hospital for follow-up visits. I think that I just need to continue to take the medicine according to the original dose. Sometimes even if there are abnormal fluctuations in blood pressure and blood sugar, I don’t care. In fact, at any time, it is very dangerous to let go of abnormal symptoms and excessive blood pressure. No matter what causes the blood pressure to rise or the condition is aggravated, you should seek medical treatment in time, as soon as possible Intervene to maintain as stable a condition as possible. ② Protect against cold and keep warm to avoid excessive temperature difference< span> At home, the indoor temperature must be guaranteed. When the cold wind is howling and the temperature drops sharply, households without heating should turn on the air conditioner or heater, and the temperature can be set at about 18°C. A suitable temperature not only helps to protect the fragile cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, but also ensures a good sleep quality. Of course, it is cold and dry, and you are in a heating environment, so remember to add some water every day. When going out for something, be sure to take measures to prevent cold and keep warm. It is often better to wear several layers of clothing to keep warm than to wear a particularly heavy clothing. In order to protect the head and face, it is recommended to wear hats, masks, scarves, etc. ③ Reasonable diet, scientific tonicHeart and brain Patients with vascular disease must pay attention to diet in winter. All kinds of pickled foods that are common in winter often contain too much salt. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can only taste it occasionally, and it is better to choose fresh ingredients for their daily diet. Chinese people have the habit of tonic in winter, but for those who suffer from chronic underlying cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, they should avoid blindly following the trend of tonic. ④ Quit smoking and limit alcoholRecommend cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Disease patients had better quit drinking and smoking. Patients with high blood pressure and high blood sugar should pay special attention to avoid excessive drinking that interferes with blood pressure and blood sugar stability. The indoor environment is relatively closed in winter.Smoking not only affects your own condition, but also damages the health of your family, especially children. ⑤ Keep exercisingLife lies in exercise,< /span>Exercising at least 30 minutes a day is very important for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. On the one hand, exercise helps to consume excess calories and control weight; on the other hand, exercise can exercise muscles, strengthen cardiopulmonary function, and better inhibit the progress of the “three highs” disease. In short, blood pressure is unstable after cold weather, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are high. But everyone should adopt the attitude of “despise strategically and attach importance to tactics”, pay attention to the above points, and spend a winter with stable blood pressure!


Expert guidance / Zeng Weihua (Anshan Central Hospital) Co-author of this article/yishicankao