The body has these 5 manifestations, mostly it means that there is a problem with the lungs, and it needs to be adjusted in time

Respiratory diseases are common in spring, especially when the weather warms up, plants sprout and grow, and all kinds of pollen, catkins and poplars make people suffering from allergies. Sneezing, runny nose, and frequent coughing affect people’s normal life more or less.

Among them, some patients with underlying lung diseases are suffering. Many people simply know that the occurrence of lung disease will cause patients to cough frequently, but lung disease not only causes coughing, many signals are related to lung disease.

The body has these 5 manifestations, which mostly means that there is a problem with the lungs and needs to be adjusted in time.

1. Chest pain

In addition to coughing,< strong>Chest pain may also be a sign of lung disease. Many people develop local inflammation and even local compression during the development of severe lung disease, which can cause pain.

This situation should not be underestimated. It is best to check the body in time to understand the specific reasons and find out early , Early treatment, do not delay the disease.

2. Fever

This situation can easily be Neglect, before everyone thought it might be seasonal flu, and now we have to wonder if we have the new crown, but in addition to these, body fever may also be a signal of lung disease.

Lung disease is prone to inflammation, and under the influence of inflammation, the body becomes hot and lasts for a long time.

3. Much sputum secretion.

When disease strikes, the body is affected. The main manifestation of lung disease in many people is increased sputum secretion. If you always secrete a lot of phlegm, it may also be a sign of lung disease.

During the development of lung disease, lung function declines and local secretions increase, so many people cough continuously. Therefore, if this happens, you should be alert to lung diseases and take timely improvement measures to restore the health of your lungs.

4. Poor breathing

The main symptom of lung disease in many people is shortness of breath. If you feel clogged during breathing, are constantly having trouble breathing, and are short of breath, this may be a sign of lung disease.

The lung function declines at this time, and the respiratory and circulatory system cannot maintain normal function. The main symptoms of many people are shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Therefore, attention should be paid to these special manifestations, and timely improvement measures should be taken to avoid the continued development of lung diseases.

5. Shoulder pain

Shoulder pain, It could also be a sign of lung disease. Shoulder pain is related to local tension and compression, and the shoulder will feel uncomfortable due to radiating pain.

If the above situation occurs, it is recommended that you see a doctor in time. The lungs are very important organs of the human body and cannot be ignored.


I am Dr. Fan, Cardiologist @fanmin Chinese and Western Medicine Cardiovascular Team pay attention to me and get closer to health