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Dandelion was first recorded as a medicine in the Chinese medicine book Tang Materia Medica. It was recorded in the pharmacopoeia that dandelion can clear heat and detoxify, treat sores and swelling, and even relieve silt and knots. The efficacy, called “Little Cordyceps sinensis” by the ancients, is enough to see the health and medicinal value of dandelion.

And now is spring, the season when dandelions generally grow, and it is also the most suitable time to drink dandelion water. All unexpected.

Drinking dandelion water in spring may ‘take these benefits in your pocket’

< strong>【It can help clear away heat and detoxify】

In spring, because the yang qi is born, and the temperature gradually warms up, if you do not add clothes according to the environmental conditions, it is easy to cause excessive accumulation of yang qi in the body , followed by a fire.

Not only that, in spring, viruses and bacteria are susceptible to infection, it is easy to induce liver fever, rash and other heat-damp symptoms. Under such circumstances, drinking some dandelion water properly every day can be very helpful in relieving this type of fever.

[Nourishing throat and diuretic]

The air in spring is relatively dry and easy to get angry, so many people will have mouth ulcers in spring, Sore throat. As a cold medicinal material, dandelion can play a very good role in reducing fire and curing ulcers, and has always been known as “the grass under fire”.

On the other hand, in the spring, all things grow, and the human body’s metabolism will speed up, and it is easy to accumulate toxins in the body. Dandelion soaking in water also has a very good diuretic effect, which is conducive to assisting the human body to discharge waste, so as to better Take care of your health.

[Reduce the risk of bacterial infection]

Spring is the season of recovery, for some bacterial diseases Insects are no exception. The saponins and other components in dandelion have a good inhibitory effect on common spring bacteria such as typhoid bacillus and staphylococcus. Drinking some dandelion water in spring can effectively reduce inflammatory diseases and risks caused by bacterial infections.

To sum up, drinking dandelion soaked in water in spring can be said to have many benefits. However, dandelion is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine after all. Only when it is taken correctly and scientifically can it be used to its greatest value. Here is a summary of the “three drinks” and “three no-drinks” of dandelion, hoping to provide help for your spring health.

The first is the “Three Drinks” of Dandelion

①Suitable for those with frequent stomach heat People drink

Spring is also a season of high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastric ulcers, bacterial infections and other symptoms, which may cause gastrointestinal fever and irritation, affecting health and life. Therefore, drink properly Dandelion soaked in water can neutralize cold and heat, which can very well relieve stomach heat.

But it should be noted that not all stomach diseases are suitable for drinking dandelion water, such as abdominal pain caused by stomach cold, indigestion symptoms, etc., try to avoid contact with dandelion as much as possible. Kind of cool and cold substances as well.

②Suitable for people with edema and puffiness

Dandelion soaked in water has a very good diuretic and swelling effect. For people with edema and puffiness, it is appropriate to drink Using drenching water to help the body better expel toxins and waste is naturally a healthy choice.

Not only that, Drinking dandelion soaked water properly can not only relieve edema and puffiness, but also help promote kidney metabolism and reduce the risk of toxin accumulation in the urinary system, which is highly recommended.

③Suitable for drinking with other medicinal herbs

Dandelion soaked water can not only be drunk alone, but can also be drunk with other medicinal herbs:

For example, the combination of dandelion and honeysuckle can reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and reduce swelling. When taken together, the effect will naturally be better, and it will help improve A series of symptoms such as getting angry, ulcers, etc.

Another example is dandelion and wolfberry, the mildness of wolfberry and the coldness of dandelion can neutralize each other, on the one hand, it can exert beneficial medicinal effects, and on the other hand, it can reduce its adverse effects. Coldness stimulates the body.

Not only that, soaking dandelion and wolfberry in water can not only help the liver and kidneys detoxify, but also have a nourishing effect, improve the health of organs and tissues, and reduce the risk of disease.

The above are the “three drinks” of dandelion soaking in water, so that everyone can understand the drinking method and various advantages of dandelion soaking in water. At the same time, dandelion soaked in water also has “three no-drinks” that also need our attention.

The “three do not drink” of dandelion soaked in water also need to understand

“three do not drink” ” are “Don’t drink too much”, “Don’t drink too much” and “Not for everyone”.

First of all, don’t drink too much. As mentioned above, dandelion soaks in water and cold, if you drink more, it will also hurt the stomach and other organs that like warm and cold, so it needs to be controlled.

Do not drink indiscriminately, which means that dandelion tea cannot be paired with some wrong things. For example, Ginger, chili and other spicy food, bitter tea, lotus seed heart and other cold ingredients, etc.. Alternation of cold and heat, or excessive cold and cold, will cause harm to the human body. Not only can it not maintain health, but it is more likely to damage health and bury hidden dangers of gastrointestinal diseases.

Finally, it’s not for everyone. This is equally important. Although dandelion tea has high health value, there are also people who should not be avoided, such as the bodyPeople with cold, allergies, women during pregnancy or menstrual period, patients with hypotension, etc. must be taken with caution.

All in all, drinking some dandelion soaked water in spring does have health value, but you also need to pay attention to the way you drink it. Drinking it correctly and healthy can bring the greatest benefit to our body. .


[2]None. Is it appropriate to eat dandelion in spring? [J]. Chinese Family Doctor, 2019(2):1.

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