The 23-year-old boy has a ruptured spleen, urgent! ——The surgery of Lanshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital was successfully treated, praise!

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Correspondent Yu Yuehai

“Before this eye not only affected the aesthetics, but also the eyes could not close, it hurts and tears in the blink of an eye. Now the surgery I no longer cry, my eyes can be closed, and the pain is gone, thanks to Dr. Zhu.” said Wang Xiulian (pseudonym) who came for the review.

The old man suffered from ectropion due to illness and endured eye pain for 20 years

Wang Xiulian is 80 years old this year. Facial paralysis, resulting in left eye paralysis ectropion in the elderly. According to Zhu Zhaochun, director of the Ocular Surface Lacrimal Department of Taian Guangming Aier Eye Hospital, the skin around our eyelids contains the orbicularis muscle. The orbicularis muscle manages the tightness of the eyelid. The orbicularis muscle is innervated by the facial nerve. Decreased function can cause the eyelids to sag, resulting in ectropion.

Why does ectropion cause eye discomfort? Director Zhu explained that our eyes will constantly produce tears to moisten our corneas, except that some tears evaporate into the air when we open our eyes, and the other part flows into the nasal cavity through a channel, which is like the sewer of the eyes. , which we call the tear duct. The eyelid is turned outward, the eyelid margin is away from the eyeball, the entrance of the lacrimal duct and the eyeball cannot be completely compliant, and the tears cannot be discharged from the lacrimal duct, then the tears will overflow from the eyelid, resulting in tearing symptoms, and at the same time, ectropion will cause the eyelid Incomplete closure can lead to symptoms such as dryness of the palpebral conjunctiva, dryness of the cornea, and even ulcers, which make the patient’s eyes very uncomfortable.

The doctor solved the eye disease and helped her recover her face

Seeing Wang Xiulian’s situation, after a detailed examination, Director Zhu Zhaochun gave her Ectropion correction was performed. Today, Wang Xiulian’s ectropion has been treated, and there is no eye discomfort such as tearing and pain in the eyes.

Director Zhu Zhaochun reminded that with the increase of age, the muscle function of middle-aged and elderly people will gradually weaken, and the function of the orbicularis oculi muscle that assists the completion of the lacrimal duct will also be affected, which is prone to ectropion and A variety of lacrimal duct diseases, such as unprovoked tears in the elderly, increased eye secretions and other symptoms, should be paid attention to and seek medical attention as soon as possible.