TCM Strategy & Anti-epidemic|Answer in Jiangxi: Traditional Chinese Medicine Consistent

Jiangxi Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, fully implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and always adhered to the principle of “foreign defense against imports and internal defense against rebound”. Strategy and the general policy of “dynamic clearing”, adjust the epidemic prevention and control strategy according to the time and place, scientifically and accurately.

Since the outbreak of this round of new coronary pneumonia, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have held meetings many times, emphasizing that it is necessary to adhere to classified treatment, strengthen the prevention and treatment of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and improve the scientific, accurate, and efficient diagnosis and treatment. Targeted and effective, and constantly improve the level of medical treatment; it is necessary to classify and diagnose and treat cases with underlying diseases and geriatric diseases, and “one person, one plan and one team” should be carefully treated, build a whole-course prevention and treatment system of traditional Chinese medicine, and explore the prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese and western medicine. New practice and new experience of major epidemics, and practical actions to protect the lives of the people.

Consistently adhere to both Chinese and Western medicine

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, Jiangxi has acted quickly, taken the initiative, adhered to the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, continued to play the role of traditional Chinese medicine in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, and used 51 days to clear all hospitalized confirmed cases. , is the sixth province in the country to be cleared. The epidemic prevention and control in Jiangxi has the characteristics of “two highs and two lows”, that is, the rate of cure and discharge and the participation rate of traditional Chinese medicine are as high as 99.9% and 98.3%, respectively, and the mortality rate and recovery rate are as low as 0.1% and 2.99%, respectively.

On October 30, 2021, the new crown pneumonia outbreak broke out in Shangrao. Jiangxi Provincial Health Commission and Jiangxi Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine urgently dispatched experienced Chinese medicine medical experts to Shangrao City. Treat confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected people at the first time; let the isolation personnel and prevention and control personnel working on the front line use traditional Chinese medicine for preventive intervention as soon as possible. The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine took the initiative to deploy 350,000 packs of traditional Chinese medicines to help local epidemic prevention and control, and gave full play to the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia. On November 16, the epidemic situation in Shangrao was basically cleared from the social aspect, and there were no spillover cases, no tourist infections, no deaths, and no nosocomial infections.

Recently, with the emergence of mutated strains of the new coronavirus, the clinical manifestations of patients with the new coronavirus have new characteristics. On the basis of “Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention and Treatment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Jiangxi Province (Trial Version 4)”, the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention and Control Plan for Centralized Isolation of Mild Cases of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Jiangxi Province” was formulated and promulgated according to the characteristics of the province’s centralized isolation of mild cases. Guide the prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in various places. Up to now, 100% of confirmed patients and asymptomatic infections in the province have been treated with traditional Chinese medicine, and 98% of people in centralized isolation have been treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine relies on the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Epidemic Prevention and Control Base to carry out traditional Chinese medicine prevention and treatment, and once again opened the provincial designated hospital for integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Jiangxi Jiujiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, relying on the National Emergency Medical Rescue Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine, established a Chinese medicine expert group to participate in the local epidemic prevention and control work.

Consistently adhere to one person, one strategy

Especially in this round of epidemic prevention and control, Jiangxi continued to adhere to the synergy of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and the equal emphasis on traditional Chinese and Western medicine. “One person, one policy”, to achieve “one person, one side”, to develop personalized treatment plans.

Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province adheres to the treatment of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, coordinates the resources of traditional Chinese medicine experts in the province and city, and comprehensively uses traditional Chinese medicine to improve the treatment effect. According to the “New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Trial Version 9)”, on the basis of commonly taking Chinese patent medicines, the prescription and dosage should be adjusted as appropriate for special groups such as the elderly, children, and pregnant women. Aiming at the clinical symptoms of many patients with cough, a cough-relieving decoction is formulated to help patients relieve sore throat and cough symptoms. All patients are treated according to the specific situation and syndrome differentiation, and a personalized plan is developed.

In order to ensure the daily supply of traditional Chinese medicine decoction with high quality and quantity, designated hospitals have set up a special class for decoction, brewing traditional Chinese medicine decoction according to clinical needs every day, and ensure that it is delivered to the ward regularly and quantitatively every day. Nursing staff Twice a day, the packaged decoction is delivered to the patient and instructed to take it to ensure that the medicine is taken to the mouth. The mobile emergency traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy of Nanchang Hongdu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was sent to the makeshift hospital to fully guarantee the supply of traditional Chinese medicine. At present, 29 confirmed patients have recovered and been discharged from hospital, and the condition of other confirmed patients is improving. Starting from March 28, the city of Nanchang has resumed normalized epidemic prevention and control in an orderly manner, and the local area has further improved the level of precise prevention and control, consolidating the basic results of social clearing.

At the same time, in the isolation ward of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, a 1-year-old 11-month-old child with mild symptoms of new coronary pneumonia was treated with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Rehabilitation and discharge. The traditional Chinese medicine treatment team of the hospital has implemented policies for patients, with Chaihu Pingwen Granules as the main formula, which has good effects in reducing fever, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, and improving gastrointestinal function. As a provincial-level designated hospital for the treatment of critically ill patients, the hospital has treated a total of 212 patients in 2020 (including 52 severe and 31 critically ill patients).With treatment and treatment based on syndrome differentiation, the symptoms of patients improved rapidly, the improvement time for fever symptoms was 1 to 3 days, and the improvement time for respiratory tract infections and other symptoms was 3 to 7 days.

On March 13, the first case of Omicron infection occurred in Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province. The city immediately set up an expert group for the prevention and control of Chinese medicine epidemics, organized and carried out integrated Chinese and Western medicine treatment work. TCM diagnosis and treatment plan with immune regulation and antiviral as the core. After 8 consecutive days of treatment, the patient’s nucleic acid turned negative twice, and the symptoms of nasal congestion, dry mouth and throat, and cough completely disappeared, reaching the discharge standard.

At the beginning of 2020, Jiangxi also established the first provincial-level designated hospital for integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine outside Wuhan, Hubei Province. All 28 confirmed patients were treated with traditional Chinese medicine. Among them, 13 cases were treated with pure traditional Chinese medicine, 15 cases were treated with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, no hormones were used, no death cases, and no cases of rejuvenation, which has accumulated valuable experience for the treatment of patients with new coronary pneumonia by traditional Chinese medicine.

Always implement prevention first

In 2020, Jiangxi will distribute more than 2 million doses of preventive traditional Chinese medicine to susceptible groups in the medical observation stage and on the front line of epidemic prevention and control. The Chinese medicine prevention plan was promoted to enterprises and institutions that resumed production and work earlier in the country, and 500,000 doses of preventive traditional Chinese medicine were distributed to the enterprises that resumed work. All isolation observation points are equipped with TCM physicians to guide the promotion of TCM preventive measures. Continue to consolidate the phased prevention and control results of zero hospital infection incidents, zero reports of community transmission, zero overseas imports, zero infection in special places, and zero incidence of resumption of work and production.

In addition to helping to prevent and treat COVID-19, Jiangxi has also launched a corresponding diet plan for the symptoms of spleen-qi deficiency and qi-yin deficiency in the recovery period of patients. Fibrosis symptoms, the “Wenfei Huaxian Decoction” was developed, which has been widely used in the treatment and rehabilitation of new coronary pneumonia. The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has also set up the province’s first TCM rehabilitation clinic for COVID-19 to provide services for patients who have recovered from COVID-19.

Actively participate in the international joint fight against the epidemic

In April 2020, Jiangxi Province set up a Chinese government (Jiangxi) joint working group to Uzbekistan with Chinese medicine experts as the main body to assist the country in carrying out epidemic prevention and control work, providing overseas Chinese citizens Provide scientific and professional guidance on epidemic prevention and control. Donated 2.6 million yuan including anti-epidemic drugs and 100,000 nucleic acid test kits to Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan has specially approved the temporary registration of 13 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines assisted by Jiangxi Province, including the granules of saffron and plum leaves, heat-sensitive moxibustion sticks and 13 kinds of Chinese patent medicines; The Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan also approved the practice of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine doctors in Uzbekistan Licensed, the participation of traditional Chinese medicine in Uzbekistan’s anti-epidemic has been highly praised by the country.

Show Chinese medicine culture at the 2021 Shanghai Cooperation Organization Traditional Medicine Forum.

Jiangxi Province, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Good-Neighborliness and Friendship Cooperation Committee and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine successfully held the 2020 and 2021 Shanghai Cooperation Organization Traditional Medicine Forums. Government officials, experts and scholars from SCO countries shared traditional The medical experience in anti-epidemic has expanded the international influence of traditional Chinese medicine and promoted the deepening of cooperation in traditional medicine between China and foreign countries.

As a major province of traditional Chinese medicine, Jiangxi has a profound cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine. Facing the “epidemic” exam, the province’s traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have the courage to take responsibility, take the initiative to act, and consistently promote the prevention and control of traditional Chinese medicine epidemics. Focusing on the goals and requirements of “being a demonstration and striving to be the first”, strive to win the double victory of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and strive to deliver qualified Chinese medicine answers to the people of the province with practical actions and positive results.